FireMountain Staff Alumni Association

Board of Directors Meeting – Everett Boy Scout Office

March 20, 2006

Members present: Steven Davis, Dave Henrichsen, Danny Lee, Erik Maynard, Cari Crabtree, Chris Dixon, Sean Armitage, Joe Miller, Jason Walter, Jim Hovis.

Meeting began at 7:01 pm

Minutes from February Board Meeting: Steven moves to approve, Maynard seconds, vote unanimous.

Membership – will have a flyer or packet at the next Extravaganza, Steven wants to get a current list of dues paid. Has all the Board paid their 2006 dues?

Scholarship 2006 – Want to get something out next month. Committee will meet. Committee will be Kari, Jason, Danny, Maynard, Chris Dixon.

Project – Chris bought sheets of paneling, still needs to pick up insulation. Will start working next weekend. It was suggested that Chris lead a group at the next Extravaganza/Work Party using adult leaders who are up there for the day.

Extravaganza 2006 – first weekend was fantastic. We received VERY few complaints. Several ideas for thanks you were discussed including: cards, pizza, hockey game or some other event outside of the weekend. Would like to put out volunteer info cards, and get applications from people who want to help next year.

Newsletter – items to include in next issue include: Extravaganza (Jason), Membership (Steven), Scholarship (Steven), Dues (Steven), Old Board (Danny), New Board (Jason), Uniform Bank (Dave). Articles due after Extravaganza.

History – would like to do a spring trail project, Jason to contact CK to see if he can help – he is pretty busy, Hovis said he is doing some grant writing for the council.

Museum - would like to get an inventory of items. Danny to take it on. Maynard will help with the display case.

Lifetime Membership Recognition – Kari was working on a big plaque. Jason will call Steven Maurer to see if he will create a big board that we can use to recognize lifetime members.

(pen fight erupts between Jason Walter and Jim Hovis)

Gift to Staff – several ideas were discussed, Hovis is still stuck on the yo yos.

Dave presented the idea of having a Fire Mountain Camp Staff Patch. Would look similar to CampStaff patch from BSA, but would have FM logo instead of BSA. Dave moves that we produce 100 of these position patches, Steven seconds, motion unanimous with one abstention. General consensus is that we want to something else too – Maynard suggested that we look at for ideas. Joe Martin is also working on some ideas to discuss next month.

Treasurer Report- no $ report, many funds still going in and out will have a handle on current funds available at next BOD meeting.

Bookkeeper - we are delinquent in sending in our 990 profit and loss statement, we will have a fine for our tardiness, we were late last year. Jim Hovis suggested that we look at hiring a bookkeeper to do our taxes for us. Dave moves that we hire a firm to do our taxes, Steven seconds, motion unanimous. Jim Hovis will complete the form this year, Cari to get profit and loss statement for him.

Marriage – Cari Crabtree announced her engagement to Jacob. They will be married September 20, 2006 in Salt Lake CityUtah.

Ranger Recognition – Denny Ross has been at camp for 15 years, this will be his 16th summer camp season, we should recognize him for his many years of great service. Maynard suggested that he likes jackets. No decision reached, will discuss next month.

Meeting Adjourned – time was not noted.

Submitted by Dave Henrichsen