SWPLL Board Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2015
Present: Mel, Jamie, Joelle, Chad, Lisa, John, Steve, Dave, Todd, Jason, Gordon, Rich, Katie. Also present Del Starr, David Roletto, Valerie Joerger and Anna Taff.
Meeting called to order 7:10 pm.
April minutes approved on motion (LK/GH).
D4 report: election of administrator put off until June. Further discussion of candidates following on from April meeting. New postseason tournament dates for 9/10 and 10/11 BB allstars is June 27-July 5. Majors softball July 15-24. Dave to put out an e-mail and get registration open.
Alpenrose kickoff recap: it was successful. Alumni vs. 50/70 game particularly well received. Profit of $1,200, mostly from concessions. Also parents have said they appreciate having picture day at the same time.
Alpenrose Day May 30. Need to get the word out for volunteers, mostly for things other than concessions. Concessions volunteers have to be at least 14. Raffle baskets need to be contributed per-team at the AA, AAA and Majors levels, and delivered no later than 8:30 am that day. Need a separate blast e-mail about the pancake breakfast to drive traffic – 50/70 baseball team will run it. Board also approved memorial recognition for Charlie Donahue to take place right before the manager’s game. Mel will circulate the Board Member to-do list for Alpenrose Day.
Postseason tournament team selections: softball will have 8-10 honors, 10-12 honors and 11/12 allstars. Tiffany nominated to be head coach of 11/12 allstars with the other majors managers as assistants. Tentative manager for 10-12 honors is David Brooks. P.C. Mesher to coach 8-10 honors. Motion to approve (TM/JJ). Approved.
Del Starr raised an issue about postseason manager selection process. Options for participation in Board processes by non-Board members was discussed. Dave noted that bylaws currently require selection of postseason managers by league president with approval by Board. Board reiterated that all Board meetings are open to all members, and members are encouraged to attend.
Baseball postseason: five choices – 11/12 allstars, 10/11 allstars, 9/10 allstars, 11/12 honors, 8-10 honors. SWPLL is tournament organizers for 8-10 honors tournament at Alpenrose. Motion to have 11/12 allstars team (JJ/TM) approved. Motion to have two 8-10 honors teams (TM/GH) approved. Motion to have 10/11 allstars team (TM/JR) approved. Motion to have 11/12 honors team (JJ/GH) approved. Rich to solicit manager interest ASAP. Manager election meeting is Tuesday May 26 at 6:30 pm.
Motion to approve postseason registration fee at $100 for all levels (TK/CJ) approved. John asked that registration make clear that potential travel expenses are not included in registration fee. Player selection meeting June 9 at 7:00 pm. Motion to approve same selection procedures as last year, using AAA coach vote method for 8-10 honors also (TK/DP) approved.
Candy sale – single A doing fine (mostly buyouts) but tee ball not getting a lot of participation. We are close to being able to pay for the stock; further sales will be profit. Have a lot of inventory – need to move it at Alpenrose Day and postseason.
Financial report - $11,990.41 in the bank. This is lower balance than usual due to candy purchase.
Safety report – two reports received but nothing serious. VPs please remind managers about concussion policy and need to file safety reports with Lisa if a concussion is even suspected.
Umpires – no report.
Equipment – Majors and AAA needs more game balls; Jason to drop off boxes at Mel’s house. John reports a donation from Sarah Otto of seven new gloves which he will give to Mel for distribution.
Uniforms – need to recruit a coordinator for next year. Joelle may be interested.
Coaches – no report. Mel reminded VPs to make sure managers/coaches feel appreciated and invite them to the managers’ game at Alpenrose.
Dave R recommended adding a suggestion box to the website.
Sponsors report – expecting $1,000 from Allstate.
Mel asked Dave to get information on website about the GoFund site for Charlie Donahue’s medical expenses.
Fields – no report.
Softball – no report. Majors – lots of parity; umpires have been fantastic. 50/70 team is playing very well given that team is younger that most of its competition. Discussion ongoing in coordination with Coach Shetler about possible juniors program next year. AAA – internal postseason tournament is June 8-12; umpires have also been fantastic. Games have been generally competitive. AA – season going well; is proving to be a building year as planned. This is Steve’s last meeting and he thanks everyone for the opportunity. Board thanked Steve for his service. A – most kids will be ready for AA next year. Tee ball – rumors are going around that some outs have been made. Jamie and Katie to coordinate about trophies for tee ball which are in the budget - Mel recommends Bye Engraving on Barbur.
Baseball damage to car near Markham discussed. Motion to say “no” to request to pay cost of repair (TM/TK) approved.
Adjourn 9:50 pm. Next meeting Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at Joe’s Burgers.