HEROZ (v1.9)

Material:1 set of 54 cards(«Poker» type Deck) per player.

Heroz is a card game in which two players compete with troops of soldiers assisted by Heroes. Each player must strategically place their troopcards on a playground, consisting of three columns on three lines for each player. Troops are sent to attack the enemy. The position of troops, the presence of Heroes and the players' actions greatly affect the outcome of battles.

Goal: Earn 30 Victory Points.
When a troop reaches the opponent, the value of the card can beadded to the player’s Victory Points. The game is won when it reaches a total of 30 Victory Points.

Cards type :

Troop (all cards with values ​​2 to 10): Set in the playground.
Defined by its Sign (or Suit), Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs and Spades, and its value (2 to 10) that determines its power (Attack / Defense). The power of a troop is equal to its Value, modified by various bonuses. A card with a value of 5 is a troop with a base Attack/Defense of 5/5. It inflicts 5 Damages and is destroyed if it takes 5 Damages or more. If its Power is doubled during combat, its Attack/Defense is then 10/10.

Heroes (Face cards: Jacks, Queens and Kings):Played on the right of the discard pile. Only 1 Hero in play per player.
Defined by itsResource (to put it into play), by its Sign (Heart, Diamond, Club or Spade) and its Type (Jack, Queen, King)determining its Ability. A Hero is not a troop, it has no Power.
The resource is required when the hero comes into play, if it is not already in play since the beginning of the turn.
A player can only have one Hero in play at a time. When a hero is played it automatically replaces its predecessor, which goes immediately in the discard pile.
A Hero in play can be sacrificed (see "Sacrifice Hero").
A Hero in hand can be used for its Aura (see “Hero’s Aura”).

Jack: (Resource = 1 active troop in play of the same sign as the Jack)
Ability: Look at an inactive troop in play (once per turn). Player can take a look at any face down troop in play, then put the card back at the same position, face down.

Queen: (Resource = 2 active troops in play of the same sign as the Queen)
Ability: Deactivatean active troop in play (once per turn). Player can turn face down any active troop in play.

King: (Resource = 3 active troops in play of the same sign as the King)
Ability: Movea troop in play (once per turn). Player can move any one troop in play to an empty position of the same player, or switch position with a troop in play of the same player.

Special (Ace and Joker): Cards played only during Combat Phase.

As: Shield. Reduces Power of a troop in play to 0.
Played from hand, player target a troop in play. The power of this troop is reduced to 0 until end of Combat Phase. Shield goes to the discard pile at the end of Combat Phase.

Joker: Special Troop that can be played from hand during the Combat Phase.
The Joker comes into play face up and copy the Sign and Value of any active troopin play in the same column or row where it is placed. Once in the game, Joker cannot change to copy another troop. A Joker cannot be played if no active troop is in play.
If the copied troop leaves play, the Joker remains in play. The Joker gives 0 Victory Points, its default Value.

Playground for a player:3 x 3 table

Row 3 / Column 1
/ Row 3 / Column 2
(Position) / Row 3 / Column 3
Row 2 / Column 1
/ Row 2 / Column 2
(Position) / Row 2 / Column 3
Row 1 / Column 1
/ Row 1 / Column 2
(Position) / Row 1 / Column 3
Player: Victory Points – Deck – Discard –Hero

How to place your troops:
There are nine slots available to place the troops of a player. You can place a troopon an empty position of any of your columns but only on the first unoccupied row (in order to place a troop onrow 2, it is necessary that a troop is already on row 1 in this column. Similarly to place a troop onrow 3, rows 1 and 2 must already been filled).

Example of troops positioning for player A:

(empty position) / / (empty position)
(empty position) / / (empty position)
(empty position) / /
Player: Victory Points – Deck – Discard –Hero

If for any reason a troop leaves its position (moved or destroyed), other troops in the same column must immediately move to the next lower unoccupied row.

Example:After an attack in column 2, your troop "Diamond 8" was destroyed. Here is the result:

(empty position) / (empty position)
/ (empty position)
(empty position) / / (empty position)
(empty position) / /
Player: Victory Points – Deck – Discard –Hero

Formation Bonus(in player’s 3x3 playground). Cards’ positions can activate bonuses for each player. These effects are activated during Combat Phase.
If several effects occur at the same time, player whose turn it is have priority to solve all its effects in order that he/she wants, then it is his/her opponent who solves his own.
Three-cards Formation is automatically activated in place of its two-cards counterpart, that is to say if you have the Formation "three identical values ​​on arow", you cannot activate formation "two identical values ​​on a row"for that same row.

In the same column and side-by-side:
- 2 identical Signs: Double Power (Value x2) for one troop of the formation.
- 3 identical Signs: Double Power (Value x2) for all troops of the formation.
- 2 identical Values: Fivefold Power (Value x5) for one troop of the formation.
- 3 identical Values: Fivefold Power (Value x5) for all troops of the formation.

On the same row and side-by-side:
- 2 identical Signs: Player draw a card from his/her Deck.
- 3 identical Signs: Player chooses a card in His/her Discard pile and places it, face up, on his/her Deck.
- 2 identical Values: Player draws a card at random from opponent’s hand and places it, face up, on opponent’s Deck.
- 3 identical Values: Player chooses a card in opponent’s Victory Points and places it, face up, on opponent’s Deck.

«Full»(Special Formation):
- Player has 9 troops (active or not) and a Hero in play:Tenfold Power (Value x10) for one active troop in play.

“Sacrifice Hero” Bonus: During combat Phase, each player can place his/her Hero in play in the discard pile to add a bonus to the Power of a troop in combat. Player turn face up the first card of his/her Deck. Value of this card is added to the Power of the targeted troop (Joker counts as 0, Ace for 1, a Hero card for 12). If a card is already face-up on the deck, place it face down under the deck and turn next card up.

“Hero’s Aura” Bonus: During Combat phase, each player can play a hero from hand to use its "Aura". Hero target an enemy troop, the card is placed on top of it. The troop sees its Value reduced to 1 and its Sign become identical to the Hero’s one. If this changes Formation bonuses, they are immediately recalculated.
At the end of the Combat phase, all heroes played for their "Bonus Aura" are placed in the discard pile. Targeted troops then return to their original Value and Sign.
One Hero per troop only. Please note that a Hero played for its Aura is not considered “in play”, so it cannot be sacrificed to get the “Sacrifice Hero” bonus.

Victory Points:On the left of player’s Deck, this is where Victorious troops are placed. An unblocked troop in combat can be considered Victorious by its player (the other option is to destroy a Hero in play). The value of troop card is converted to Victory Points. Note that this is the VALUE of the card, not its Power, which is used to calculate Victory Points.
A player reaching 30 Victory Points is immediately deemed the winner of the game.

Deck: A deck contains all 54 cards of a player.
If a player cannot draw cards because his/her Deck is empty, turn discard pile face down and make it the new Deck. Player must then passes his/her turn (or his/her next turn if it happens during opponent’s turn).

Active/Inactive: A troop face down in play is “inactive”, face up it’s “active”. One “activate” a troop when card is turned face up, and “deactivate” it when card is turned face down.
Reminder: During a Combat, activating an inactive troop is NOT mandatory for the Defender.

Bowed / Straight (card):Acard is tilted 45 ° (“bowed”) to indicate its particular state (attack or defense, for example). All tilted cards are handed straight at the end of turn.

The “Inactive Card” Rule: A facedown troop card in playCANNOT be seen once played, either by the player or the opponent. This requires each player to remember the positioning of its non-activated cards.

Discard:On the right of player’s deck. In this area are stored, face up, all cards that have left the game (troops destroyed, discarded cards, etc.).
When a "Troop" card is set to discard during a Combat, this card is bowed. This makes it easier to recognize it during step “3.2 Reinforcement".

Startof a game:

Each player shuffles his/herdeck of 54 cards. Each player puts his/her deck in front of him, face down.

Each player reveals the top card of his deck to determine who will start the game. The person with the highest card value goes first (according to the following ranking, from smallest to highest: Joker, Ace, 2-10, Jack, Queen, King). In case of a tie players place the card at the bottom of their decks, face down, then reveals the top card of their deck.

Each player draws the first 6 cards from his/her deck to compose his/her starting hand.

Game’s round: The player whose turn it is perform the following actions

Phase 1: Preparation
1.1 Hand: Draw the top card of your deck (except during the first round of the first player).

1.2 Activation: Turn face up all your inactive cards in play.

1.3 Placement: You can play troops from your hand on your playground, face down. See “How to place your troops” to comply with placement conditions.

1.4Heroes: You can play a Hero card from your hand, face up. Reminder: you must have the necessary Resources (see “Resources” for each type of hero).
Abilityof Heroes in play is activated, for both players (Player whose turn it is has priority).

Phase 2: Combat
Note: Special cards (Ace and Joker) and Hero Bonuses can be played during this phase, up to step 2.4.

2.1 “Formation” Bonus: Bonusesfrom Formations apply now until the end of Phase, for all the active troops of both players.Reminder: Player whose turn it is has priority.

2.2 Declare Attackers: You, the Attacker, can select one of your columns. All active troops in this column attack the opposing column facing yours. Attacking troops are bowed.
If no attack is declared, skip to the next phase (Phase 3 Resolution).

2.3 Declare Blockers: Player’s opponent, the Defender, must declare asBlocker any active troops in his attacked column. Defending troops are bowed.
Optionally, opponent can activate any inactive troop located in attacked column and declare it as blocker. In this case, if one or more new Formation bonuses appear, they are activatednow.

2.4 Two options: If the attacker is not blocked, skip to the next phase (Phase 3 Resolution). If the attacker is blocked, perform the next step (2.5)

2.5 Calculation of Power: The Attacker and Defender respectively calculate the overall power of their troop(s) in combat (with Formation, "Sacrifice Hero” and “Hero’s Aura” bonuses).

2.6 Damage: Compare total Power of the Attacker and Defender. Player with the highest total Power wins the fight, his/herPower is converted into Damage Points. Winner can then spread the damage on enemy troops. In case of a tie between Attack and Defense, both players divide their damage on enemy troops.
A troop who have suffered greater damage than its VALUE is then destroyed (card goes to discard pilebowed).

Phase 3: Resolution
3.1 Unblocked Attack: Unblocked attacking troop(s)can be used in two ways by their player:
- Player chooses to destroy an enemy Hero in play (Troop and Hero goes to discard pile); or
- Player converts the value of troop card in Victory Points. Card is placed in the "Victory Points" area.
Reminder: A player with 30 Victory Points wins the game.

3.2 Retirement: All troops still in play that attacked this turn are placed under their owner’s deck, face down.

3.3 Reinforcement: Each player must draw from his deck a number of cards equal to the number of Troop cards placed in their discard pile (bowed)during the Combat Phase this turn.

3.4 Rest: All bowedcards are put straight.

End of turn. Opponent starts his/her round.

Some examples of Formation Bonuses
Example 1:Column Bonus

(empty) / (empty) / (empty) / Column 3= Two “Diamonds”(2 identical signs in column)
Troops Power: 2 + (8x2) = 18
(empty) / (empty) /
(empty) / (empty) /


(empty) / (empty) / (empty) / Row 1= two «9»(2 identical values in row)
Row 2= two «Spades»(2 identical signs in row)
/ / (empty)
/ / (empty)

Example 3:Column and Row Bonuses

/ (empty) / / Row 1= three «9» (3 identical values in row)
Column3 = two «2»(2 identical values in column)
Troops Power: 2 + (2x5) = 12
Note that no bonus is applied on Row 2 because Spade cards are not side-by-side. Same for column 3 with the two “Diamonds”.
Row 1 contains a bonus for “two identical values”, but as there are “three identical values” as well on this row, it is not considered.
/ (empty) /

Example 4: Two Power Bonusesin the same column (accumulation of Power)

(empty) / (empty) / / Column 3 = two «3» (2 identical values in column)
Troops Power: 3 + (3x5) = 18
Column 3= two «Spades» (2 identical signs in column)
Troops Power: 3 + (6x2) = 15
Total Power: 18 + 15 = 33
Note: both bonuses are calculated separately and then added.
/ (empty) /
/ (empty) /

Example 5: Shield effects (troop Power reduced to 0)

(empty) / (empty) / / Opponent plays a Shield (Ace card)…
- On 3 of Heart:
Troop Power: 0 + (3x5) = 15
Troop Power: 3 + (6x2) = 15
TotalPower: 15 + 15 = 30
- On 3 of Spade:
Troop Power: (3x5) + 0 = 15
Troop Power: 0 + (6x2) = 12
TotalPower: 15 + 12 = 27
- On 6 of Spade:
Troop Power: (3x5) +3 = 18
Troop Power: (3x2) + 0 = 6
TotalPower: 18 + 6 = 24
/ (empty) /
/ (empty) /

Note: Number of "Victory Points" in total in a Deck (2 to 10 x 4 Signs) = 216

Some tips…

The Ability of "Jack" lets you view a face down card, either from the opponent or one of yours!

The Ability of “Queen" can be used to disable an annoying enemy troop, but also to disable one of your own troops to prevent it from being forced to block an attack!

The Ability of "King" let you compose your Formation bonuses or break those of the opponent, but also move a troop of little value to block a powerful attack from the opponent!

Summary of Bonuses and Special cards abilities:

Formation : / Bonus :
Sign A / Double Power (Value x2) for one troop of the formation.
Sign A
Sign A / Double Power (Value x2) for all troops of the formation.
Sign A
Sign A
Value A / Fivefold Power (Value x5) for one troop of the formation.
Value A
Value A / Fivefold Power (Value x5) for all troops of the formation.
Value A
Value A
Sign A / Sign A / Player draws a card from his/her Deck.
Sign A / Sign A / Sign A / Player chooses a card in His/her Discard pile and places it, face up, on his/her Deck.
Value A / Value A / Player draws a card at random from opponent’s hand and places it, face up, on opponent’s Deck.
Value A / Value A / Value A / Player chooses a card in opponent’s Victory Points and places it, face up, on opponent’s Deck.
"Full" / Tenfold Power (Value x10) for one active troop in play.
(9 troops + 1 Heroin play)
Carte / Type / Ressources nécessaires / Pouvoir
Jack / Hero / 1 active troop in play of the same sign as the Jack / Look at an inactive troop in play (once per turn).
Queen / Hero / 2 active troops in play of the same sign as the Queen / Deactivate an active troop in play (once per turn).
King / Hero / 3 active troops in play of the same sign as the King / Move a troop in play (once per turn).
Ace / Shield / - / Reduces Power of a troop in play to 0.
Joker / SpecialTroop / - / Copy the Sign and Value of any active troop in play in the same column or row where it is placed.