Lubbock USBC Association

Application for Prospective LUSBC Board Member

When completing this application, if you have additional information or a resume you would like to include, please attach as separate sheets.

Name of prospective LUSBC Board Member______

Home Address______


Telephone: Day______Evening______



I am applying for the following position on the Lubbock USBC Board:

Director______Vice President______President______

How long have you been a member of USBC (formerly ABC, WIBC, YABA)?

Please describe any contributions and achievements you have contributed / received in relation to the Sport of Bowling:

Keeping Lubbock USBC’s goals in mind, what do you see as our major priority and how would you address it?

In you own words, what is your vision for Lubbock USBC?

What experience, talents, skills and/or abilities do you bring that will benefit Lubbock USBC and the position for which you are applying?

Why do you want to serve as a member of the Lubbock USBC Board?

Please describe your service, contributions and achievements in civic or charitable organizations other than bowling.

Have you been suspended from ABC, WIBC, YABA or USBC? Yes No If yes, please explain.

Please describe any other information you consider significant to this association and application.

The USBC has a Registered Volunteer Program which accomplishes a background check on all USBC volunteers. Are you willing to participate in this program? Yes No If no, please explain.

Please read the following carefully before signing this form:

All information contained in the application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that misrepresentations or omissions of any kind may result in denial or removal from office (whichever is applicable).


Application Deadline:

Submit Application To:

Deb West

3635 60th Street

Lubbock, Texas 79413

Lubbock USBC Association

Summary of Involvement

  1. Attend all board of directors meetings
  2. Enforcing the bylaws and complying with the Lubbock USBC Operations Manual
  3. Help in getting Leagues certified by:
  4. Delivering supplies at the beginning of the year.
  5. Answer questions when asked by bowlers regarding benefits of certifying.
  6. Keep in contact with the office – particularly if there are questions you cannot answer.
  7. Support USBC and Lubbock USBC as a public relations representative at all times.
  8. Make award presentations during the year.
  9. Assist in lane certification and lane inspections.
  10. Work tournaments and promote tournaments by helping distribute entry blanks and generally through word of mouth.
  11. Assist in distribution of awards to secretaries and bowlers throughout the year.
  12. Promote the sport of bowling and to be available to help in public relations and distribution of materials when possible and when requested.
  13. Must pass background check as approved by USBC
  14. Below are some of the committees presently operational for Lubbock USBC. Please place a check mark next to the ones you might have an interest in. There is a brief description of each committee below.

_____Finance & Budget_____Legislative_____Nominating

_____Tournaments_____Fundraisers_____Hall of Fame

_____Lane Certification_____Publicity_____Banquet



Finance and Budget: Responsible for the fiscal stability of the association. Prepares a budget with the Association Manager to be approved by the board of directors.

Legislative: Reviews bylaws and amendment proposals in order to make recommendations to the board of directors.

Nominating: Standing committee required to assist in shaping the organization’s structure. Established a system and prepares a slate for elections.

Tournaments: Responsible for setting up the rules and operation of the association’s annual tournaments.

Fundraisers: Responsible for the fundraising and charitable work of the association.

Hall of Fame: Recognizes the best n the area for their ability and meritorious services by honoring them through election and inductions into the Hall of Fame.

Lane Certification: Responsible for yearly inspections of centers to ensure all lanes meet the specifications require by USBC

Publicity: Responsible for preparing posters, flyers, announcements, etc. to aide in getting information to the bowlers. Writes an article for Across Texas Lanes once a quarter.

Banquet: Responsible for securing a place and date for the annual awards banquet. Decorates the facility and oversees the banquet.

Awards: Responsible for establishing local awards and award forms. Establishes requirements for Honor Awards (with board approval); review of applications and announcing winners during the banquet.

Policy (operations): reviewing the association’s Operations Manual and amending (with board approval) if necessary

Scholarship: Reviewing applications and submitting recommendations to the board

Yearbook: Responsible for securing bids for printing of the yearbook, advertisement renewals, new advertising, and getting the yearbook ready for printing.