►MEETING: / Bastrop County Comprehensive Transportation Plan – Steering and Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
►DATE: / March 26, 2009
►PLACE: / Bastrop County Courthouse / ►TIME: / 11:30 a.m.
Distribution/Attendees (8)
8 / Judge Ronnie McDonald / Bastrop County / 8 / Gayle Wilhelm / Bastrop County / 8 / Pat Frenzel / Elgin
8 / William Pina / Bastrop County / 8 / Dock Jackson / City of Bastrop / 8 / Lenel Tamez / Smithville
8 / Keith Joesel / Elgin / 8 / Nicole Johnson / Bastrop County / Adena Lewis / CAC
8 / Kreis Alyea / Elgin ISD / 8 / Jeff Coffee / City of Elgin / Gary Cooke / City of Elgin
Joe Cooper / LPGW / Mike Fisher / Emergency Mgt / Karen Friese / KFA
Henry Gideon / Bastrop ISD / 8 / Stevie Greathouse / CAMPO / Zach Harris / Smithville ISD
Bill Kelly / McDade ISD / Eric Kocian / Bluebonnet / Dave Marsh / CARTS
Tex Middlebrook / City of Smithville / Michael Neese / Aqua Water / David Fleming / Aqua Water
8 / Diana Schulze / TxDOT / 8 / Dennis Sheehan / City of Elgin / 8 / Stacy Snell / City of Bastrop
8 / Julie Sommerfeld / Bastrop County / Mike Talbot / City of Bastrop / Sonia Thomas / Bastrop County
Sara Wilson / Emergency Mgt. / 8 / Susan Kenzle / Land Strategies
8 / Elizabeth Prestwood / TxDOT / Ed Collins / TxDOT / 8 / Tina Geiselbrecht / TTI
8 / Arin Gray / CD&P / Joe Holland / TxDOT / Georgi Meade / URS
8 / Sean Moran / CAPCOG / 8 / David Fowler / CAPCOG / Vanessa Owens / TxDOT
Darcie Schipull / TxDOT / Tina Walker / URS / Keith Dewey / URS
1.  Welcome and Introductions
o  Team introductions
2.  Brief Overview of CAMPO Model Procedure (Stevie Greathouse)
o  Last month CAMPO held a workshop in Bastrop for the 2035 Plan; currently compiling all info and this will be available by the end of April
o  Had over 1000 survey responses
o  Working with various agencies and jurisdiction to identify projects already planned and existing; want ideas from this group to include in the modeling
o  Existing Elgin and City of Bastrop plans are already on the map
o  Timeline
§  Currently compiling information from the public meetings
§  Will develop a full list of projects with some kind of prioritization
§  Draft scenarios will be available in August/September 2009 (traffic, demand, environment, congestions)
o  CAMPO is working to match projects with development patterns; one with an alternative growth pattern out of ECT; both are financially constrained so the plan will be usable plan
o  Want to coordinate with BCCTP throughout the process as plans are being developed simultaneously
Questions and Answers
o  How does The Greenprint fit into the modeling effort?
§  Portion that is available in Bastrop will be incorporated; vacant land analysis will be included. The draft Greenprint will be complete by June, so CAMPO is using the raw data to in the planning process.
o  Is CAMPO looking at the region for connectivity, alleviating congestion, air quality, or is CAMPO looking at each county separately? Are all plans being thought of on regional basis, or will they still incorporate smaller plans (like Bastrop)?
§  The 2035 Plan is like a quilting project, as we are looking at all plans big and small, but we only have funding for ¼ of the projects.
o  Have you taken into account the ECT model that came from the public?
§  Yes in 2006 – 2007 CAMPO staff developed a growth concept map from the ECT data and then shared this with Board and they have asked for two models based on this (standard planning and the new growth concept).
3.  Mapping Exercise
o  CARTPO and TxDOT projects are included
o  Typically include arterial level and above, but will include connector projects if impacts the region (not safety or bridge)
o  The Committees had a long discussion of potential projects and participated in a mapping exercise.
o  Suggestions were made so that the committee(s) would have more background information accompanying the project descriptions for the evaluation process.
4.  Next Steps
o  The Project Resource Team will develop a list from the mapping exercise and share with CAMPO. This will be reviewed in the next meeting (not yet scheduled).

These notes are an interpretation of discussions held. Please provide any corrections to the preparer, otherwise they will be assumed correct as written.

Action Items:

TxDOT and URS: Review and research comments made on technical memoranda and scoring criteria.

►Prepared By: / Arin Gray / ► Date: / March 31, 2009
►Reviewed By: / Tina Walker / ► Date: / March 31, 2008

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