Thank you for taking the time to apply to FTI. Please read the entirety of this application and follow the instructions carefully.

We do not hold auditions/interviews for FTI so this application is our chance to get to know you. We ask for your resume so we can get a sense of your experience, but our decision is based primarily on your thoughtful but concise answers to the questions below.Applications should be sent to and must be received by 11:59pm on September 10th. Applications received after 11:59 on September 10th will not be considered.



Name ______

1) Why would you like to participate in the Free Training Initiative? What do you hope to get out of the workshops? What have you taken from your previous acting training, and how do you feel the FTI could benefit you?

2) How did you hear about Fiasco?

3) Check one:

__ I have previously applied to FTI

__ This is my first time applying to FTI

4) If you are currently employed (either in a theater-related or non-related job) please tell us what you do.


Applicants must make a commitment to attend the entire workshop, please read and sign the following commitment form. Typed signatures are acceptable.


I, ______, would like to participate in Fiasco's Free Training Initiative. I understand that my presence is required at each class for the benefit of the entire group and my scene partner(s). I am making the commitment to give my time to the entirety of the workshop. I will be available to attend every class. If I must miss part of a class I will work this out with Fiasco at least 24 hours in advance. I realize that if I fail to attend all classes I may endanger my ability to participate in future Fiasco events.



FTI Applicant


There are two FTI workshops being offered concurrently:


The Fiasco 3-Week FTI, October 4th-21st

12 students for 3 weeks

Wednesdays 12-4pm, Thursdays 6pm-9pm and Saturdays 12-4pm

Classes will be held in Brooklyn (Ft Greene), taught by Jessie Austrian

This class is a primer on Fiasco’s approach to how to rehearse most effectively. Students will work on monologues, two-person scenes and group ensemble rehearsal, covering text and voice work, approaches to rehearsing verse and prose, how to rehearse at the table and how to rehearse as an ensemble.


Masterclass: Shakespeare's Verse and Prose, October 3rd-5th

Oct 3: 11-3, Oct 4: 11-2, Oct 5: 11-2

Classes will be held in Manhattan, taught by Ben Steinfeld

This 10-hour masterclass will lead a group of ten students through a detailed exploration of Fiasco's approach to unlocking both verse and prose in Shakespeare.

Please check one:

___ I would like to be considered for either class

___ Only consider me for Option A

___ Only consider me for Option B


Please include a headshot and resume with your application. If possible, please paste them into this document so it all arrives as one attachment. Send your application to

Please rename this document so the title includes your first and last name (e.g. YourNameFTI.doc or .pdf) before you email it.

Thank you!

Fiasco Theater