Abstract submission information 2015
Abstracts can only be submitted electronically and all the correspondence will be through e-mail only.
The Conference Organiser looks after the abstract submission process and holds all the abstract received. Should you have any queries throughout the abstract submission process or you need information about the abstract that you have submitted, please contact. Please quote your Abstract Reference Number
(Issued to you with the letter upon receipt of the abstract).
The scientific committee will review your abstract on the understanding that you accept to present it at the conference if your abstract is selected. Authors will be informed of their submission outcome 6 weeks before the conference. Hence abstracts may be withdrawnup to 6 weeks before the conference.
The scientific committee takes a serious note of successful abstracts not being presented without a reasonable explanation from the author(s).
Abstract submission deadline:
Please submit your abstract before the deadlinedate (5pm 25 September 2015).
Any abstract received after the deadline date and time will not be considered.
You will be notified about the receipt of your abstract within 3-5 working days of its receipt.
Please contact .If you have not received confirmation note within one week of submission.
If you are resubmitting the abstract, you must inform us to cancel the previous submission. Abstracts cannot be resubmitted after the expiry of the deadline.Please quote your Abstract Reference Number (issued to you with the letter upon receipt of the abstract).
Oral or Poster presentation
Your abstract may be accepted for oral or poster presentation (unless you have specified on the abstract submission form that you do not want the abstract to be considered for poster presentation.
Abstract submission form should be submitted with all abstracts.
PREMnw abstract submission form 2015
This form must accompany all abstracts
ORAL OR POSTER PRESENTATION (please delete if you do not want the abstract to be considered for poster presentation.)Title:
Authors(Presenting author underlined).
Presenting Author is a trainee: Yes/No
Supervising Consultant:
(Trainee submitting abstract confirms that the abstract has been approved by the supervising consultant)
Senior author supporting presentation on the day of the meeting: Yes/No
This abstract has*/ has not* been published elsewhere (delete as appropriate
E-mail address (corresponding author):
Abstracts should state briefly and clearly the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the work. The maximum word count is 200 words or A4 one side with 2 cm margins. Font 12 pt Arial.
Title: The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study.
Authors: Surname followed by initials. Please include names of all authors and underline the name of the presenting author
Institution: State the name(s) of the institution(s) where the work was undertaken
Aims: Clearly state the purpose of the work undertaken
Methods: Describe the selection of observations or experimental subjects clearly
Results: Present results in a logical sequence in text, tables and illustrations
Conclusion: Clearly state the conclusion of the work
References: 2 key references may be included
Please check the abstract carefully before submitting to ensure it is the final version. Changes will not be permitted once the abstract has been submitted and you have received your confirmation via e-mail.
- Abstract and
- Abstract Submission Form
Dr Nisar Mir Consultant Paediatrician
Warrington & Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Lovely Lane Warrington WA5 1QG
Telephone 01925 662215