Course Title – Business Law I

Course # BUL 2241 - Section # 800

Online Instruction

Semester Code 0515

Summer 2016

1st 8 week Mod

Syllabus Addendum:



Welcome to Business Law I! This is an exciting class that I love to teach! I hope you find it interesting and inspiring. This course is designed with a focus on the business executive’s needs. I look forward to getting to know you and reading your discussions on the many interesting topics we will over.

Remember I am here to help you succeed so talk to/email me so I know how I can help you! Be sure to watch the due dates to avoid any unnecessary stress. The goal is to learn and develop critical thinking skills to use throughout your life - and to have fun while you learn!

I wish you all the best! Any questions – just ask.


Name: Dr. JoAnne V. Hopkins


Phone: 727-791-2712

Office and Online Virtual Hours:

Office – TBA

Virtual online – TBA

Office Location: Clearwater Campus ES 213G

I have been a licensed attorney in the state of Florida for over 25 years. I have practiced in the areas of insurance defense, personal injury, criminal law, family law and wills and estates. I have been licensed in the State of Florida since 1990.

Instructor Web Page:


Dean: Dr. Susan Demers

Office Location: Clearwater Campus – SS 165

Office Phone Number: 727-791-2501


Course Description:

This course is designed to give the student a general understanding of the various areas of statutory and common law, and their impact upon the business community. This will be accomplished by including such topics as the structure of the American legal system, alternate dispute resolution, constitutional law, contracts, UCC sales, negligence, torts and the law of agency. There are 47 contact hours.

Course Objectives:

As your instructor it is my goal that you learn the following from this course.

1.  To understand the legal environment of business including a study of the nature and sources of law, court systems, constitutional law, law making by administrative agencies and torts.

2.  To apply the laws and understand the principles of contract law including the nature and classification of contracts, agreement, consideration, contractual capacity, illegality, reality of consent, contracts required to be in writing, rights of third parties and discharge of contracts.

3.  To analyze commercial transactions, including the law of sales, formations and interpretations of the sales contract, title, risk of loss, insurable interests, warranties and performance, and remedies.

4.  To understand government regulation, environmental law, and the principles of agency law.

Course Requirements:

In order to successfully complete this course, it is imperative that students have regular access to a computer that is connected to the Internet.It is strongly recommended that students havea broadband (high-speed) internet connection such asDSL or a cable modem. When taking on-line quizzes and exams (or viewing on-line video), students should have an internet connection that is stable and will not drop their connection.

If you haven’t a stable high-speed internet connection I encourage you to take on-line quizzes and exams at one of the St. Petersburg College libraries (or a similar facility) where a stablehigh-speed internet connection is available. Internet Explorer is the preferredbrowser to use to access course materials.

Because of the use of teams in many classes, a formal standard has been devised. This standard applies to all classes. Studentsare required to submit assignments and share team documents in Microsoft Office formats (Word, Excel and other Microsoft formats if specified).

The College provides full function student licenses of Microsoft software, other than the basic Office product. Both Visio and Project would be beneficial to students. Details regarding obtaining the software and licenses are provided in a video under Course Materials and on the Technology Management Student Commons in ANGEL.

Some courses allow or require students to submit assignments as video responses with a PowerPoint attachment. Students would require a Webcam compatible with their computer to record these videos. Very low cost cameras have been found to work well when they claim support for the student's computer operating system (such as XP, Vista, MAC, Linux). Alternatively, students may book a machine equipped with a camera at the EpiCenter in Clearwater. These bookings should be made through the College of Technology and Management.

PLEASE be sure you submit assignments in Microsoft Word 97 or higher. Please be sure you use Microsoft word for all drop box attachments, because, if I can’t open the assignment it’s considered late and will receive a zero.

Required Textbook(s):

Ebook or Custom version of Business Law and The Legal Environment, 7th Ed. by Beatty and Samuelson; Cengage Publishing

You may directly purchase the textbook, an e-book or rent the text via Cengage Brain . There is a course code that is part of the purchase so you must purchase the book directly from either our campus bookstore or the publisher.

ISBN: 9781305761032 with this ISBN as long as you order the textbook via our Barnes & Noble Bookstore your cost should be no more than $145.00.


Modules / Class Date / Chapter Title/Projects / Reading Assignment / Written
Assignment / Points / Assignment Due Date
Begin Here Module / 5/16 / Discussion Forum / Sample Answers and Email etiquette / Introduction / 5
Quiz / Syllabus / 10 EC / 5/22
1 / 5/16 / Introduction to Law / Ch. 1 / None
1 / Business Ethics & Social Responsibility / Ch. 2 / None
1 / Drop Box
Constitutional Law / Ch. 5 / Dash Cam Research Assignment / 10 / Sun. 5/22
1 / Discussion Forum
Week 1 & Introductions / Please be aware of posting days in each module. / 5 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday
2 / 5/16 / Case Brief
Common Law, Statutory Law, and Administrative Law / Ch. 4 / Brief a Case – Part 1 (Just the Facts) / 25 / Sun. 5/22
2 / Alternative Dispute Resolution / Ch. 6
2 / QUIZ I / Complete Quiz 1 (Chs 1,2,4,5 & 6) / 25 / Sun.5/22
2 / Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday
3 / 5/23 / Case Brief
Crimes / Ch. 7 / Brief a Case –Part 2 / 25 / Sun. 5/29
3 / Intentional Torts & Business Torts / Ch. 8
3 / Negligence, Strict Liability & Product Liability / Ch. 9
3 / Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday
4 / 5/23 / Introduction to Contracts / Ch. 11 / See Brief a Case Assignment
4 / Agreement: Offer & Acceptance / Ch. 12 / See Brief A Case Assignment
4 / Case Brief
Consideration / Ch. 13 / Brief a Case-Part 3 / 25 / Sun. 5/29
4 / QUIZ II / Complete quiz (Chs 7-9 & 11-13) / 25 / Sun. 5/29
4 / Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday
5 / 5/30 / Legality / Ch. 14 / See Brief a Case Assignment
5 / Voidable Contracts: Capacity and Consent / Ch. 15 / See Brief a Case Assignment
5 / Case Brief
Written Contracts / Ch. 16 / Brief a Case-Part 4 / 25 / Sun. 6/5
5 / QUIZ III / Complete quiz (Chs. 14, 15, 16) / 25 / Sun. 6/5
5 / Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday
6 / 5/30 / Third Parties / Ch. 17 / Study for Midterm
6 / Performance and Discharge / Ch. 18
6 / Discussion Forum / 10 / Sun. 6/5
7 / 6/6 / Remedies & Review / Ch. 19
7 / MIDTERM / Chapters for weeks 1-7 / 200 / Sun. 6/12
7 / Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday
8 / 6/6 / Drop Box
Agency / Ch. 28 / Dropbox Assignment / 10 / Sun. 6/12
8 / Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / In Class Thursday
9 / 6/13 / Introduction to Sales / Ch. 21
9 / Ownership & Risk / Ch. 22
9 / Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday 6/19
10 / 6/13 / Antitrust / Ch. 38
10 / Consumer Law / Ch. 39
Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday 6/19
11 / 6/20 / Quiz IV Environmental Law & Sustainability / Ch. 40 / Complete Quiz IV / 25 / Sun. 6/26
11 / Individual Paper / Submit Individual Paper / 200 / Sun. 6/26
11 / Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday
12 / 6/20 / Introduction to Business Organizations / Ch. 31 / Teams Assigned
Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday 6/26
13 / 6/27 / Team Project
Intellectual Property – An introduction / Ch. 41 / Team Project –Develop a community service project (1st Draft) / 10 / Sun. 7/3
Discussion Forum / Please read and post to this module’s discussion. / 10 / Initial Post by Thursday and response post by Sunday 7/3
14 / 6/27 / Team Project
Drop Box
Cyber law & Privacy / Ch. 10 / Community Service Project / 10 / Sun. 7/3
15 / 7/4 / Team Project Submit your project / Team Project Due / 30 / Sun. 7/6
Final Exam / Final Exam / 200 / Wednesday 7/6

Grading Policy:

A 90-100% 900 – 1000 points D 60-69% 600 – 699 points

B 80-89% 800 – 899 points F Less than 60% 0 – 599 points

C 70-79% 700 – 799 points

Course Breakdown Weight Points

~ Case Briefs/Group Projects 15%150

~ Class Discussion/Drop Box 15% 150

~ Term Project/Paper20%200

~ Quizzes 10%100

~ Midterm20% 200

~ Final20%200


State policy specifies that students may not repeat courses for which a grade of “C” or higher has been earned except by appeal to an associate provost. Students may repeat a course one time without penalty. On the third attempt, students will pay the full cost of instruction. In addition, on the third attempt students may NOT receive a grade of “I,” “W,” or “X,” but must receive the letter grade earned. The grade on the final attempt with the exception of a “W” grade will be the grade that will be calculated into the overall grade point average. (Developmental courses do not average into the grade point average).



Attendance is mandatory and absences (not completing work on time) will hurt your grade.

Due dates are clearly posted on the calendar so watch them carefully.

Failure to adequately complete all work during the first two weeks will result in being dropped for non-participation – SPC RULE.

Discussion boards/Correspondence – Assignment posts are due on Thursday at 11:30 pm and reply posts are due Sunday by 11:30 p.m. All students must be respectful and stay on topic. Personal conversations, and off topic conversations should be conducted through personal email. If conversations go too far off topic or are disrespectful they will be deleted. Students who continue to be disrespectful will be dropped from the class.

Cheating is not tolerated. You will receive an F in the class and be reported to the College for Disciplinary Action. This is ethics – no cheating!

Students who do not fully participate: (earn a grade of 60% or above in the class and complete the midterm by the 60% mark) will be dropped from the course. So don’t fall behind.


The College-wide attendance policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum:

For this class, attendance is defined as completing all of your assigned work online, by the due date. All instructors must verify that students are in attendance during the first two weeks of class. Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn from any class which they are not attending. The student’s financial aid will be adjusted based on their updated enrollment status. For this online class, a student is considered attending if the student timely submit all assignments and timely posts to the discussion forum for each module. So, please remember again that you must not only timely submit your assignments, but, post to the discussion forum as well in order to be considered present for class each week.

Attendance is mandatory. Since we will meet online it is suggested that you check the course several times a week – MyCourses is our online “classroom.”