PUENTE: Program for Undergraduate Empowerment, Networking, and Transitional Exploration

A.  Program Overview

The PUENTE mentorship program was created in collaboration with the Latin American Graduate & Professional Student Assemble (LAGAPSA) and Center for Hispanic Excellence: La Casa Latina to connect upperclassmen and graduate students across campus. Graduate advisors will provide academic support, professional guidance, and serve as peer mentors for juniors and seniors. The partnerships between the undergraduate and graduate students will be designated according to shared interests and professional endeavors. The PUENTE mentorship program also allows for undergraduate and graduate student leaders to build networks and create a supportive community that is invested in mutual success.

B.  Advisor Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Advisors are expected to remain in regular contact with their advisees throughout the spring semester.
  2. Advisors are expected to attend the Advisor Orientation and Match Reveal and one networking, one professional, and one community event throughout the duration of the program.

C.  Types of Events

·  Social Events: 3/21/15 and 4/30/15

·  Networking Events: 2/11/15** and 4/25/15

·  Professional Events: 3/4/15 and TBD

·  Community Events: 3/21/15 and TBD

**2/11/15 is the Mandatory Advisee/Advisor Orientation and Match Reveal

D.  Desirable Qualities of a PUENTE Advisor

·  Responsible and reliable

·  Willing listener

·  Encouraging and supportive

·  Patient and flexible

·  Empathetic and respectful of individual differences

E.  Application Process

Submit application as an attachment to by 02/6/2015. Once submitted, you will be contacted about next steps by Sarah Palomo, LAGAPSA Vice Chair and La Casa Latina’s Counseling Graduate Assistant.

PUENTE: Advisor Application

* All fields must be filled out for application to be considered complete.

First Name:

Last Name:

Campus Address:

Phone Number:



Program of Study:

Area of Specialization:

Current Year:

Degree Type:

Graduation Date:

Intended Career Path (or Job) after Graduation:

Your Undergraduate Major:

I describe my gender as:

I am an international student (yes or no):

Is there a specific undergraduate you have been in contact with whom you would like as an advisee?

For each of the following questions, please limit your responses to 150 words maximum:

  1. Why are you interested in participating in PUENTE and what do you hope to gain as an advisor?
  1. What do you feel are your strengths as a graduate student at Penn? What qualities, skills, or other attributes do you feel you have that would benefit an advisee?
  2. What are your academic and extracurricular interests? What are your commitments and what are your leadership experiences?
  1. As an advisor, how would you help your advisee transition into life after graduation?
  1. What are your hobbies and how do you enjoy spending your time outside of school?
  1. If you could go anywhere in the world for one day, where would you go and why?
  1. Feel free to list any concerns about becoming an advisor or anything else you want to share about yourself.
  1. You will be required to maintain communication with your advisee throughout the academic school year, what means of communication would you prefer?

Please carefully read the following submitting:

I understand that this program will require a commitment from February 2015 through May 2015.

I understand that I am required to attend the Advisor Orientation and Match Reveal.

I understand that I am expected to attend at least one networking, one professional, and one community event.

I understand that I am expected to maintain regular communication with my advisee throughout the academic school year.

By submitting below, I attest to the truthfulness of all information listed on this application and agree to all the above terms and conditions.