Minutes of a Meeting of the Chatham-Kent Family Health Team Board

Held on March 6, 2017 at Blenheim Medical Centre

Present:Leo MarentetteLaura Johnson

Elinor MifflinJulie Faas

Rob WatsonPaul Weese

Alison MillsWayne Schnabel

Milind PatelJim McNamara

Dr. Allison Morand Susan Paulley

1.1Meeting called to order at 5:47 pm by Chair.Leo Marentette.

2.1No in-camera sessions at this meeting.

** Dr. Allison Morand was introduced and welcomed by all in attendance **

3.1Approval of Agenda:

Jim McNamara motioned the agenda be accepted as printed, seconded by Susan Paulley. Addition to the agenda was requested by Rob Watson – “Scope of Executive Committee” – to be added under New Business.


4.1Approval of Minutes:

Rob Watsonmotioned the minutes of the meeting from January 25, 2017 be accepted as printed, seconded by Milind Patel.


5.1Committee Reports:

  1. Finance Committee –Report not posted for review. Verbal feedback given by James McNamara. Six meetings have been scheduled for 2017. Last meeting of February 27thfinancials and cheque registers were reviewed and accepted. Will continue to review cheque register until further notice by the Board. Year-to-date financials and projections look positive as we come to the end of fiscal 2016/2017. Next meeting of the Finance Committee is scheduled for March 27th at which time the Finance Committee will review the 2017/18 Budget.
  2. QI/IT Committee – Paul Weese and Julie Faas continuing to complete risk assessment for our committee. One more meeting is required to provide final report at next board meeting. Continue to work on IT policy. QI -- work to establish focus groups.
  3. Governance Committee –No formal report. Wayne raised the issues of the New not-for-profit corporation act may affect the FHT Bylaws and may require changes. Discussion surrounding seeking legal advice, guidance from AFHTO and requiring ongoing meetings.
  4. Community Relations – Nothing to report. Work ongoing to discuss Risk Management associated with Community relations. Also working with QI/IT committee.
  5. Executive Committee–No meeting this month, or formal report.
  6. HR Committee – Nothing to report, no meeting.

6.1 Finance

  1. Financial report –Alison Mills reported no adjustments for amounts to be paid back. We have received 3 reconciliations for maintenance and rental costs from Dresden, Wallaceburg and Blenheim. Still waiting on Ridgetown and Chatham. Property tax rebate has been filed. Consider purchasing IT needs prior to the year end.
  2. Fundraising update -

Motion by James McNamara for administrationto consider any necessary “one time expenditures” to be incurred prior to March 31st and report to Executive Committee. Seconded by Susan.


7.1Business arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Items

a)Strategic Planning Process–Laura Johnson has approached 3 separate consultants. Members have requested a full proposal be submitted by Tom Little. Laura will also connect with Tom McCarthy as a potential facilitator to our strategic planning process. Laura will provide details at next Board meeting. Looking for 3 year strategic plan – open discussion.

b)Physician Recruitment update: Fanny Vavoulis is back on board at CKHA as the physician recruiter. One possible interest, but no follow through -- Kristen McCullough – available summer 2018. Dr. Allison Morand has recommended that the FHT physicians create a committee to represent our FHT to new recruits.

c)Compensation Structure Update: Nothing to update. Continuation of lobbying government to increase budget – no feed back to date.

d)Cogeco Update: Maria and Lisa continue testing at each site. No formal details to report.

e)AFHTO update – nothing new to report

8.1 Executive Directors Report: Laura Johnson reports good meetings with the LHIN. Continued funding from the LHIN will allow our team to keep Heather Foley’s position. Health Link will not exist in the same capacity as at March 31st as funding from the hospital will end March 31st2017. The 3 FHTs and CHC will

continue to hold discussions aboutthe future of Health Link from a primary care perspective.

9.1New Business

Executive Committee

As Identified in policies and procedures of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee will exercise the full powers of the board in all matters of administrative urgency between meetings, otherwise the entire board will be called to an adhoc meeting.

Executive Committee duties/responsibility/authorities were discussed at length. Further discussions will take place.


Leo Marentette moved to adjourn at 7:51 pm.


Next meeting: Monday April 10, 2017 in Dresden

These Minutes were recorded and transcribed by Brenda Riha to whom any errors and omissions should be reported