ENG Graduation 2013 / Session 9 / Wed 22 May, 9.30am

VALEDICTORIAN SPEECH BY CALVIN CHE (Diploma in Info-Communications)

  • Our Guest of Honour, Mr Wilfred Wee, Managing Director, Panasonic Systems Asia Pacific
  • Mr Boo Kheng Hua, Principal and CEO of Temasek Polytechnic,
  • Members of the Board of Governors and School of Engineering Advisory Committee
  • Directors, Distinguished guests,
  • Parents, Fellow graduates, Ladies & Gentlemen.
  1. It is my pleasure and a privilege to be standing here today, representing the Class of 2013 at today’s graduation ceremony. I would like to congratulate all my fellow graduateson being here today to receive our diplomas. It was our hard work and perseverance that got us here today.
  1. Let me share with you my story. My journey was not a straightforward one. When I was in Secondary 4, I dropped out from Hwa Chong Institution.(pause)I was unable to cope with the stress of studying in an elite secondary school. I couldn’t see the purpose of studying the subjects. I would rather spend my time reading up, and playing with computers and gadgets. But, knowing that I had to continue my studies, I eventually did myO-Levelexams as a private candidate.
  1. With my interest in IT, I enrolled myself into ITE College Central, where I obtained a Higher NITEC in Information Technology. With a clear idea of what I want to pursue, which is software development and networking, the
    Diploma in Info-Communications in TP was my first and only choice after graduationfrom ITE.
  1. At TP I had a lot of opportunities to grow, learn and further explore my interest in IT. The Major Project in my final year allowed me to apply the programming skills and knowledgelearnt in the course.I developed not one, but two outstanding projects with my project partner, Kai Siang.
  1. The first projectwas a Kinect photo booth. The proudest moment for me was when our industry partners thought it was an innovative idea, and the project was deployed, at the Botanic Gardens and Ang Mo Kio Hub.Collaborating with NParks and SPH opened my eyes, and allowed me to experience andwork with people from the corporate world.
  1. By the way, if you want to check out our Kinect photo booth, please make your way outside later for free photos.
  1. The second project we did was very fulfilling and memorable. We worked with children suffering from cerebral palsy, developing an interactive game, to make physical exercises more interesting for them.This project eventually won the merit award in the A&RTs competition.Whenever I worked with the children, it pained my heart to see their struggles and I want to do more for them.Despite their condition, they’re full of laughter and joy. (pause)I have much to learn from their positive mind-set. I hope to continue to make use of knowledge and skills learnt at TP to help more underprivileged people.
  1. I have come a long way from being a school dropout. I never dreamed that I would be standing here today. These achievements would not have been possible without the opportunities and support given by TP. I would like to thank Dr Yin Choon Meng, Course Manager,Diploma in Info-Communications, Ms Kwan Eng Eng, Mr Barnabas Woon, my project supervisor, Mr Tan Leng San, and all other lecturers who have helped in one way or another.
  1. When I look back on the last three years, I am sure my fellow graduates will agree with me, that the friends we have made, the laughter and tears we have shared, the experiences we gained and lessons welearnt are moments we will treasure for a very long time.
  1. Finally, I would like to end with a quote by Confucius which I strongly believe in:(pause)“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop”.
  1. To all my fellow graduates, there is no oneright path to success, continue reaching for the stars, do not stop dreaming, hoping and loving.Thank you.

(605words, excluding greetings)


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