Revised 12/22/05



Each teacher shall be entitled to personal leave of two (2) days per year not chargeable to sick leave.

  1. Two days may be used by the teacher for any purpose but remains subject to the limitation that it not be used during the period of time set forth in sub-paragraphs 3 and 4.
  1. The third day, if a teacher qualifies for that day under paragraph C in the Agreement between this Board and the C. E. A., shall only be used for the purpose of meeting family obligations, legal commitments, religious obligations and demands of professional growth. This leave shall be used only in situations of urgency for the purpose of conducting personal business which is impossible to transact on the weekend or after school hours.
  1. Personal leave shall not be used to extend school holidays. Any unused personal leave days are to be credited to accumulated sick leave at the end of each school year.
  1. The above provision entitling a teacher to personal leave does not apply during the first week of school, during the week of examinations at the end of the first semester and during the last five (5) school days of the year, unless an emergency exists and the emergency is made known and carefully explained to the Board. In the event a difference of opinion exists as to the extent and seriousness of the emergency or as to whether the personal leave qualifies for the useable purposes, there will be named a committee of two persons from the Association and two representing the Board who will meet to assist in making the determination.

Any teacher who, by willful misrepresentation, violates or misuses this policy or misrepresents any statement or condition under said policy shall forfeit any current leave or accumulations under any leave policy in effect in the system for a period of twelve calendar months, unless reinstated sooner by the Board.

If there is a question as to the intent of the personal leave request, please feel free to request clarification on the space provided:

Please check the appropriate box to indicate if the personal leave requested is an unrestricted or restricted day:


I hereby certifyday(s) of leave is necessary on to conduct personal business of an urgent nature as provided in Paragraph A of the Agreement between the Board and the C.E.A.

Date of RequestSignature

Date Received by Building Principal Signature of Building Principal

Date Received by Sup’t. of SchoolsSignature of Sup’t. of Schools

Disposition of Request

Notification to Date