Triad Orchid Society Newsletter, December 2011
Hello TOS members,
I Hope everyone is having a great holiday season! I am sorry about the delay of this newsletter. I was experimenting with a new format to help Shirley and the effort has taken more time than usual. Sunday December 11thwe will be celebrating our 2011 Holiday Party. We will be having our potluck at the usual time 1pm and a speaker following. All members will also be receiving a gift from the society. We will also be hosting for those who choose an orchid swap: bring a plant in and leave with a different plant. As far as the contents of the newsletter, on Page 2 we have the membership renewal form and on Page 3 we have the show table awards from November. Hope to see everyone there.
Triad Orchid Society Meetings the Second Sunday of Every Month Location: The Greensboro Council of Garden Clubs, Inc., 4301 Lawndale Drive, Greensboro, NC. , 27455Setup at noon / Potluck Lunch at 1:00 pm / Meeting at 2:00pm. New members always welcome!
Triad Orchid Society Newsletter, December 2011
Triad Orchid Society Membership Application or Renewal
Name (please print):______
Address: ______
or cell_(_____)______
Aos MemberYes ______No______
Years Growing Orchids ______
Special Interest Area ______
Dues:______$15/year Single membership
______$20/year Dual/Family membership
Please complete this form and return it with a check payable to the Triad Orchid Society to the treasurer at the next meeting or mail to:
Mrs. Annette Hastie, 701 Sylvan Road, Winston Salem, NC27104
Please fill out your declaration whether you are a large grower (greater than 200 plants) or a small grower (less than 200 plants) for this year’s show table awards as of January 2011.
Name: ______(please print)
Category for Declaration:
______Small grower (1 to 199 plants as of January 1, 2011)
______Large grower (200 plants or greater as of January 1, 2011)
Triad Orchid Society Newsletter, December 2011
TOS November 2011 Showtable
Cattleya Alliance Species
1. Bro. sanguineaGoldberg
Cattleya Alliance Hybrids
1. Slc. Bright CircleCostello
2. L. Lilliptuana x Epi longipetulum
3. Slc. Gold NuggetBrogdon
4. Slc. Ginny ChampionGoldberg
Cattleya Alliance Hybrids
1. Schom. roesiiKepley
2. Lc. BethuneBrogdon
3. Blc. Sinyuan LuchyangKinnamon
1. unknown phalS. Davis
2. Phal. violaceaCostello
3. Phal. Sin YuanKinnamon
1. Paph. villosumKepley
2. Paph. Conco Bell x Conco-bellatulum
3. Paph. spicerianumBrogdon
1. Phag. Jason FischerGoldberg
2. Phrag. Don WimberHastie
1. unknownGoldberg
1. Zele. onustumSharpe
2. Onc. TwinkleKepley
3. Odbr. Kenneth BivinCostello
1. Neo. Lou SnearyGoldberg
2. Neo. falcata x Ascda TeeraruhBrogdon
3. Neo. Lou SnearyGoldberg
Miscellaneous Genera
1. Lepanthopsis ostiophora Goldberg
2. Pleur. pictaGoldberg
3. Aerangis bilboaCostello
Best Species
Lepanthopsis ostiophora Goldberg
Best Specimen
L. Lilliputana x Epi. longipetulum Anglin
Best Flower
Slc. Bright CircleCostello
Triad Orchid Society Newsletter, December 2011