Ms. Groh’s Weekly Lesson PlanWeek of October 3-77th Grade ELA/ESL

10-3-11 / Objectives:
·  TEKS: 7.3A, 7.3C, 7.19A
·  ELPS: 2E, 4K
·  7.3A: I will be able to identify myths and explain what makes a myth a myth.
·  7.3C: I will be able to tell how the writer’s place and time period they lived during influence the themes of their stories.
Materials: Unit Overview/Intro to Mythology guided notes handout, Welcome to Mt. Olympus mini-book, Common and Proper nouns handout, The Lightning Thief
1st half:
Warm-Up: On a sheet of notebook paper, respond to the following questions:
1.  What should you do when you EVERY SINGLE DAY when you walk in Ms. Groh’s room?
2.  When should you sharpen your pencil?
3.  When should you get out of your seat?
4.  If you have a question, what should you do?
5.  If you finish with your work early, what should you do?
·  Unit Overview: Mythology
·  Intro to Myths/Greek Mythology: Guided Notes
·  Welcome to Mount Olympus mini-book
2nd half:
Warm-up: Respond to the following questions:
·  What is a noun?
·  What is a common noun?
·  What is a proper noun?
·  Which nouns should you capitalize, common or proper?
·  Grammar Mini-Lesson: Common and Proper Nouns
·  The Lightning Thief Read-Aloud
Homework: Finish Common and Proper Nouns worksheet
10-4-11 / Objectives:
TEKS: 7.26C, 7.14D
ELPS: 2I, 5D
·  I will be able to track my progress by checking and tracking my Unit 1 Test and completed essay.
·  7.14D: I will be able to use singular and plural nouns properly in my writing.
·  Materials: Complete Unit 1 Test, Greek Myth mini-books: An Amazing Battle: The Story of Theseus and the Minotaur, The Lightning Thief, Singular and Plural Nouns worksheets
1st half:
Warm-Up: Answer the following questions in your journal or on notebook paper:
·  What grade do you want to have in this class?
·  What helps you learn best? Practicing with others, reading and answering questions silently, reviewing material at home, taking notes while someone talks?
·  How does your behavior affect your learning?
·  Name one thing you would like to improve on this week in ELA.
HOMEWORK OUT-Completed Common and Proper Nouns worksheet
·  Why we track our progress
o  Unit 1 Test tracking
o  Correct Answers
o  Objectives cover page
o  Questions and Reflection
·  Greek Myth mini-book: An Amazing Battle: The Story of Theseus and the Minotaur
2nd half:
1. Read back through your essay, Ms. Groh’s comments and the rubric sheet with your grade.
2. Answer on the BACK of your rubric sheet:
·  Name one thing you will focus on to improve in each area:
Organization, Development of Ideas and Conventions/Grammar
·  Grammar mini-lesson: Singular and Plural Nouns
·  The Lightning Thief Read-Aloud
Homework: Finish Singular and Plural Nouns worksheet
10-5-11 / Objectives:
TEKS: 7.6A, 7.6B
ELPS: 4J, 4K
·  7.6A/7.6B: I will be able to analyze how writers use characterization and setting to develop the plot of a story.
Materials: A Petrifying Quest: The Story of Perseus and Medusa mini book, Characterization graphic organizer, Singular and Plural nouns foldables-construction paper, scissors, markers, The Lightning Thief
1st half:
Warm-Up: Put together the Perseus myths mini book. Pick up one of each page from the front, stack them in order and staple the left side twice. Have a seat and begin to read through the story.
HOMEWORK OUT-Completed Singular and Plural Nouns worksheet
·  Shared Reading: A Petrifying Quest: The Story of Perseus and Medusa
·  Characterization-frayer model reminder
·  Characterization Graphic organizer
2nd half:
Warm-up: Correct your Singular and Plural Nouns homework using the projected answers
·  Grammar mini-lesson: Singular and Plural Nouns foldables!
·  The Lightning Thief Read Aloud
Homework: Bring your book tomorrow!
10-6-11 / Objectives:
TEKS: 7.3A, 7.3B
ELPS:2G, 4H, 5G
·  7.3A: I will be able to define theme and describe possible themes of the myth we read.
·  7.3B: I will be able to define and analyze the parts of a myth’s plot using the myth we read.
Materials: Dangerous Heights: The Story of Icarus and Daedalus mini books, SB p. 56-57 copies, student books
1st half:
Warm-Up: Warm-Up: Put together the Icarus and Daedalus myths mini book. Pick up one of each page from the front, stack them in order and staple the left side twice. Have a seat and begin to read through the story.
HOMEWORK OUT-You should have a library/home book with you today!
·  Icarus and Daedalus: Read Aloud
·  Vocab: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
·  Plot Graphic Organizer (SB p. 57)
2nd half:
Warm-up: Read through the back of your handout about theme and read the bulleted questions under number one.
·  Theme intro
·  Writing prompt: What do you think the is theme of the myth we read today, Icarus and Daedalus?
·  Silent Sustained Reading
Homework: Use your vocab words from this week in a sentence. (using list given)
10-7-11 / Objectives:
TEKS: RC.7E, 7.6B
ELPS: 1F, 4K
·  7.6B: I will be able to identify and analyze how the characters and plot of the story contribute to the theme.
·  ELPS 1F: I will be able to identify and use cognates to find the meaning of unknown words.
Materials: Cupid and Psyche bilingual copies, Cognates handout, Parent letter sentence starters, The Lightning Thief
1st half:
Warm-Up: Warm-Up: Put together the Cupid and Psyche myths mini book. Pick up one of each page from the front, stack them in order and staple the left side twice. Have a seat and begin to read through the story.
HOMEWORK OUT-Sentences with vocab words in context
·  Cupid and Psyche: Bilingual copies side-by-side reading
·  Grammar Mini-Lesson: Cognates in Cupid and Psyche
2nd half:
Warm-up: Get out a sheet of notebook paper and begin your parent letter using the sentence starters on the board
·  Parent letter: Summarizing what we learned this week
·  The Lightning Thief Read Aloud
Homework: Get your parent letter signed

Glimpse Ahead at Week 8:

·  Explaining natural disasters through myths and folktales

·  Literal vs. Figurative Language

·  Symbolism in Greek mythology

·  Nouns and Vocab Set 3 Quiz