“Abolition of Adoptions
without Parental Consent”
Online Evidence in Support of
a Petition to the EU Parliament
A Compilation of Statistics, Media Coverage and Human Outcry or ‘Cris de Coeurs’
When investigating the problem of adoptions without parental consent, especially in the UK, it has to be noted that children are often snatched by force, against their own and the parents’ will, generally without legal documentation or authorisation, even at birth. ‘Evidence’ is produced while the children are in ‘care’, supposedly in the ‘interest of the child’. Secret family court hearings first justify the ‘care’ and then the adoption, against the parents’ wishes.
In the meantime, ‘contact’ may be allowed, but supervised, often imposing deeply disturbing conditions and lately even payment! Furthermore, parents may get ‘injunction orders’ that threaten with imprisonment, should they dare to complain about their ordeal to the media. Those who end up in prison may or may not see their children there. The ultimate punishment without crime takes place when the parental consent for adoption is dispensed with in unlawful ways. Furthermore, a ‘culture of non-investigation of crimes against children’ exists, starting with some 50 children a year dying in ‘care’.
This Dossier of Evidence comprises
1.Official Statistics
2.Other Published Statistics
3.Key Documents relating to ‘Child Snatching’ and ‘Foster Care’ as Stepping Stones
4.TV Coverage
5.Press Coverage
6.Early Day Motions in Parliament
7.Petitioning House of Commons
8.Our Online Petitions
9.Other People’s Petitions
11.Websites and Blogs
12.YouTube Videos
13.Facebook Groups
14.Facebook Pages in alphabetical order
15.Facebook Pages of Individual Parents and Grandparents
16.Relevant Judgments - for Positive Reinforcement
17.Judgements illustrating Failures of ‘the system’ as a basis for improvements
18.Judgement related Publicity.
Likes, views, memberships or signatures are updated only irregularly.
1.Official Statistics
a.50 kids DYING in ‘care’–considered to be low by Edward Timpson MP, Secretary of State for Education, without any prosecution, sentencing or compensation
b.10,000 running away from ‘care’–while the official figure is 930 - published by the responsible All Party Parliamentary Groups
c.27,900 kids taken in 2007, 42,700 taken in 2011 - a 35% increase in 4 years
d.200 parents imprisoned by family courts in 2006– as admitted in Parliament by Harriet Harman MP - generally for ‘contempt of court’ or ‘gagging orders’ - unique to the UK.
2.Other Published Statistics
a.About Adoption Targets
b.Concerning the Children
c.Relating to the Money
d.The most blatant evidence of Directors of Foster Care companies making millions.
3.Key documents - relating to Child Snatching and Foster Care - the stepping stones for Forced Adoptions
a.Portfolio of Nine Cases - Submission to the Parliamentary Committee on Education
b.Child Snatching is one of Seven Deadly Syndromes and Seven Media Cover-Ups
c.Link to Key Documents on Punishment without Crime.
4.Mainstream Media: Overview - seven pages of articles, TV and other publications
TV Coverage:
a.BBC Radio 4Forced Adoption and the Mums on the Run- 15 Aug 2014
b.BBC Radio 4Face the Facts: Forced Adoption- 24 Aug 2007
c.Dispatches UK:The Children Britain Betrayed- 15 July 2009
d.Belgium Radio:Great Britain - The Stolen Children - Special Radio Prize - 2011
e.ITV This Morning:Family demands apology from Social Services - 11 May 2012
f.ITV This Morning:Protect our Children from Social Services- 21 Dec 2012
g.BBC1 Panorama:I want My Baby Back- 13 Jan 2014
h.BBC1 Panorama:Kids Lost in Care- 24 June 2013
i.Channel IV:Finding Mum and Dad- 15 Jan 2014
j.Channel IV News:UK family courts are corrupt with unqualified experts stealing children - 2,140 views on YouTube
k.Belgium TV:UK Caught Stealing Children Part 1 - Part 2 - 15 Mar 2013
l.France Canal V:England - the Kingdom of the Lost Children [broadcast in Belgium]
m.Russia Today TV:Social Care: Cops take kids away in ‘forced adoption’ racket -
- 14,390 views on YouTube
n.Russia Today TV:UK SS stealing children to make money - 6,470 views - 6 Jul 2010
o.TV Slovakia: Documentary accuses Britain of taking children away from Slovak families
p.BBC News:Majority of ‘deprivation of liberty’ cases unreported, says report - 07/04/13
5.Press Coverage - in chronological order
a.Dutch Social Workers catch the English Disease- The Telegraph - 01/06/13
b.Social workers arrived at hospital to take woman’s baby while she was in LABOUR over concerns of its welfare - Daily Mail - 06/03/13
c.Torn from their mothers’ arms. What are Social Workers for?
- The Independent - 11/06/2013
d.Our ‘child protection’ system is an international scandal- Telegraph - 20/07/13
e.New family court guidelines won’t improve a rotten system for children
- Telegraph - 27/07/13
f.Social worker used false and misleading information to take Barnstaple child into care
- North Devon Journal - 22/08/13
g.Woman protesting outside County Hall over ‘care system corruption’
- Bucks Herald - 12/09/13
h.Deported women forced to leave babies in UK is ‘increasing problem’
- The Telegraph - 03/12/2013
i.French judges foil social workers who were out to take mother’s baby - The Telegraph - 08/02/14
j.The untold story of gagging orders- The Independent - 25/05/11
k.The real scandal hidden by gags is what goes on in family courts-Telegraph - 28/05/11
l.Is it acceptable to profit from the social care of vulnerable children?
- The Independent - 03/01/14
m.Foster parents jailed for battering four-year-old- Daily Mail - ??/??/??
n.Children in care are still vulnerable to widespread abuse, when is the law going to protect them? - Daily Mail - 11/05/12
o.Jane Moore: Expose the Tyrants of Child Protection- The Sun - 28/11/12
p.Judges call for security in family court rooms after spate of attacks by angry parents
- Daily Mail - 24/12/12
q.Outcry over rise in forced adoptions- The Guardian - 14/08/07
r.How Social Services are paid bonuses to snatch babies for adoption –DailyMail-31/01/08
s.Boy, 5, forced into adoption with gay couple pleads: ‘We want to stay with our gran and grandad’ - Daily Mail - 29/01/09
t.More ‘stupid’ mothers prevented from fighting adoptions- Sunday Times - 14/06/09
u.‘I was stolen from my mother’: The deeply disturbing truth about forced adoption
- Daily Mail - 03/09/10 [re-united thanks to Facebook]
v.Eight women share their incredibly moving stories about adoption
- Daily Mail - 27/03/11
w.Facebook page reunites 80-year-old mother and the baby she was forced to give up for adoption when she was 17 - Daily Mail - 16/08/11
x.Adoption is a trial by fire. Can’t we please think of the children?
- Daily Mail - 23/12/11
y.We will cut through red tape: Cameron vows to get rid of absurd adoption barriers
- Daily Mail - 09/03/12
z.Three year care ‘trap’ as children seeking adoption are forced to wait untill a new home is found - Daily Mail - 11/05/12
aa.‘We have to move away from a tick-box-mentality’: Cameron launches drive to make adoption easier - Daily Mail - 31/10/11
bb.Australia’s scandal of forced adoptions is happening here in Britain
- The Telegraph - 23/03/13
cc.Thousands may sue over illegal adoptions- Irish Examiner - 01/06/13
dd.British Mums give birth here to Avoid Forced Adoptions
- Irish Independent - 10/06/13
ee.Children advertised like pets for sale- The Telegraph - 24/08/13
Anonymity doesn’t apply in the case of adoption. It is hypocritical and the result is distasteful.
ff.Legal aid lawyer, secret court and social workers ‘colluded’ to adopt boys - The Express - 10/11/13
6.Early Day Motions in Parliament - signed by MPs - deemed to be representative of a‘pro-child’ stance
2010 - 2012:
a.2857:Expert Witnesses in Family Court Proceedings- 20 signatures
b.478: Human Rights and Forced Adoptions in the English and Welsh Courts - 3 sign’s
triggered by the return of 2 Slovak boys
c.672:Foreign Concern about Care Proceedings - based on statements from Punjab and Delhi, adding Nigeria, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic - 6 signatures
d.940: Slovak Republic and the Child Protection System in England- 5 signatures
e.1271: Michelle Freedman and Barnet Social Services - a barrister who fled to Israel to save her daughters from Social Services - 1 signature
f.119: Lessons from the Oxford Sexual Abuse Case- 3 signatures
g.345: International Concerns about UK Law- 1 signature
h.36: Reform of Legal Aid- 101 signatures
i.55:Childcare Ratios- 53 signatures
j.210:Shared Parenting Rights and the Family Courts- 64 signatures
k.338:Child Protection and the REACH Campaign- 43 signatures
l.345:International Concerns about UK Law- 1 signature
m.406: Barnardo’s and Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation- 90 signatures
n.764: National Debate on Child Protection- 51 signatures
7.Petitioning House of Commons
a.Children Placed in Foster Care - 03/09/13
to be commented by the Government, the Ministry of Education, the Justice and the Education Select Committee.
8.Our Online Petitions
a.Our own - in reverse chronological order:
b.Abolish Adoptions without Parental Consent3,300 signatures;
i.Stop Forced Adoptions in the UK1,400 signatures;
ii.Stop Secret Family Courts encouraging Forced Adoptions> 170 signatures;
iii.The Secrecy of Family Courts should be lifted Now1,700 signers & 31,000 views;
●Marvellous comments by signers as ‘live evidence’
iv.FREE the Musas and send the Whole Family back Home to Nigeria! – acknowledged to be the worst of all child snatching cases > 530 signers & 8,000 views;
●Fascinating comments by signers asking for the Rule of Law.
c.Our summaries:
i.How Many People Know about child ‘care’, secret family courts and forced adoptions? - occasionally updated on Punishment without Crime:
ii.Towards Tabling our Abolish Forced Adoptions Requests in the EU Petitions Committee - occasionally updated on Victims Unite
9.Other People’s Petitions - grouped by platform:
a.On HM Government’s e-petition- a total of> 3,880 signatures:
i.Public Enquiry into organised Child Grooming, Child Prostitution and Paedophilia in the UK - closed with 2,178 signatures;
ii.Stop Social Workers removing innocent children for Forced Adoption –closed at 810;
iii.Reform the Family Courts and Social Services210
iv.Social Services meetings to be recorded in all childcare cases450
v.Fraudulent Evidence used in Child Protection and Family Courts200
vi.Set up an independent complaints committee and governing body for Social Services 240
vii.Allow adult adoptees to be repatriated into THEIR OWN families150
viii.Stop Twin-Tracking adoption within care proceedings in certain circumstances, instead of providing help to the families 100
ix.Family Court Overhaul urgently needed100
x.Social Services must provide evidence to be able to withhold children from their families 20
xi.Abolish the Secrecy in Family Courts and Remove Gagging Orders90
b.On GoPetition2,950 signers and 41,300 page views:
i.Adoptees, The Forgotten Ones390 signers and 7,220 views;
ii.Protect our children from Social Services system abuse –
300 signers and 4,810 views;
iii.Increase Transparency in the Family Courts250 signers & 7,030 views;
iv.Against Social Services Stealing Innocent Children220 signers and 2,970 views;
v.Stop Judicial Abuse160 signers & 4,080 views;
vi.Stop Forced Adoption of Innocent Children100 signers & 1,750 views;
vii.Stop people getting away with ‘grooming’ because the child is over 16
90 signers and 1,690 views;
viii.Social Services, stop taking loving and innocent parents’ children away
60 signers and 1,360 views;
ix.Open Family Courts to the public to see the truth30 signers and 1,340 views;
x.Stop Social Services taking loved children to hit targets for money
30 signers and 860 views.
i.Justice for Melissa– closed with 1,355 signers and 10,208 views;
ii.Establish a Royal Commission to Investigate Child Abuse in the UK - 1,219 signatures
c.On 38 Degrees:
i.Abolish the Secrecy in the Family Courts and Remove the Gagging Orders1,060
ii.Reign in Social Services40
d.On change.org:
i.Stop Forced Adoption & Removal of Children based on Future Emotional Harm - 200
Closed with a total of 1,237 signatures:
ii.Prosecute the Politicians responsible for the Secret Family Courts– 709
iii.Mr Matt Dunkley: Stop proceedings against an innocent mother- 220
iv.Stop Social Services’ lies and abuse of innocent families: stop forced adoption - 111
v.News Media report on the corruption and failures in DHHS and CPS- 80
vi.Nottingham Social Services forced adoption: help keep families together; stop using lies to rip them apart - 38
vii.The Government and Social Services: stop forced adoption and recover children - 34
viii.Liverpool County Council: Stop Forced Adoption for 2 boys- 27
ix.The Children’s Commissioner: Stop the exploitation / trafficking of UK children through forced adoption - 13
x.Family Courts: open courts, stop gagging orders, make SS prove their evidence! - 5.
i.Stop Abuse230 signatures
f.On Care2 - 152 signatures:
i.Help Save Stolen Children– closed with 121 signatures;
ii.Making the Charter for Grandparents mandatory – closed with 31 signatures.
a.Stop Forced Adoptions & Secret Courts- Liverpool - 15/07/13
b.Stolen Children of the UK S.C.O.T. UK- Downing Street - 19/07/13
c.Children Screaming to be Heard- Grantham- 04/09/13
11.Websites and Blogs
a.by John Hemming MP
i.Mother to be deported whilst her child is kept for adoption- 16/08/13
b.by Parent Victims and their Supporters
In order of popularity:
i.Forced Adoption - published by lawyer with watchdog experience since the 60s
ii.Pound Pup Legacy- set up by Adoptees to offer support to victims
iii.Association of McKenzie Friends> 15,000 visits
iv.Punishment without Crime> 30,000 visits
v.UK Corrupt Family Courts > 70,000 hits accusing Staffordshire Social Services
vi.Spotlight on Abuse: the Past on Trial> 340,000 visits
vii.Victims Unite> 280,000 visits
viii.The Paedofile- on a blog with > 7,000,000 hits
In alphabetical order:
ix.Birth Families v Family Courts- empowering families to help themselves
x.Child Care Proceedings Exposed - set up by parents whose children were adopted
xi.Children Screaming to be Heard- Maggie Tuttle’s charity
xii.Dr Peter Dale: Fine Judgements: a blog about Child Protection Interventions
xiii.Families Destroyed by Corrupt Real Child Protectors - United we can beat this evil
xiv.Family Rights Group- an independent charity
xv.FASSIT- Families and Social Services Information Team
xvi.FASO- supporting victims of False Allegations
xvii.Forced Adoption Exposed- an excellent overview
xviii.Justice for Families- Chairman John Hemming MP
xix.Keeping Families Together- Hotline for Parents facing Care Proceedings
xx.Kids for Cash Scandal UK- David Gale - UKIP
xxi.Our Missing Children- letting them know who and where you are
xxii.Parents against Injustice- providing help and support to families
xxiii.Researching Reform- monitoring the Judiciary and Parliament
xxiv.Social Workers from Hell- the child snatchers who did it
xxv.Staffordshire Social Services > 70,000 hits
xxvi.Stop Forced Adoption- collecting stories
xxvii.TaKenUK- Victims Impact Statements for HM Government
xxviii.The Real Picture of Social Services in the UK - Exposing Jackboot Justice in Child Protection - Protection those that need protection from malpractice
xxix.The Road to Change- 18 months walk to Stop Child Sexual Abuse
xxx.The White Rose Blog- publishing the deaths of ‘Lost Souls’ in ‘care’
xxxi.UK Family Law Reform- Free Information Index
xxxii.UK Social Workers Exposed- in the Best Interest of the Child ...
xxxiii.UK Social Workers Exposed - UK Child Snatchers at Work
xxxiv.Unity Injustice- supporting parents who have problems SS
xxxv.We Can Change the World- Deadlines for returning children to their Mothers
c.Individual representative Cases
i.The Musa Case - Haringey Council - Nigerian parents imprisoned - 5 children in ‘care’, 2 adopted 65,000 visits
ii.Melissa Laird - Barnet Council - deported to the US whilst only son kept for adoption
4,600 visits
iii.The Pedro Family - Lincoln Council - Portuguese parents - 3 children in ‘care’,
2 to be adopted 1,650 visits
iv.Phil Thompson and Family - Walsall Council - 3 children adopted without paper work
1,310 visits
i.Adopted in the UK- ‘legalised child abandonment’ - by Adoptees
ii.Adopted - Abused- for the record - before we’re dead
iii.Killer Adopters- Adopters who abuse and kill
e.by Survivors of Abuse
i.no 2 abuse- includes forced adoption stories
12.YouTube Videos - with numbers of views rounded down
a.Conspiracy of Silence - Banned Discovery Channel- 343,500
b.Disturbing Video of UK Police taking 13 year-old- 142,400
c.UK (SS) Social Services kidnap one more child from his house- 50,500
d.Forced Adoption - UK selling children for money- 37,900
e.Forced Adoptions in Britain - 14,000
f.Pregnant Mother Flees UK Social Services - 12,200
g.Satanic ritual abuse and Project Monarch in the UK - an alleged case - 12,700
h.Brian Gerrish Feb 2010 Part 1 of 9 - Child stealing by the State- 6,900
i.Adoption of Slovakian children rumour untrue says David Ward MP-6,300
j.The UK Social Services Kids for Cash Program- 6,800
k.Caught on Camera - State Steals a One-Day old Baby- 7,300
l.UK Column Child Stealing - 5,100
m.UK Social Services Exposed- 5,400
n.Lambeth Social Services have Stolen our Kids- 4,800
o.Golden Rules to getting your children home - 2,200
p.Satanic ritual abuse in the UK - Scotland - Part 1- 1,400
q.Satanic ritual abuse in the UK - Scotland - Part 2- 6,600
r.Satanic ritual abuse in the UK - Scotland - Part 3- 500
s.Satanic ritual abuse in the UK - Scotland - Part 4- 500
t.Loving Parents’ Despair - exposing the SS- 1,600
u.Forced Adoption in the UK - 1,200
v.White foreign children targeted for forced adoption, says UK MP- 1,900
w.Gag This!- 700
x.UK Forced Adoptions for Cash - 600
y.Stop Forced Adoption Conference - 700
z.The Reason Family Court is Corrupt- 800
aa.Forced Adoption is at a Record High - 500
bb.S.C.O.T. UK handing in Petition at No. 10: 26 July 2013- 310
cc.Stolen Children at British Court of Injustice- 200
dd.Armed Cardiff Police smash their way into flat- 100
ee.Taken without Justification- 100
13.FacebookGroups - in alphabetical order
a.Anti Social Services Forced Adoption- 20 members
b.BBC Time to Expose and Investigate Child Snatching- 1,100 members
c.Child Abuse Awareness WorldWide- 1,800 members
d.Forced Adoption- 260 members
e.Government Crimes against Families International- 130 members
f.Humanity against Child Stealing- 850 members
g.Kids without Voices- 8,600 likes
h.Kids without Voices UK- 400 members
i.Poll Page regarding Social Services, Guardians, Judges- 220 members
j.Saving Bailie Kate Cooper- 1,690 members
k.Social Services Stole Our Babies- 800 members
l.Stolen Children of the UK: S.C.O.T. UK
i.Victims group- 1,460 members
ii.Campaign group- 660 members
iii.Reunite group- 200 likes
m.Stop Forced Adoption- 1,200 members
n.Stop Making Child Abuse Easy- 4,600 likes
o.Stop State Sanctioned Child Abuse- 210 friends