Present: Councillors, Mr Lay, Mr R Browning, Mrs M Gondolo-Gordon, Mrs E A Cook, Mr B Gannon, P. Johnson, Mrs A Lay and Mrs J A Williams.

County Councillor - Mr D A Sprason

Apologies Mr B Walmsley and Borough Councillor Mrs S Sprason

There were two members of the public present.

1.  PRAYERS: Mrs Lay

A minutes silence was held to remember three local residents who had recently died having given many years of service to the Parish of Markfield: Mr R Cooper, Mrs J Parkinson and Mr K Burdett.

2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: - Resolved – the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5th July 2011 were confirmed and signed by the chair.

Interests were declared as follows:-

Mr M Lay declared an interest as an elected member who served as a Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Councillor.

3.1 Resignation of Deputy Clerk – Mrs C Goddard – Mrs Goddard had given her resignation in writing dated 1st September 2011.

Resolved, the Parish Council regretfully accepted her resignation.

3.2 Vacancy for Parish Councillor: - The clerk had advertised the vacancies on local notice boards and in the Markfield & Stanton Herald last month.

There had been 3 candidates for the vacancy: Mr D Lockley, Neville Drive, Markfield

Mrs M Measures, Ratby Lane, Markfield

Mrs M Marshall, Mayflower Close, Markfield

The vacancy was filled by one secret ballot.

Mr B Hill acted as an independent scrutineer.

The Clerk took no part in the voting process.

Resolved, the members of the Parish Council decided to co-opt Mr D Lockley as the new Parish Councillor for Markfield.

The clerk would inform the successful candidate and invite him to attend the next meeting to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Further resolved, the Parish Council was impressed with both of the unsuccessful candidates’ applications. It was agreed that the clerk should keep both applicant’s applications on file for a further 12 months should a future vacancy arise.

4. POLICE REPORT: - PC Harlock attended the meeting but had emailed the following crime figures prior to the meeting:

July 2011 Crime Figures

Burglary Other

3x Hill Lane Industrial Estate

1x Bracken Way, Garage broken into

Theft of Motor Vehicle

1x Main Street

August 2011 Crime Figures


Rectory Road

Oakfield Avenue

1 Burglary Other

2 Thefts from Horsepool Grange, and Shaw Lane

Inspector Richard Ward had written to confirm that he would be attending the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 4th October 2011 to discuss the Parish Council’s concerns relating to the change to the local Beat Boundaries.

Other points to raise:

1.  Additional patrols at community centre: - organised over the summer but incidents of anti-social behaviour had been low this year as was the case throughout the village.

2.  Car Sales on A50 at the Field Head Roundabout - The Parish Council agreed to pursue the implementation of a Traffic Regulation order, as it was felt that this would have little effect on residents. Mr Lay agreed to follow the matter up.

3.  Parking problems on the junctions at both ends of Main Street: The police would continue to assess the situation and take appropriate action.

4.  Possible installation of three temporary ANPR cameras. Previously resolved, the Parish Council agreed to contribute £365per column to install the appropriate brackets onto lampposts on the junctions at both ends of Main Street and at the top of Ashby Road/Whitwick Road entrance to the village.

PC Harlock thought that the brackets would be installed next week.


5.2  Parish Council website: - Mr T Heeley RE:leicestershireparishcouncils.org: - The clerk and Mr Heeley were in the process of sorting out some training for the clerk.

5.3  Local History Group – Proposal to erect a War Memorial in Markfield: - As previous minutes.

5.4  Street signs:


Ø  Park Avenue – The sign had been removed.

Ø  Beech Walk – The Deputy Clerk had requested the amended sign.

5.5  Tree planting schemes: Main Street junction to Uplands Drive: - Previously resolved, the Parish Council agreed that that this matter should be held in abeyance until the autumn.

5.6  Faulty Christmas Lights: The Deputy Clerk had stated that she was currently experiencing problems getting in touch with Mr Tebbatt to obtain an update; he had previously confirmed that he would look into the matter in July but no update had been received to date.
The Deputy Clerk had chased several times over the last couple of weeks, but had been met with no answerphone and phone just ringing. The Deputy Clerk has followed up with Highways and it would appear that Mr Tebatt was on training today but has assured her that a call back would be received. The Clerk had mentioned that this item has been outstanding since February.

5.7  Access to open space off Launde Road: - CJ Springthorpe had replaced both the bollards at the entrances. Midland Quarry Products had installed two rocks off Launde Road entrance 12ft apart and the skips had been removed when the works were completed.

·  CJ Springthorpe had also litter picked the area and would continue to do so –at the clerk’s request.

·  CJ Springthorpe would also repair the boundary fencing (wire – far end) by installing new posts and fixing the wire again.

·  Request for the litterbin to be replaced – Resolved, a new litterbin would be installed after Bonfire night.

5.8 Blue box recycling collections – Mr Lay informed the members that due to the success of the scheme and efficiency savings being made by the operators, the Borough Council intended to provide every household with a new Recycling Wheely Bin to replace the various boxes and bags currently in use.


6.1 British Cycling – BMX Race Track – unused land at Jubilee Playing Fields; - Ongoing

6.2 Bardon Quarry - Proposed New Extension adjacent to A511, Planning application: – Ongoing

6.3 Shaw Lane: Leics Highways had undertaken the footpath maintenance.

6.4 Community Centre Car Park entrance: - The clerk had met with officers from the County Highways to see what could be done to resolve the issue. Ongoing.

6.5 Markfield, Groby and Ratby Community Forum: - The next meeting would be held on 15th September 2011.

6.6 New Homes Bonus: - Mr Sprason stated the county council had received £530,000 from the Government’s new scheme to support councils working with local communities to develop new housing. The County Council had already agreed to support the proposal to construct affordable houses from Blaby District Council and was considering a proposal from Melton Borough Council to make their scheme happen. He hoped that other district councils would also invest to make more housing development schemes happen.

6.7 Localism Bill 2010: - Mr Sprason stated that the Bill would reform local government by making it far more open and make the planning system clearer, more democratic and more effective.

Mr Gannon asked if the proposed changes in the Bill would allow previous planning decisions to be revisited? Mr Sprason said that this wouldn’t be the case because local communities would have control over their own local development plans, stating where new houses or businesses should go.

Mr Gannon stated that the general public assumption was that the new planning regulations would benefit Developers. Mr Sprason stated that the Bill was intended to simplify current planning regulations and give more powers to local communities.


7.1 CISWO (Coal Industry and Social Welfare Organisation) Miners’ Welfare Institute: -Mr Lay stated that trustees had written to the Charity Commission giving the details of local organisations’ projects they proposed to benefit from the proceeds of the sale.

7.2 Environmental Improvement Scheme 2011/2012: - Ongoing.

7.3 The Co-Op store redevelopment at The George Car Park and current empty shops along Main Street: - Mr Lay stated that the planning application had been withdrawn.

7.4  New Homes Bonus – Jelson development: - Lay stated that as a local community, Markfield had currently met its obligations for new housing development but the New Homes Bonus would not directly benefit the village infrastructure. Mr Sprason stated that under the new scheme the County Council intended to improve the local infrastructure of those communities directly affected by development.

7.5  Housing Revenue Subsidy: - There was no update at this time.


8.1 Donation of Bee Boxes: - Mr S Haymes had agreed to store the Bee Boxes until next spring.

8.2 MUGA – Parish and Community Initiative 50% funding - Wooden kick board replacement: -.

The Deputy Clerk had met with R Hurst to discuss all outstanding jobs and in particular the MUGA and Skate Park repairs/refurbishment.


9.1 Memorial Applications: - Headstone – C Middleton

Addl Insc- N Y Hunt

Gardens of Remembrance – Plaque - R & B Hayward (10x6inch)

The memorials were approved.

9.2 Cemetery Garage: - The matter would be held in abeyance until the area around the immediate vicinity had been cleared and the matter discussed further at the Budget Review Workshop.

9.3 3 large Laurel bushes – (right hand side of Cemetery): - Quotation C J Springthorpe - to cut down, dig out roots and stumps remove debris and make ground good with top soil and seed.

Total cost = £550.00 exc. VAT

Resolved, the Parish Council accepted the quote.

9.4  Litter bins: - The parish Council preferred the square wire baskets in line with those already installed. Ongoing.

9.5  Replace Memorial Bench (Ansell): - Resolved, the clerk should order a new bench up to a maximum cost of £350.00 exc. VAT


A Manager’s Report not available this month.

A meeting between the Clerk, Mr Lay, Mrs Gondolo-Gordon, Mrs D Beesley and Mr R Grantham to be arranged before the next MCA meeting to discuss the Lease payments arrangements.

10.1 CCTV Cameras - 5 & 6 Faulty: - The deputy clerk had received two verbal quotations:

Tranter Fire & Security - £500.00 per camera

TecServe UK Ltd - £300.00 per camera

The deputy clerk had requested a power pack renewal at a cost of £189. from TecServ UK. This had been carried out – but confirmed that Camera 6 was faulty

To be discussed with Mrs Beesley

10.2 Annual Maintenance Fire and Security Quotes

The following are quotes for “annual maintenance for fire and security. They have been obtained in order to alleviate large call out charges in the event of a problem or fault occurring. The Deputy Clerk had tried to obtain more quotes but was proving difficult with closing times at the centre.

Tranter Fire & Security / TecServ UK Limited / Proudcastle / Squire Alarms Ltd
Fire Alarm / £157.00 / 2 visits pa / £500.00 / 2 visits pa / No response
Called twice and e-mailed. / Cancelled appointment due to Centre being closed has not returned my calls to rearrange.
Intruder Alarm / £47.00 / 1 visit pa / £250.00 / 2 visits pa
Fire Extinguishers / £25.00 + parts / 1 visit pa / £100.00 / 1 visit pa
CCTV / £137.00 access platform not quoted / 2 visits pa / £208.00 / 1 visit pa
Cost of Single Colour Camera Unit / Awaiting / Per unit / awaiting / Per unit

To be discussed with Mrs Beesley

10.3 Burst water pipes and water damage – AON Insurance: - The clerk would take further action as necessary including, a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

10.4 Fire Alarm checks; – The members of MCA were happy that the checks were completed and recorded weekly in order to comply with Insurance regulations.

10.5 Guttering: Rob Hurst had repaired the guttering again, but it had again been vandalised.

10.6 Relaying of the foot path to the entrance of the building: Richards Environmental Services had completed the works as requested.

10.7 Resiting of village recycling centre: - No longer applicable.

10.8 Skatepark –boards: - Maximum cost of the works should not exceed £750.00 exc. VAT.

Costs to date incurred were £151.00 for boards – the Deputy Clerk had managed to obtain free welding and labour costs. As additional boards were due to be ordered (along with MUGA) the Deputy Clerk made the decision not to get it painted until these boards were down as not to incur any duplicated costs.

Resolved, two new litter bins should be ordered to replace the old ones

10.9 Re-painting of the Skatepark: -

Rob Hurst Property Maintenance £152.00 1 x Coat in oil based wood preserve (creotec)

M J Flint Painter & Decorator £350.00 Apply 2 x coats of wood stain (price fixed for 5 years)

Await the completion of item 10.8.


11.1 Playground Inspection: - The Play Area inspections had been undertaken for August 2011. The Deputy Clerk had spoken with Rob Hurst and has forwarded the list of necessary repairs – all quite minor but nevertheless need doing to alleviate future issues.