for shareholders juridical persons
for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS)
dated April13, 2016
Undersigned, []
(Fill in the name of the shareholder juridical person)
with the head office situated in [],registered with the Trade Register Office / similar entity for non-resident juridical persons at no. [ ], unique registration number / equivalent registration number for non-resident juridical persons [ ],
legally represented by[]
(Fill in the name and first name of the legal representative of the shareholder juridical person, as recorded in the documents proving the qualification as representative)
holding a number of []shares,representing[]% of a total of [ ] shares issued by SC DAN STEEL GROUP BECLEAN SA, registered with the Trade Register Office Bistrita at no. J06-14/1991,unique registration number 573652,with the head office inBeclean,Str.Valea - Viilor,nr.3,Romania(the Company),
entitling us to a number of []voting rights,representing
[]%of the paid-up registered capital and []%of the total voting rights in OGMS, do hereby appoint as proxy:
(Fill in the name and first name of the proxy natural person to whom this proxy is granted)
identified with ID card/passportseries[],no.[],issued by[ ], on the [ ],
Personal number [],
Residing in[],
(Fill in the name of the proxy juridical person to whom this proxy is granted)
with the head office situated in [], registered with the Trade Register Office / similar entity for non-resident juridical persons at no. [ ], unique registration number / equivalent registration number for non-resident juridical persons [ ],
legally represented by []
(Fill in the name and first name of the legal representative)
identified with ID card/passportseries[],no.[],issued by[ ], on the [ ],
Personal number [],
Residing in[],
as our Proxy in the OGMS of the Company , held on the 13th of April 2016,at 15:00 hours,to exercise our voting right according to our share registered in the Shareholders Register at the date of reference, as follows:
1.For point1 on the agenda of the day, respective:Presentation and approval of the annual financial statements based on the reports presented by the Board of Directors and the financial auditor, approval of the annual report on the 31.12.2015 of the Board of Directors and approval of the allocation of profits.
FOR / AGAINST / ABSTAIN2.For point2on the agenda of the day, respective: Casting the vote regarding the administration and the Board of Directors’ discharge from administration
FOR / AGAINST / ABSTAIN3.For point3on the agenda of the day, respective :Approval of the income and expenditure budget for the year 2016 as well as the company’s program of activity for the year 2016.
FOR / AGAINST / ABSTAIN4.For point4on the agenda of the day, respective :Approval of the date of 06.05.2016as registration date of the shareholders affected by the decisions of the O.G.M.S., starting from the 13.04.2016 according to the provisions of Art. 238 Par.1 Law no.297/2004 on the capital market.
FOR / AGAINST / ABSTAIN5.For point5on the agenda of the day, respective :approval of the ex date as starting date from which the financial instruments subject of the decisions of the ordinary meetings of shareholders are traded without the rights deriving from the respective decision.The ex date proposed is the 05.05.2016
FOR / AGAINST / ABSTAIN6.For point6on the agenda of the day, respective :appointing a person (proxy) to sign the decision of the O.G.M.S. and a person for the performance of all formalities in connection with the recording of the O.G.M.S. decision at the Trade Register Office Bistrita-Nasaud as well as for the publishing of the decision in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part 4.
Remark:Indicate your vote by ticking an„X”in one of the boxes for the options
„FOR”,„AGAINST”or„ABSTAINMENT”.If you tick an X in more than one box or you do not tick a box, the respective vote is considered to be null / is considered as not being cast.
This proxy:
1.is only valid for the OGMS for which it was requested, and the appointed proxy has the obligation to vote according to the instructions given by the shareholder appointing him/ her, under the sanction of the annulment of the vote by the secretaries of the OGMS meeting;
2.the deadline for recording the proxies at the Company is the 11.04.2016, 15:00 hours;
3.to be drawn up in 3 originals,of which:one for the appointer, one shall be handed-over to the proxy and one shall be filed at the head office of the Company;
4.to be signed and dated by the Principal – shareholder;
5.all fields shall be filled in by the Principal – shareholder;
6.includes information according to the Company Establishing Document,Law
no.31/1990,Lawno.297/2004,the CNVMRegulation no.15/2004and the Regulation no. 6/2009.
We annex to this proxy:
-the Establishing Certificate, inoriginal or in copy according to the original, issued by the Trade Register or any other document, in original or in copy, issued by a competent authority in the state where the undersigned is legally registered, issued not more than 12 months before the date the Shareholders Meeting is convened, which allows the identification of the undersigned in the Register of Shareholders of SC DAN STEEL GROUP BECLEANS.A.on the reference date, issued by theDepozitarulCentral(Central Depository) SA. If the Depozitarul Central (Central Depository) SA is not informed in due time in respect of the name of the legal representative of the undersigned (so that the Register of Shareholders does not reflect this on the reference date),the Establishing Certificate/ similar documents mentioned above shall have to prove the undersigned’s legal representative, and
-the copy of the proxy natural person’sidentification document (ID card for Romanian nationals or passport for foreign nationals).
If the proxy is a juridical person, we attach the respective Establishing Certificate, inoriginal or copy according to the original, issued by the Trade Register or any other document, in original or in copy, issued by a competent authority in the state of origin, showing among others the identity of it’s legal representative, and issued not more than 12 months before the date the Shareholders Meeting is convened.
Granting date of the proxy: []
(If the shareholder issues successively more than one special proxy, the Company shall deem that the last special proxy revokes the anterior proxy/ proxies.
Name of the shareholder juridical person: [] Name and first name of the legal representative: [ ]
(Fill in the name of the shareholder juridical person and the name and first name of the legal representative, clearly, in block letters)
(Fill in the signature of the legal representative of the shareholder juridical person, and stamp if applicable)