O R D E R - FOR M - Food SafetyBusiness Unit
WESSLING Hungary Ltd.
H-1047 Budapest, Fóti út 56.
Tel: (+36-1) 872-3600
Fax: (+36-1) 435-0101
Customer passing the Order: / Data of Customer / Address:Supplier/Forwarder: / Phone/Telefax:
Name of the Sampling Person: / e-mail:
Time of Sampling: / year / month / day / Contact Person:
Place of Sampling: / VAT number:
Ref. Number of the Price Quotation: / Cost Bearer :
(if different from Customer) / Name:
Contract Number: / Address:
Description of the Sample(s)
(to enter on Report) / Sample(s) identifying data
(to enter on Report) / Number of Sample items / Packing / Analyses/Measurements ordered / Remarks
(500Ft.)Based on provisions of Law, MÉ,Specifications
Date and Time of taking over the Sample(s) / year / month / day / hour / minute / Deadline requested for / Normal Deadline / URGENTLY :with 40 % Surcharge
Report (pieces)* / Hungarian / English / German
We order hereby for the above indicated examinations/measurements / Signature / Report types:(the requested alternative to be underlined) / a) 1 Copy of Report to each Sample/
b) 1 Single Report covering the entire Order
Receiving Party
(to be filled in by Wessling) / Signature / *Prices include the costs of one Examination Report in English or German or Hungarian language. Further copies can be ordered against 1000 HUF in the same language nor against 2000 HUF in a different one out of the above three languages
To be filled in compulsorily
F-20/E Order Form
Version 3 /28 January 2014 / Signing of this form by Customer or its authorized representative, or returning it electronically to WESSLING Hungary Kft. constitutes a written order, in which Customer affirms that in the absence of other written agreement it accepts the general terms of business of WESSLING Hungary Kft., specifically the content of the General Terms and Conditions of WESSLING Hungary Kft. () or any valid Quotation. / Page: