5700 Bunkerhill St., #2208

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206-1182

412.760.2481 (Cellular)

412.624.7247 (Office)


Vanderbilt University Ph.D. in Special Education, emphasis in research in blindness (Orientation and Mobility), December 1987

Dissertation: Effects of microcomputer and tactile aid simulation of novel environments on the spatial layout ability of persons who are congenitally totally blind

Western Michigan University M.A. in Orientation and Mobility, August 1976

Kutztown University B.S. in Elementary Education/Special Education, Visually Impaired, August 1973


September 1993 - Present University of Pittsburgh

Associate Professor and Coordinator

Vision Studies Program

August 2000 – August 2008 University of Pittsburgh

Associate Professor and Chairman

Department of Instruction and Learning

July 1993 - August 2000 University of Pittsburgh

Associate Professor and Associate Chairman

Department of Instruction and Learning

May 1994 -1997 University of Pittsburgh


Program in Special Education

August 1988 - August University of Pittsburgh

1993 Assistant Professor and Coordinator

Vision Studies Program

September 1987 - Vanderbilt University

July 1988 Project Coordinator

U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation, Research, and Demonstration.


August 1987 - Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

December 1987 Instructor - Special Education for the Visually Impaired. Develop syllabus and taught course in Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye.

September 1984 - Vanderbilt University

May 1987 Doctoral Trainee - Special Education for the Visually Impaired. Develop syllabus and taught courses in Visual Impairment and Orientation and Mobility.

September 1984 - Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

August 1985 Graduate Research Assistant - To John J. Rieser and Everett W. Hill, Departments of Psychology and Special Education.

September 1985 - Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

August 1986 Director - Preschool Orientation and Mobility Project Resource Center. Managed, directed, and controlled operational and personnel activities for a southeast regional, federally funded resource screening center for preschool children with visual impairments.

September 1986 - Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

May 1987 Project Evaluator - Developed and established data management system to evaluate effectiveness of interventions with individuals who were deaf and blind, and possessed concomitant disabilities.

August 1979 - Boston College

August 1984 Lecturer - Developed syllabus, taught, and supervised graduate students in orientation and mobility.

Project Coordinator - Administered and supervised training grant for orientation and mobility services, Department of Mental Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

July 1978 - Texas Commission for the Blind, Austin, TX

August 1979 O&M Director - Managed, directed, and controlled operational and personnel activities for statewide orientation and mobility services at Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center.

University Supervisor - Provided on-site supervision to orientation and mobility interns from four national universities.


August 1977 - New Hampshire Low Vision Program, Derry, NH

July 1978 Low Vision Therapist - Developed and provided direct services in a statewide, nationally funded Innovations & Expansion grant. Provided orientation and mobility and low vision services.

August 1976 - Derry Public Schools, Derry, NH

July 1977 Teacher/Consultant - Itinerant orientation and mobility teacher for children who were visually impaired and possessed concomitant disabilities.

August 1974 - Provincetown Public Schools, Provincetown, MA

July 1975 Teacher/Consultant - Itinerant teacher for children who were visually impaired and possessed concomitant disabilities.

August 1973 - Northeastern Intermediate Unit #19, Scranton, PA

July 1974 Teacher - Itinerant teacher for children who were visually impaired and possessed concomitant disabilities.


University of Pittsburgh

Courses taught:

I&L 2500 - Foundations of Special Education

I&L 2530 - Anatomy of the Eye and Low Vision

I&L 2535 - Education of the Visually Impaired I

I&L 2537 - Anatomy, Physiology, and Educational Relevance of Eye Disorders

I&L 2538 - Technology for the Exceptional Learner

I&L 2540 - Foundations of Orientation and Mobility

I&L 2541 - Program Development: Orientation and Mobility

I&L 2543 - Braille and Nemeth Code

I&L 2750 - Techniques of Orientation and Mobility I

I&L 2850 - Practicum: Visual Impairment

I&L 2857 - Level 3 Internship: Orientation and Mobility

I&L 3515 - Doctoral Seminar: Vision Studies Research

George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

SE 250 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye

SE 255 - Orientation and Mobility for Visually Impaired Children

SE 355 - Advanced Orientation and Mobility/Practicum

SE 356 - Seminar in Orientation and Mobility (Beginning)

SE 357 - Seminar in Orientation and Mobility (Advanced)


Boston College

ED 380 - Visual Handicaps: Physiology and Anatomy of the Eye;

Educational Implications of Eye Disorders

ED 484 - Introduction to Orientation and Mobility Practicum.

ED 583 - Foundations of Orientation and Mobility

ED 382 - Communications

ED 584 - Student Teaching (Peripatology).

ED 585 - Seminar in Peripatology.

ED 588 - Teacher Strategies for the Visually Handicapped.

ED 683 - Internship (Peripatology).


University of Pittsburgh

Chair, Search Committee (Vision Studies Program), 2014-2015

Member, Advisory Committee for the Admission of Student Athletes, 2013-present

Member, University Fulbright Scholarship Committee, 2012-present

Chair, SOE Faculty and Staff Development Committee, 2009-2012

Member, BAE Committee, 2009-2011

Faculty Representative to HECSE, 1992-2011

Member, SOE Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2008-2010

Member, University Chair’s Retreat Committee, 2006-2007

Member, Dean’s Executive Committee, 2000-2008

Member, SOE Academic Affairs Committee, 1997-2000

Member, DIL Executive Committee, 1993- 2000

Member, Doctoral Fellowship Coordinating Committee, 1993-2000

Member, DIL Academic Affairs Committee, 1993-2000

Member, Dean’s Task Force on Admissions, 1999-2000

Member, Dean’s Task Force on Academic Advising, 1999-2000

Member, Committee on Sponsored Research, 1993-1999

Member, Dean’s Task Force on Distance Education, Summer 1997

Member, Dean’s Academic Program Priority Planning Task Force, Summer 1997

Member, DIL Technology Committee, 1992-1997

Member, University Senate, Student Affairs Committee, 1991-1997

Member, SOE Technology Committee, 1990-1996

Member, Provost's Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Programs, 1993-1996

Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1993-1996

Member, Resources Committee, 1989-1996

Member, Teacher Education Steering Committee, 1991-1994

Coordinator of Admissions, Special Education, May 1989-1994

Member, Faculty Council, 1991-1994

Coordinator, Special Education Programs, Summer Sessions

Chair, Resources Committee, 1992-1993

Coordinator, DIL Brown Bag Seminars, 1991-1992

Coordinator, Pittsburgh Internal Campaign, 1989

Member, Faculty Search Committee, 1989-1990


Vanderbilt University

Member, Student's Doctoral Committee (Peggy Ann Cummins), 1999 - present

Doctoral Student Representative, Faculty Evaluation Committee, 1986-1987

Doctoral Student Representative, Personnel Preparation Program for the Visually Impaired, 1984-1985

Boston College

Chair, Recruitment Committee, 1981-1982

Faculty Representative, Conduct Board, 1980-1984


2003 Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education

to Professionals, Tucson, AZ. - Ad-hoc university faculty consultant to issues

2009 related to national O&M certification.

2002 Florida International University, Miami, FL.

Content Consultant on Certification – Served as the certification content expert representing the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professional.

2002 American Printing House (APH) for the Blind, Louisville, KY.

National Consultant in O&M – Assisted APH staff and research team with O&M product line development.

2002 Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children, Pittsburgh, PA.

Program Advisory Member – Assist in the development of lessons in pre-orientation and mobility.

2001 National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Alexandria, VA.

Presenter – Blind Initiative Specialization Presenter to state directors of special education.

2000 National Plan for Training Personnel to Serve Children with Blindness and Low Vision, Reston, VA.

Steering Management Committee – Represent the AERBVI on this federally funded research project.

1999  Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Harrisburg, PA.

Advisory Council, Comprehensive System of Personnel Development

CONSULTANT (continued)

1997  National Plan for Training Personnel to Serve Children with Blindness and Low Vision, Reston, VA

Steering Management Committee – Represent the AERBVI on this federally funded research project.

1996 Project Action, Pittsburgh, PA

Research Consultant - Advised ACCESS, Inc. in the development of an

observational survey instrument.

1995 Project Action, Pittsburgh, PA

Research Consultant - Advised ACCESS, Inc. in the development of

an observational survey instrument.

1994 Mohawk College, Brantford, Ontario

Program Consultant - Assisted Project Director with program development

and implementation of an O&M program.

1994 South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, SC

Program Consultant - Assisted Project Director with program development

and implementation of an O&M program.

1993 University of Massachusetts – Boston, Boston, MA

Program Consultant - Assisted Project Director with program development

and implementation of an O&M program.

1992 Veteran's Administration Hospital, Atlanta, GA

Research Consultant - Member of a national group responsible for

assisting scientists in the development of an Expert System on Task Safety

in Orientation and Mobility

1991 University of Arizona, Department of Special Education, Tucson, AZ

Program Consultant - Assisted Project Director with program development

and implementation of an O&M program.

1990 State of Kentucky, Department of Special Education, Louisville, KY

Program Consultant - Assisted State Task Force in developing program

strategies to improve services to children with visual disabilities.

1989 Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School, Vinton, IA

Research Consultant - Developed and analyzed a survey instrument to

determine the O&M personnel needs for the State of Iowa.

1988 George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Research and Curriculum Consultant - Developed assessment

procedures and protocol for a three year Rehabilitation Research and

Demonstration Grant.

CONSULTANT (continued)

1987 Veteran's Administration Hospital, Atlanta, GA

Reviewer - Consultant to research staff conducting spatial orientation studies

with aged persons who are blind.

1986 Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Philadelphia, PA

Curriculum Development - National consultant on a federally funded grant to

develop distance vision training curriculum for individuals who have low vision.

1984 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Mental Health

Curriculum Developer - Orientation and Mobility for adults with intellectual


1984 Children's Museum of Rhode Island

Designed an exhibit to allow young children to experience various types of

simulated visual impairments.


Duvall, J., Pearlman, J., Karimi, H. A., Zimmerman, G. J., & Dias, M. B. (manuscript submitted).

Wayfinding challenges for people with visual and mobility disabilities. ASSETS Conference, 2015

Dias, M. B., Teves, E. A., Zimmerman, G. J., Gedawy, H., K., Belousov, S. M., & Dias, M. B.

(2015). Indoor navigation challenges for visually impaired people. In Indoor navigation and wayfinding, 0 vols., CRC Press, pp. 141-164.

Karimi, H. A., Dias, M. B., Pearlman, J., & Zimmerman, G. J. (2014). Wayfinding and

navigation for people with disabilities using social navigation networks. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing, 14(2): e5.

Karimi, H. A., & Zimmerman, G. J. (2013). Personalized accessibility location services

(PALS) on a cloud for individuals with sensory and physical disabilities. Annals of

Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Zebehazy, K. T., Zigmond, N., & Zimmerman, G. J. (2012). Ability or access-ability: Differential item functioning of alternate performance-based assessment test items for

students with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 106(6),


Zebehazy, K. T., Zigmond, N., & Zimmerman, G. J. (2012). Performance measurement and accommodation: The situation of student’s with visual impairment on Pennsylvania’s alternate assessment. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 106(1), 17-30.

Zimmerman, G. J., Finkel, S. J., Holleran, M., Reichbaum, C. (2012). First response: Assisting

those with visual disabilities. Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh.

Grant Project funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Cooperative


PUBLICATIONS (continued)

Zimmerman, G. J., & Zebehazy, K. T. (2011). Vision impairments. In J. M. Kauffman &

D. P. Hallahan (Eds.), Handbook of special education. New York:

Routledge Publishers.

Zimmerman, G. J., Zebehazy, K. T., & Moon, M. (2010). Optics and low vision devices. In A. L. Corn & A. J. Koenig (Eds. 2nd), Foundations of low vision: Clinical and functional perspectives. New York: AFB Press.

Zimmerman, G. J., Renshaw, R. L., & Zebehazy, K. T. (2009). Orientation and mobility

specialists positioning at intersections. AER Report.

Renshaw, R. L., & Zimmerman, G. J. (2008). Using a tactile map with a 5-year-old visually

Impaired child. RE:view, 39(3), 113-121.

Zimmerman, G. J., Zebehazy, K. T., & Fox, L. A. (2006). Standardizing O&M observations in personnel preparation. Proceedings of the International Mobility Conference 12,

Hong Kong.

Zimmerman, G. J. (2007). This mattered to me. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness,

101(2), 119-120.

Zebehazy, K. T., Zimmerman, G. J., & Fox, L. A. (2005). Use of digital video to assess O&M

observation skills. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 99(10), 646–658.

Zebehazy, K. T., Zimmerman, G. J., Bowers, A. R., Luo, G., & Peli, Eli (2005). Establishing mobility measures to assess the effectiveness of night vision devices: Results of a pilot study. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 99(10), 663–670.

Zimmerman, G. J. (1997). The price of independence. In C. Holbrook, P. B. Smith, & B.

Brasher (Eds.), Replenishing the well: Insights and inspirations from the field of

visual impairment (pp. 67-68). Little Rock: Ozark Learning.

Corn, A. L., Ferrell, K. A., Spungin, S. J., & Zimmerman, G. J. (1997). What we know about

teacher preparation programs in blindness and visual impairment. Final Report: National

Policy Forum NASDSE on Training Educators to Work with Students Who Are Blind or

Visually Impaired, Contract No. HS92015001. Washington, DC: NASDSE.

Zimmerman, G. J., & Roman, C. A. (1997). Services for children and adults: Standard program

design. In B. B. Blasch, W. R. Wiener & R. L. Welsh (Eds.), Foundations of orientation

and mobility (2nd edition, pp. 383-406). New York: AFB Press.

Dodson-Burk, B., & Zimmerman, G. J. (1996). Determining eligibility for individuals with a visual

disability: Guidelines for evaluating environmental barriers. ACCESS Transportation

Systems, Inc. (Document # 95-0088). Washington, DC: Project ACTION/NIAT.

Zimmerman, G. J. (1996). Optics and low vision devices. In A. L. Corn & A. J. Koenig (Eds.), Foundations of low vision: Clinical and functional perspectives (pp. 115-142). New York: AFB Press.