Khadija Kathae Elaine Andrews


Current: 11 Topaz Terrace

Diamond Vale

Diego Martin

Home: (868) 637-9049

Cell: (868) 484-4864




To become a part of an environment that will help me further my knowledge in the fields of mental health, psychology or rehabilitative counseling as it relates to children with special needs, developmental disabilities and chronic/terminal illness.


University of Buffalo September 2009– Present

Buffalo, NY Pursuing Masters of Science

U.S.A. Rehabilitation Counseling

Florida State University August 2007– August 2009

Tallahassee, FL Bachelors of Science

U.S.A Psychology with minor in Biology

New Jersey Institute of Technology August 2005– December 2006

Newark, NJ Major: Biological Science


Holy Name Convent September 1999-June 2004

Port-of-Spain (4) Grade I CXC Ordinary Level Examinations

Trinidad, W.I. (3) Grade II CXC Ordinary Level Examinations

Grade C GCE A/O Level Examinations

Work Experience

GM, HR & Administration August 2009– Present

QM Caribbean/ The Security Zone

Trinidad, W.I.

Administrative Assistant/Secretary Summer 2007 & 2008

OM Caribbean Limited

Trinidad, W.I.

Manager & Teacher June 2006-August 2006

Summer Camp

Trinidad, W.I.

Clerical Assistant January 2006-December 2006

Albert Dorman Honors College (Fall and Spring semesters)

Newark, NJ

Research/Clinical Experience

Undergraduate Directed Individual Study May 2009 – August 2009
PSY 4920: Women’s Health
Title: Using Message Framing to Promote HPV Vaccination
The goal of this project was to assess the effectiveness of a loss-framed intervention (relative to a gain-framed and standard-of-care control intervention) in promoting catch-up HPV vaccination in young adult women.
·  Participated as a research assistant on a study being conducted at the Florida State University
·  Led/Facilitated approximately 2 experiment sessions per day; each session having no more than 5 participants.
·  Set up the computer stations and work areas for the participants prior to each session.
·  Served as a liaison between the participants in the study and the professor; answering questions or addressing concerns when necessary.
·  Participated in weekly discussions/forums concerning the theoretical basis of the experiment and the research.
Volunteer Work

Jumpstart Corps Member October 2007-April 2008

·  Participated in an award-winning network of exceptional college students who prepare at-risk preschool children for school success.

·  Implemented early childhood curriculum, supported family involvement and promoted skill building for one partner child at Murrat Hills Head Start, Tallahassee.

·  Helped a particularly introverted preschooler in building better social skills.

·  Collaborated with a team eight Corps members including myself to plan biweekly in-classroom activities for a class of eight preschool children.

·  Received intensive training and professional development in early childhood theory and practice, language and literacy development, leadership skills, and communication with families.

Jumpstart Team Leader August 2008-August 2009

·  Led six college students to provide developmentally appropriate educational activities for young children and their families.

·  Coached team members by modeling teaching and communication strategies, conducting observation and providing feedback.

·  Facilitated team planning meetings and led biweekly in-classroom activities to promote children’s educational development

·  Coordinated team administration, including facilitating well organized team meetings and managing notes and records.

·  Created and implemented developmentally appropriate session plans for children ages 3-5.

Camp Boggy Creek Family Pal March 2008 & April 2009

·  Paired with a child afflicted with a chronic illness as well as his/her family

·  Provide support to parents by participating in activities with children

·  Provide children with someone whom they can confide in if necessary but allow them to have fun regardless of their circumstance

Alternative Break Corps FSU March 2009
·  Worked with Catholic Charities Adult Day Care Program
·  Provided the elderly with companionship for one week of service
·  Helped with household tasks and chores for members of retirement community

·  Shadowed and helped head of the program with daily activities and tasks

Computer Skills

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Publisher

Microsoft Power Point

SPSS (Statistical Program)


CLICO Trinidad & Tobago Limited

·  Undergraduate Academic Scholarship

·  Must maintain 3.0 or higher

AmeriCorps Jumpstart Tallahassee

·  Team Leader Award (Blue Team, Spring 2008)

Florida State University

·  Psi Chi National Honors Society of Psychology

·  Sigma Alpha Lambda Leadership and Honor Society

·  Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honor Society

·  Dean’s List (Fall 2007, Fall 2008)

New Jersey Institute of Technology

·  Albert Dorman Honors College Scholarship

·  NJIT Presidential Scholarship

·  NJIT Faculty Scholarship

·  Ceres R. Memorial Scholarship

·  Dean’s List (Fall 2005)

Interests and Activities

Community Service Projects

Working with children who are underprivileged or have special needs.

Research and issues related to children’s health, psychology and general well being.


Dr. Kathleen Conroy

Counseling, School, and Education Psychology

University of Buffalo

(716) 645-1115

Ms. Samantha Emmanuel

GM Business Operations

QM Caribbean Ltd.

(868) 622-6058