Nine Quarter Circle Ranch

5000 Taylor Fork Road, Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730

Phone: 406-995-4276 | |

Provide all information requested by printing in ink or typing. Use the ‘TAB’ key to move through the document.


Name (Last) / (First) / (Middle Init) / Telephone
Address (Mailing Address) / (City) / (State) / (Zip) / Other Telephone
E-Mail Address / Date of Birth
// / State / Social Security #
In what state have you spent the most recent years of your life? / Height / Weight / (We need to know this because of
horse/weight restrictions)
Any special schooling and in what subject?
Do you have any physical disabilities that would prevent you from doing your job? (if so, please explain)
Do you any allergies? / Do you take any medications for this?
What date could you report to NQCR to work?
// / What date must you leave? (Guest season runs to mid-Sept)
Comments re dates:
If hired, what monthly salary would you expect? (Take into account that your room and board are furnished)
Do you have any special skills or talents? Please list:
Have you had any experience with children? (Care and/or Supervision):
Have you had any experience with horses? (Training, breaking, shoeing, packing, etc.) Please go into detail:
Do you have a valid driver’s license? State: License #:
Have you had any traffic violations within the last three years? (if so, please list)
What are your favorite sports? (List in order of preference)
Had you had First Aid and/or CPR Training? (Please explain)
For which job(s) are you applying?
Wrangler Kiddie Wrangler Fly Fishing Guide Babysitter Chore man Maintenance
Cook Kitchen Helper Dining Room Secretarial Cabin Cleaner/Wait staff
1st Choice: 2nd Choice:
What qualifications and experiences do you have for this job?
List 3 references who we may contact - At least 2 must be former employers
1)Name, Relationship to you, Phone number, City, State
2)Name, Relationship to you, Phone number, City, State
3)Name, Relationship to you, Phone number, City, State
We request either a personal interview or an attached photograph. (We ask for a photograph, as many timespersonal interviews are not possible. The original photo will be returned if not hired.)
Please feel free to attach a resume &/or cover letter. Please elaborate on your qualifications & experiences and add anythingelse that might be helpful.