11th grade Academic Vocabulary

American History (1st & 2nd Semester)

These are academic terms that will be used throughout your two semesters of American history that will aid your study of the content. Synonyms are shown as italics.

abandoned: left without needed protection or care
left behind / action: things done to achieve a particular purpose
something done, activity / advantage: something that helps to make someone or something better or more likely to succeed than others
benefit, favorable position / achieve(d): to reach a goal
successfully done, completed
accomplishment: something achieved successfully
achievement, goal reached / acquisition: the act of getting or obtaining something
receiving, gaining / annexed: to add (an area or region) to a country, state, etc
join, add / blamed: to say or think that a person or thing is responsible for something bad that has happened
cause(s): reasons why events happen
reason, grounds / combination: a result or product of adding together two or more things or people
alliance, association / concept: an idea of what something is or how it works
thought, theory / conclude(d): to come to an end or to come to a decision
finish, decide
consequence(s): something that happens as a result of a particular action
result, outcome / convince(d): get someone to think about something
talk into, assure / create(d): to make or produce (something)
build, develop / decrease: to become smaller in size, amount, number, etc.
reduce, get smaller
describe(d): to tell someone the appearance, sound, smell, events of something or someone
explain / designed: to plan and make decisions about something
create, make up / development: the state of being created or made more advanced
growth, adding to / differed: not alike
difference(s): quality that makes one person or thing unlike another
opposing / distrust(ed): to have no trust or confidence in something
be weary of, mistrust / dominate(d): to be the most important part of (something)
govern, rule / embrace(d): to accept gladly
admit, welcome
entry: the process of becoming involved in a situation
participation / establish(ed): accepted and used by many people
well known, approved / event(s): something that happens
occurrence, action / evidence: something which shows that something else exists or is true
exclude(d): to leave out
expel, forbid / extensive: large in size or amount
widespread, vast / favor(ed): given special advantages over others
popular, advantaged / focus: a main purpose or interest
engage, spotlight
fundamental: the most important part of something
basic, important / goal: something that you are trying to do or achieve
aim, purpose, reason / guarantee(s): a promise that something will happen or be done
pledge, promise / impact(ed): to have a strong effect on something
effect, influence
introduction: the act of bringing something into practice or use for the first time
starting point, beginning / launch: to send or shoot (something, such as a rocket) into the air or water or into outer space
send off / mobilization: to get ready for war
ready for action, movement / model(ed): to design (something) so that it is similar to something else
form, shape
negotiate(d): to discuss something formally in order to make an agreement
bargain, discuss / occurred: happened
take place / oppose(d): not agreeing with or approving of something or someone
disagree, against / organize(d): arranged into a formal group with leaders and with rules for doing or planning things
by design
participation: process of taking part in something
involvement / policy: an officially accepted set of rules or ideas about what should be done
procedure, strategy / practice(s): to do (something) regularly or constantly as an ordinary part of your life
training, repetition / prematurely: happening too soon or earlier than expected
early, too soon
preserve(d): to keep (something) in its original state or in good condition
care for, maintain / prevent(ed): to stop something from happening
block, restrict / primarily: used to indicate the main purpose of something, reason for something
for the most part, basically / provide(d): to supply
give, take care of
provision: a supply of food and other things that are needed
a condition that is included as part of an agreement or law
condition of agreement / publisher(s): a person or company that produces books, magazines, etc.
producer, writer / purpose: the reason why something is done or used
reason / reason: a statement or fact that explains why something is the way it is
idea, cause
reflect: to cause people to think of something in a specified way
think about, wonder / reform: improvement of something by removing problems
correct, improve / reject(ed): to refuse to believe, accept, or consider (something)
say no, turn down / relocate: to move to a new place
move, transfer
requirement(s): something that is needed or that must be done
necessity / response: something that is done as a reaction to something else
answer, react / responsible: used to describe the person or thing that causes something to happen
accountable, in charge / responsibility: the state of being the person who caused something to happen
accountable, blame
result(ed): something that is caused by something else
effect, reaction / ruled: the control and power that a particular person, group, or government has over a country or area
governed, manage / significant: very important
critical, serious / spurred: to encourage (someone) to do or achieve something
prompted, pushed
statement(s): an opinion, attitude, etc., that you express through the things you do
declare, account / support(ed): to approve and provide help
care for


Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary, 2011.

Web. 26 August 2011.