Monday, 10 September 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians

Year 9 JETP Interviews

As part of the transition process to Senior School we are replicating the SETP process for our Year 9 cohort. This is an interview that will be with a teacher and several students working together to plan goals, revisit positive learning behaviours, discussing careers and making subject selections. We invite you to make a Junior Education Transition Plan (JETP) interview held in Week 9, Friday 9th September from 9am-11am. Whilst all Year 9 Students will go through this process, there is an opportunity for parents to also accompany their student to this interview if they would like, however this is not compulsory. All interviews must be booked through the PTO website prior to the date.

To streamline the JETP booking process for parents we are using the online booking system, Parent Teacher Online (PTO). Log in to PTO and choose the teacher and interview time that suits you. PTO is available 24 hours a day for your convenience starting from 3pm Thursday 25 August until 2pm Wednesday7th September for the JETP interview.

Students have beguna career and pathway planning program as a part of the Year 9 PBL classes. Through this process students have begun to investigate possible subject and options for their career pathway following school.

Access to Parent Teacher Online

Due to security and privacy requirements of Education Queensland, parent and student names cannot be loaded into PTO without first obtaining individual consent from parents. Fortunately, this is a reasonably simple process as PTO allows this consent to be obtained as a part of the login process.

Please follow these steps to log in to PTO and book your SETP interview time for your student(s) that best suits your schedule. Refer to numbered images for help with each step.

  1. Go to our school website ( and click the PTO icon in the news article.

Alternatively enter the following link directly into the url

  1. Once the PTO login screen appears, click “Obtain Pin/Password”.
  2. The screen changes asking you to enter your email address (left hand side of screen). This email address must be the same as your school contact address.

  1. You will receive an email with your login in details.
  2. Your login name is your surname. An email containing your login PIN will be sent to the email address you provided in step 3. You may need to check your junk mail folder as genuine mail messages can sometimes be incorrectly classified as junk mail.
  3. After you have received your login details email, click the “Login” link on the PTO main screen, enter your surname and PIN then press the “Log In” button.
  4. A new screen will appear as per below. Click ok.
  1. Elect your preferred Interviewer. Please only select one person. Click Next.
  2. A new drop down will appear. Select preferred time slot. Click Next
  3. Your booking screen will appear as per below:

  1. A pop-up will appear confirming your booking.
  2. Should you accidentally select the wrong time slot” click on the “Change” button to change the allocated time.

Should you be unable to attend the allocated days or unable to use the online booking system for some reason, please contact the school on 5509 1222 and ask for Vanessa MacDonald.

If you have any questions or concerns about security or privacy of information stored in PTO please visit

Yours sincerely

Damien Burke

Acting Head of School – Junior Secondary