ITTI Private Limited


| A - 203, Tower 1 | International Infotech Park|Vashi Station Complex| Vashi| Navi Mumbai- 400 705| INDIA | T: +91-22-67231200, +91-22-27812304 (Ext. 218)|D:+91-22-67231218 |


Strict adherence to all rules, regulations, and policies of ITTI Private Limited Mumbai Guest House, set forth below and as amended from time to time, is required as a condition to be admitted as a resident and allowed continuation as a resident at and in address.

  • The Following May Result In Immediate Discharge And Removal From The Premises:
  • Being under the influence of alcohol and /or drugs
  • Possession of alcohol/drugs
  • Possession of weapons
  • Verbal or physical threats or acts of violence.
  • Property destruction or altering the physical construction of the premises, including interiorwalls.
  • Lies or misrepresentations on your stealing, unusual behavior and/ or any criminal activity.
  • Failure to comply with these rules and/or apartment owners or association directions.
  • The following are NOT ALLOWED in the house at any time:
  • Alcohol/Drugs
  • Non-approved medications
  • Lit cigarettes
  • Weapons, explosives, fireworks
  • Pets
  • No guests are allowed inside the house at any time, with the possible exception of approved family visits with prior approval from the ITTI Management.
  • No Smoking inside the guest house; No littering of cigarette butts or any other items on or near the property.
  • When leaving your room: all ceiling fans, air-conditioners, lights, televisions and radios are to be turned off. Lock all doors and windows.
  • Do not share your room access key with anyone.
  • All risk of loss, theft or damage to resident’s personal belongings (including cars, bikes, etc) is solely that of the resident; ITTI does not assume any liability for those items which are personal in nature.
  • Be decently dressed while moving around in the guest house premises
  • Be considerate with the neighbors and your fellow residents
  • The volume of television, music and your voices, whether you’re in your room or in the common areas, needs to be reasonable at all times, especially during the early morning hours and after 9:00 p.m.
  • Keep the house clean and orderly. Your room must be kept neat with your bed made at all times, make your bed as soon as you get up and keep your clothes, shoes, toiletries and other belongings organized. Clean up after yourself. All rooms are subject to inspection at any given time.
  • Kitchen area must be kept clean, which means absolutely no glasses, dishes, forks, knives, spoons, etc. left in the sink at any time; Wash your dishes immediately in order to prevent roaches and other insect problems. Place garbage bags in the garbage containers outside.
  • No cooking oils, grease, bleach or other solvents are to be put down the drains.
  • Any situation that requires police involvement must be discussed with the ITTI Management before the police are called, (any police involvement without ITTI Management approval, except in emergencies, will be grounds for discharge).
  • There is no sharing of clothes, personal property, loaning money, borrowing vehicles, including bikes, by either staff or residents.
  • Any medical conditions and/or injuries must be brought to the attention of the ITTI HR.
  • If there is an emergency, call for Police/Control Room: 101/ 022 27574928/ 2782 0346/27823210, Fire:022-27660101,Ambulance/Medical: 022-61526666/ 27822203/1659, Mr. Rajendra Kotwal-Vice President: (0)9820023344 and also notify the ITTI HR immediately.
  • This is not a complete list of all the possible rules and/or violations that may happen, so to ensure a healthy, happy, drug and alcohol free recovery environment please do your part to use common sense when it comes to either doing or not doing something that may affect your and others continued stay.
  • Personal items left behind after vacating will be considered abandoned and will be disposed of.
  • Finally, staff will not take the role of cop, lawyer, or investigator. This means discharges will occur without investigation of who did what, what was said, who is, or who is not at fault.
  • We have attached the following facilities provided by the landlord at the Guest House, utmost care to be taken to preserve and maintain. For any damages to the items/facilities provided in the Guest house will be recovered from the respective occupants.
  • ITTI believes these rules are clear and reasonable; if you have any questions, please contact the HR Dept. (080- 4110 2525 Extn: 211-212 / Dir: 41193208)