1430 Confederate Avenue
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
December 20th, 2016
Convene: 1:30 pm Adjourn: 2:45 pm
Chairperson Sonksen called the meeting to order and a moment of silence followed.
Present: Peter Smith and Mary Sonksen: Dr. Judy Johnson and Rosemary Roberson via phone
Public Comment: None
Approval of November Minutes: Ms. Roberson made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Smith seconded the motion.
The motion passed.
Financial Report: Mr. Sims stated we have spent 37.19% of our budget with encumbrances.
Dr. Johnson made a motion to accept the financial report. Ms. Roberson seconded the motion.
The motion passed.
Commissioner’s Report:
Mr. Kirby said the National Federal of the Blind of SC will hold their winter meeting on February 4th, 2017, and SCCB will attend.
The agency head meetings have not been held for several years, but recently the Department of Administration has reconvened the meetings. The first meeting was held several weeks ago. The goal is to have two meetings a year.
We presented our 2017/2018 budget to the Senate Finance Sub-Committee members on December 14th. The members are Senators Alexander, Nicholson and Verdin.
The Foundation for the South Carolina Commission for the Blind Legislative Breakfast is Wednesday, February 1st starting at 8:00am lasting until 10:00am in the Blatt Building at the corner of Assembly and Pendleton Streets (behind the State House) on the first floor room 112.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Public Comment: None
Ms. Sonksen wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Ms. Roberson added for everyone to be safe and for Ms. Johnson to enjoy her vacation.
Board Meetings: January 17, February 14
Adjourn: Ms. Roberson made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Smith seconded the motion.
The motion passed.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.