Objective / Regional Event Registration Opening
Date / Call 4 – September 16, 2014
Time / From: 12p/3:30p To:12:30p/4p
Dial-in-Number / 605-475-4000
Pass code / 296938
Conference Room
Convener / Iowa FLL
Attendees / Regional FLL Tournament Organizers (RO)
S.No. / Agenda Items / Action Points / Owner
2 / Regional registration opening and final event totals / Reminder that communications will begin about regionals and capacities to teams / ISU FLL
Notes from Call: /
- Team registration has not closed yet. We will wait to open event registration until after team registration closes. Before event registration opens, we will email teams a few days before hand and remind them every day until registration is filled. If you have any teams that you need to reserve a spot for at your event, please email . We will then contact those teams to get the information we require for registration.
3 / Sponsor stipend information / Get current addresses to mail stipends out to RO after regional registration closing / ISU FLL
Notes from Call: /
- We didn’t mention this on the call, but please email your current mailing address to either myself, or . This way, we can get you your stipend for team registration soon after event registration closes.
4 / Jr.FLL fees finalized / General FYI on what the amount was decided to be for 2014 across the RO / All
Notes from Call: /
- We are trying to increase the number of Jr. FLL events in Iowa. These events are not nearly as time consuming as a FLL event. If you are interested in hosting a JR. FLL Expo, either at your FLL event, or as a separate event, please let us know. If you are adding Jr. FLL to your Regional Qualifier, please let us know how many teams you can accommodate. For registration costs, we are going to tell teams that they will pay a maximum of $20.
5 / Direct ship materials FYI / Quick update on what has shipped to date and what will be coming / ISU FLL
Notes from Call: /
- We are working on getting field set up kits build. We have a build day on October 25th. Once these kits are built, we will mail them out so you can use them for training purposes.
7 / Reminders on communications sent to teams / Reminder for them to read the team blasts sent each Tuesday following the RO calls along with the RO call notes / ISU FLL
Notes from Call: /
- The team blasts contain information that teams need to know, and items that they might find useful. It is good for you to know what information is being sent out to teams.
9 / Questions / Needs/concerns