Tender Notice

Zonal Office, Guwahati

Department of Information Technology

Ref.no. ZO/GHY/UPS/Battery/111 Dated : 11.08.2017

Allahabad Bank Zonal Office, Guwahati intend to makeEmpanelment cum rate contractfor a period of one year with authorized vendor/vendorsfor Supply, installation and commissioning of batteries on buyback of old batteriesfrom authorized vendors for the UPS systems installed at different branches under Allahabad Bank’s Guwahati Zone.

Accordingly sealed quotations are invited in 2 Bid systems for supply & installation of batteries as detailed below, from eligible manufactures & authorized dealers. Details on eligibility of the vendor along with supporting documents/ certificates, technical specificationalong with details of warranty, etc. is to be submitted on one envelope marked as Technical Bid, and Price of the items along with delivery/installation/commissioning charges, etc. as per the format given are to be submitted on other envelope marked as Financial Bid.

Quotations (envelope) super-scribed “ Quotation for Empanelment cum rate contract for supply and installation of battery for UPS systems ” (containing separate sealed envelops for both the Technical bid and Financial Bid)is to be submitted to the Zonal Office by 31st August, 2017 upto 2.00 p.m,at the following address :

The Chief Manager,

Allahabad Bank Zonal Office

G S Road, Opp. Bora Service,

Guwahati -781007

Eligibility Criteria and other Terms and conditions:

  1. Bidders should have minimum 5 years of experience in this line of activity.
  2. Bidders should have supplied batteries to Public / Private sector Banks in the last two years and their service should be satisfactory.
  3. Vendor must have the service centers/ engineers locally atGuwahati, Silchar, Imphal, Shillong.
  4. Vendor must be authorized dealer/distributor of Exide/Panasonic/Quanta brand batteries.. Certificate of authorization from the company must be enclosed.
  5. Validity Period: The period of the empanelment cum rate contract will initially be for a period of six months from the date of start of the contract and the rate will remain same for the period. Bank may consider for extension of the period for another six months on satisfactory services.
  6. The Bank shall place order for supply and installation of the batteries for the branches as and when required at the contracted rate during the validity period of six months.
  7. The Bank may consider for empanelment of more than one vendor for the rate contract.

Place of Work / Branches under Zonal Office, Guwahati which is spread across North Eastern states of Assam(excepting upper Assam), Manipur and Meghalaya
Quantity / As and When needed by the Branches.
Specifications /
  1. Sealed maintenance Free Valve regulated Lead Acid Battery >= 12V each of uniform AH rating.
(i)42 AH
(ii)65 AH
(iii)75 AH
(iv)100 AH
  1. Make: Exide/ Panasonic/ Quanta for installing in 6,5,3,2 KVA UPS systems with minimum two years warranty.
  2. Buy-Back of old Batteries

Time of Completion of Work / 3 Days
Tender Documents Availability / Allahabad Bank, Zonal Office, G S Road,
Oppo.- Bora Service, Ulubari, Guwahati – 781007
The tender can also be downloaded from Bank’s website

Date of issue of Tender / 11.08.2017
Last date of Submission of Tender / 31.08.2017 by 2.00 PM
Date of opening of tender / 01.09.2017 at 3.00 PM
Authority & Place of submission of Tender / The Chief Manager, Allahabad Bank, Zonal Office, G S Road, Opp.- Bora Service, Ulubari, Guwahati – 781007

Bank reserves the right to accept/reject any make/price without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

Chief Manager

Terms and Conditions

(To be signed and attached along with Sealed Quotation)

  1. Date of Commencement: - The date of commencement shall be reckoned as the date of work order issued to the successful bidder.
  2. Time of completion: - The work shall be completed in all respect within a period of 3 (Three) days from the issuance of work order. Standby arrangements shall be made within 24 hours.
  3. Liquidated damages:- If the supplier fails to complete the job (supply, installation and commissioning of batteries) within the stipulated time, the bank will be entitled to charge liquidated damage @ 0.5% of the accepted contract sum per week subject to a maximum of 10% of the accepted contract sum.
  4. Validity Period: - The price quoted shall be valid for a period of One Year.
  5. Order shall be placed as per the requirement from time to time during the validity period of the empanelment.
  6. Delivery freight and all other similar charges shall be borne by the supplier and no separate payment shall be made on this account.
  7. Item Rate should be inclusive of all taxes (GST, etc.) as applicable.
  8. Any damage caused by the workman of the successful bidder to wall, ceiling, floors or existing furniture & fixtures etc. should be made good at their cost.
  9. The successful bidder shall make arrangement for storage of materials, tools and equipments etc at site and the bank shall not bear any expenses and risk also on this accounts.
  10. Any materials found defective by the bank during or after execution of work shall be removed from site by the successful bidder and such materials should not be re-used in the work.
  11. In case of unsatisfactory execution, incompetence, bad workmanship, use of materials officially rejected by the bank, Bank is empowered to terminate the contract and engage separate agencies for completing the work on successful bidders risk and cost by serving 6 days notice to the successful bidder.
  12. The successful bidder will observe all necessary precaution at his cost to safeguard the workers during execution of work.
  13. Bidders are advised to see the proposed site/branch premises before quoting their rates.
  14. The rates in the tender should be mentioned in figures as well as in words.
  15. The Successful bidders(s) has to submit PerformanceSecurity for `20,000.00(Twenty thousand only) in the form of Bank Guarantee favoring Allahabad Bank Zonal Office Guwahati valid for 1 year from the date of empanelment.
  16. In case of Battery failure during warranty period, the vendor has to replace the batteries at their own cost within 3 days.Standby arrangements shall be madeby the vendor within 24 hours.
  17. The vendor has to replace the entire set of batteries within a week, in case of multiple failure occurs during warranty period.

Signature of the bidder

Date : (With seal)

Place :



Tender for the Supply & Installation of Batteries
for UPS system installed at different branches under Allahabad Bank Zonal Office Guwahati
Sl. No. / Description / Rate/ Piece
(Unit price) in ` / Tax
` / Buyback Price
1. / Supply and Installation SMF, Valve Regulated Lead Acid batteries with Minimum 2 years warranty. / Battery Make
(i) / (12V-42AH SMF)
(ii) / (12V-65AH SMF)
(iii) / (12V-75AH SMF)
(iv) / (12V-100AH SMF)
2. / Warranty Period(to be mentioned)
  1. Note: Above rates include all applicable Taxes(GST) and Transportation Installation charges, etc., and no separate payment shall be made on this account.

Signature of the bidder with Seal

Date :

Place :



Ref. Tender Notice ZO/GHY/UPS/Battery/111 dated 11/08/2017 for empanelment of vendor for supply and installation of SMF batteries for UPS Systems installed at branches

Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value


THIS AGREEMENT made the ______day of 2017 Between ALLAHABAD BANK Zonal Office (hereinafter the Purchaser") of one part and______(Name of Empanelled Vendor) of the other part:

WHEREAS the Purchaser is desirous that certain goods and ancillary services should be provided by the Empanelled Vendor, viz, (SMF battery for UPS systems at branches) and has accepted a bid by the Empanelled Vendor for supply of Goods and services to meet itsrequirement from time to time.


  1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to.
  2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as Part of this

Agreement viz. :

(a)the Bid form and price schedule submitted by the bidder;

(b)the schedule of requirements;

(c)the Technical Specifications;

(d)the Terms and Conditions of Empanelment Contract;

(e)The Purchaser's Notification of Empanelment

  1. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Empanelled Vendor in terms of purchase Orders for procurement of goods and services placed by Zonal Office of

the purchaser, the empanelled vendor hereby covenants with the Purchaser to provide the goods andservices and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of thecontract.

  1. The purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Empanelled vendor in consideration of the provision of the Goods and services and the remedying of defects therein, the Purchase order Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

Brief particulars of the goods and service which the Empanelled vendor shall be required tosupply/provide to the Purchaser from time to time in terms of purchase orders for procurement of goodsand services that will be placed by Zonal Office of the Purchaser are as under:

SMF batteries of different ratings viz. 42AH, 65AH, 75AH and 100 AH for UPS systems installed at branches / Supply, Installation and onsite maintenance during Warranty period of the equipment.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance withtheir respective laws the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and Delivered by the

Said ______(For the Empanelled Vendor)

in presence of ______

Signed, sealed and Delivered by the

Said ______(For the Purchaser)

in presence of ______

Annexure - B




Bank Guarantee No. Date:


Allahabad Bank

WHEREAS ______(name of the Vendor/Supplier) hereinafter called “the Vendor” has undertaken, in pursuance of Purchase order Ref No.______dated ______20______to supply ______(Description of Goods and Services) hereinafter called “the order”.

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said order that the Vendor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized Bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Vendor’s performance obligations under the contract.

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Vendor a Guarantee.

THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you on behalf of the Vendor , up to a total of Rs. ______(Amount of guarantee in words and figures) and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the Vendor to be in default under the contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limit of Rs. ______(Amount of guarantee.) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This guarantee is valid until ______day of ______20___.

Signature and seal of Guarantors.



Note: 1)Vendor should ensure that seal and code no. of the signatory is put by the bankers, before submission of the bank guarantees.

2) Stamp paper is required for the bank guarantees issued by the banks located in India.