March 4: Missions Sunday

Kids will be together in Room 3 and go to several stations as per instructions. Leaders are welcome to attend, but do not need to. If they do come, they do not need to prepare anything.

March 11: Regular

Bible Verse: Matthew 5:13-16

“Salt and Light”

Lesson Summary: Being Christian isn’t just one more thing you do or tick off your list, it is a total way of being, a complete life transformation. Being salt and light in the world is just that. Telling one person about Jesus doesn’t fulfill you commitment to Christianity, it is living your life like a light in the dark world, so that all of your actions, your words, your giving, and your considerations reflect his love to others. Object Lesson for Large Group: Pass out mirror tiles to everyone in the room (they are available in the craft cupboard of room 2). Darken the room as much as possible and have one single candle. While reading John 8:12, where Jesus says “I am the light of the world,” light the candle in the dark. Have each person try to angle their mirror tiles at the candle, reflecting the light back. Notice how much brighter the room becomes with all of the reflected light. The kids can take them with them when they go as a reminder to reflect the light of Christ in everything they do.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you, or have you ever been, afraid of the dark?
  2. How is the world we live in similar to darkness? How is Jesus similar to light?
  3. What does it mean, practically, to reflect the light of Jesus in all that we do? What do salty/well-lit lives look like?
  4. What does Jesus say about hiding your light?
  5. Why does Jesus say in John that “He” is the light of the world, but in Matthew that “you” are the light of the world? Can it be both?

Small group activities / Craft
JK/SK / Colouring page:
Grade 1/2 / Discussion Questions / Colouring Page:
Grade 3/4 / Discussion Questions / *Have each kid fill in one of these sheets, writing 7 different ways they can show the light of Jesus each day of the week for the next week. They can help each other out or do it as a group. Discuss ideas at the end of the class.
Grade 5/6 / Discussion Questions / *Have each kid fill in one of these sheets, writing 7 different ways they can show the light of Jesus each day of the week for the next week. They can help each other out or do it as a group. Discuss ideas at the end of the class.


March 18: Regular

Bible Verse: Matthew 5:17-20

The Law and the Cross

Lesson Summary: Jesus came to fulfill the law, not to abolish the law. This leads us well into Easter. In the Old Testament, the Israelites lived under the Law of God, which required sacrifices to be made to atone for sin, it is like a debt owed must be paid out. In the Old law, the Jews had to sacrifice animals to pay their debt for their sins. But Jesus is saying here that he came to be the ultimate sacrifice, dying for all of our sins. This passage is a good lead up to Easter where all debts will be paid in full. But in addition to this, Jesus is not saying you now have an excuse just to live life however you want, you should still follow His law: loving God and loving your neighbour as a reflection of following Him. The difference is that we don’t need to make sacrifices for our mistakes anymore because Jesus paid the price already.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Sacrifice is a confusing principle for people today. Why did God require animals to be sacrificed in the Old Testament? How does this make you feel?
  2. We no longer make sacrifices in that way, but how can we still sacrifice for the sake of others (giving stuff away, putting part of our money toward good, etc)?
  3. How does it make you feel that Jesus died to save you from your sin?
  4. Talk about what it means to sin. Do you think there is a difference in making a mistake and sinning?
  5. Some people define sin as a “transgression.” Others define sin as “brokenness.” Which is a better definition, and why?

Small group activities / Craft
JK/SK / Cross craft /
Grade 1/2 / Cross craft / Do the craft, but with John 3:16 written on frame. Kids will need help writing it.
Grade 3/4 / Discussion Questions / Do the craft, but have the kids choose a verse that represents the Easter season to them. Here are some examples they can look up: Luke 24: 6-7, Acts 3:15, Acts 16:31, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, or others you can think of.
Grade 5/6 / Discussion Questions

March 25: Camp Sunday

Camp Sunday is a day off for regular leaders. Kids will gather together in Room 3 and then participate in rotation-based activities with leaders. This will be prepared by the Summer Camp staff. Regular leaders are welcome to attend if they choose.