Unit 11 - Assignment 10 – Consistent and Reliable Customer Service

Assignment Objective

Understand how consistent and reliable customer service contributes to customer satisfaction


Congratulations – you got the job at Alton Towers! All new employees at Alton Towers attend a 2 week long training course on Customer Service. As part of this training course, you have been asked to produce a booklet entitled Consistent and Reliable Customer Service. It should include all of the elements that you think contribute to customer satisfaction.

Assignment Outcomes

P4 – explain what contributes to consistent and reliable customer service

M3 – analyse the importance of customer service to different businesses

Task / Grading Criteria / Evidence
Task 1
Produce a booklet that explains what contributes to consistent and reliable customer service at Alton Towers. Use your experience of the visit to Alton Towers to include examples. Your booklet should include the following:
1.  Consistent and Reliable:
a)  Scope of job role
b)  Knowledge of products/services
c)  Type and quality of products/services
d)  Staff attitude and behaviour
e)  Timing
f)  Accessibility/availability
g)  Meeting customers’ needs
h)  Working under pressure
i)  Confirming service meets needs and expectations
j)  Dealing with problems
2.  Customer Satisfaction:
a)  Confidence in service
b)  Value for money
c)  Repeat custom
d)  Word of mouth reputation
e)  Internal customer satisfaction, e.g. job satisfaction, teamwork
f)  Negative effects of poor communication
g)  Dealing with problems
3.  Codes of practice:
a)  Industry/organisation/professional
b)  Ethical standards / P4 / Booklet
Task 2
Customer service is delivered in different ways by different organisations. Choose 3 of the following businesses and analyse the importance each one gains from providing excellent customer service. Include your own personal experiences/examples where appropriate. You will benefit from comparing each one to each other and to Alton Towers. Choose 3 from:
a)  A bank
b)  A hairdressers
c)  A clothes shop
d)  A mobile phone shop
e)  A fast food outlet
f)  A supermarket / M3 / Word document

27th October 2011