This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 292
jnu lwgw hir eykY nwie ]
iqs kI Aws n ibrQI jwie ]
syvk kau syvw bin AweI ]
hukmu bUiJ prm pdu pweI ]
ies qy aUpir nhI bIcwru ]
jw kY min bisAw inrMkwru ]
bMDn qoir Bey inrvYr ]
Anidnu pUjih gur ky pYr ]
ieh lok suKIey prlok suhyly ]
nwnk hir pRiB Awpih myly ]4]
jan laagaa har eaekai naae ||
this kee aas n birathhee jaae ||
saevak ko saevaa ban aaee ||
hukam boojh param padh paaee ||
eis thae oopar nehee beechaar ||
jaa kai man basiaa nira(n)kaar ||
ba(n)dhhan thor bheae niravair ||
anadhin poojehi gur kae pair ||
eih lok sukheeeae paralok suhaelae ||
naanak har prabh aapehi maelae ||4||
The Lord's humble servant is committed to His Name.
His hopes do not go in vain.
The servant's purpose is to serve;
obeying the Lord's Command, the supreme status is obtained.
Beyond this, he has no other thought.
Within his mind, the Formless Lord abides.
His bonds are cut away, and he becomes free of hatred.
Night and day, he worships the Feet of the Guru.
He is at peace in this world, and happy in the next.
O Nanak, the Lord God unites him with Himself. ||4||
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 292
jnu lwgw hir eykY nwie ]
jan laagaa har eaekai naae ||
The Lord's humble servant is committed to His Name.
iqs kI Aws n ibrQI jwie ]
this kee aas n birathhee jaae ||
His hopes do not go in vain.
syvk kau syvw bin AweI ]
saevak ko saevaa ban aaee ||
The servant's purpose is to serve;
hukmu bUiJ prm pdu pweI ]
hukam boojh param padh paaee ||
obeying the Lord's Command, the supreme status is obtained.
ies qy aUpir nhI bIcwru ]
eis thae oopar nehee beechaar ||
Beyond this, he has no other thought.
jw kY min bisAw inrMkwru ]
jaa kai man basiaa nira(n)kaar ||
Within his mind, the Formless Lord abides.
bMDn qoir Bey inrvYr ]
ba(n)dhhan thor bheae niravair ||
His bonds are cut away, and he becomes free of hatred.
Anidnu pUjih gur ky pYr ]
anadhin poojehi gur kae pair ||
Night and day, he worships the Feet of the Guru.
ieh lok suKIey prlok suhyly ]
eih lok sukheeeae paralok suhaelae ||
He is at peace in this world, and happy in the next.
nwnk hir pRiB Awpih myly ]4]
naanak har prabh aapehi maelae ||4||
O Nanak, the Lord God unites him with Himself. ||4||