Request for Funds 11-12


All proposals are due at First 5 Siskiyou's office on Thursday, July 14,at 5:00 pm. Email at is preferred but hard copy will be accepted. If hard copy, submit four (4) copies.

  1. Presentations will be made in person at the regular Commission Meeting on July 27, 2011 to be held at Behavioral Health Services, 2060 Campus Drive in Yreka.
  2. Maximum allowable for any FRC/CRC proposal is $37,000.00. Funding will be based on 251 days of service (minimum 35 hours per week). Indicate on the calendar provided with the proposal from the days the site will be open and also note dates the site will be closed (holidays/vacation, etc.)
  3. Each First 5 funded FRC/CRC will employ a full-time Executive Director 35-40 hours/week.
  4. Based on sound child development practices and increased number of hours children are exposed to media, First 5 Siskiyou will NOT fund “movie nights”.
  5. There is a new section in the proposal related to how your site will recruit volunteers.
  6. Board Membership of diverse community representatives and regular meetings of your Board of Directors is required.
  7. If your site does not use First 5 AmeriCorps personnel, the person responsible for First 5 services must have skills, knowledge and experience in working with families from diverse backgrounds, in family support field and/or child development. Please include detailed resume or explanation of qualifications of non AmeriCorps” staff. It is recommended that your site attempt to utilize First 5 AmeriCorps as much as possible in order to build capacity of community members and sustain services at a lower cost.
  8. DO NOTmake changes to the format of the proposal. It is a Word table format and the cells are expandable to accommodate detailed explanations.
  9. Make sure the Excel file Budget Detail is First 5 funds for 0-5 year olds and their families ONLY. Be sure to complete the Budget Narrative.
  10. Please note that salaries and wages cannot exceed budget without prior authorization of the Commission and all other budgeted items have only a 10'% variable without prior approval. Take extra care in preparing your budget.
  1. An updated Business Plan must be submitted prior to funding disbursement
  2. Attach a copy of 501(c)(3) if applicable
  3. Please attach a list of your Board Members and contact information including email address (if applicable)
  4. Reporting forms will be provided at a later date
  5. Finally, include a descriptive page to be posted on First 5's website –

If you have any questions, need clarification or help, please call Karen Pautz at (530) 261-1297.

FIRST 5 Siskiyou

Children & Families Commission

Request for Funds for Fiscal Year 11-12

Applicant: / DUNSMUIR CRC
Funding Request: / $37,000.
Estimated No. of Children 0-5 years old to be served with this funding: / 120
Contact Information:
Address / 5740 DUNSMUIR AVE., DUNSMUIR 96025
Mailing Address / DUNSMUIR, CA. 96025
Phone / NEW PHONE # Soon
Email address /
FRC/CRC Board Members:
(Include contact information, e-mail if available) / See attached
(Attach sheet if necessary)
Fiscal Agent:  Self – 501(c)(3) (attach copy)  Other
If Other:
Fiscal Agent / Yreka Community Resource Center
Address / 201 S. Broadway, Yreka, CA 96097
Mailing Address / P.O. Box 206, Yreka, CA 96097
Phone / 530-842-1313
Email address /

Communities to be served with these funds:

Big Springs /  / Grenada/Gazelle /  / McCloud /  / Tulelake/Newell / 
Butteville /  / Happy Camp /  / Montague /  / Weed / 
Dorris /  / Hornbrook /  / Mt. Hebron /  / Yreka / 
Dunsmuir /  / Klamath River /  / Mt. Shasta /  / Other:______
Etna /  / Lake Shastina /  / Scott Valley /  / Other:______
Forks of Salmon /  / MacDoel /  / Seiad Valley /  / Other:______
Core Services to be addressed: Minimum 35 hours per week
Indicate the specific strategies and activities you will use to meet the requirements for Core Services.
Parent Education
  • Minimum 24 hours of parenting education classes.
  • Minimum of one 7-week Parenting NOW or 12-Week Nurturing Parenting Classes under the coordination of the Community Services Council
/ We will host at least one nurturing skills (7 week) class.
Plus, we hope to provide five one-time workshops.
Add a support group for parents of autistic
children. We plan to add a life management course taught by the director.
Child Development Activities (minimum 100 hours )
  • 0-5 years = 50 hours
  • 6-18 years = 50 hours
/ Playgroup for toddlers 40 hours
Story time for toddlers 40 hours
Summer play days for 4-8 year-olds 18 hours.
Summer teen board game night and/or brain teaser night and/or music studies taught by local talent ( including local sheriff officer)
Drop-in Availability (minimum 30 hours for Drop – In services and welcoming environment) / Complete the Calendar
Hours Monday-Thursday 9-5
Wednesdays 5-7 once quarterly
Fridays by appointment only
Resource and Referral
Binder of local and countywide services and resources
FRC staff and AmeriCorps know about local and countywide resources and stay current in referral processes / On site
Peer-to-Peer Support (minimum 30 hours) / 40 hours peer to peer parent/child toddler playgroups
Life Skills and Advocacy
  • Sample activities include workshops on Budgeting, cooking on a budget, Infant/Child CPR, individual goal setting, job skills, college financial aid services, GED Preparation, Food Bank.
/ Cooking classes
Budgeting and debt counseling
VITA tax assistance
GED practice tests
Food Bank and other need based services
Commodities referrals
Application Assistance
  • Sample includes: Healthy Families, Food Stamp, Social Security, EDD, Medi-Cal etc.
/ We will be available for drop-in assistance during open hours. We will also schedule application assistance when possible.

First 5 Siskiyou adopted Indicators

(See attached Appendix E)

Improved Child Health

Children receive preventive and ongoing regular health care

Children are in healthy and safe environments

Children are healthy and well-nourished

Children have good oral health

Improved Child Development

Children have access to high quality early care and education

Children enter kindergarten “ready for school”

Improved Family Functioning

Children live in home environments supportive of optimal cognitive development

Families are self-sufficient

Parents provide nurturing and positive emotional support for their children

Improved Systems of Care

Service outreach, planning, support and management

Expand FRC/CRC capacity/programs

Raising or leveraging of funds

Interagency collaborations

History of your Resource Center
Provide a description of 2010-2011 FRC/CRC growth.
We have been able to utilize a part time VISTA volunteer to improve our infrastructure. The VISTA has provided us an opportunity to improve our management systems and has implemented new strategies for community engagement. We have ended a majority of our sharing of services with the FRC in McCloud to provide more oversight by the director of each family resource center.
Explain how the Resource Center board has developed and steps taken to increase services and support in your community. Also include any challenges (if appropriate) and steps taken to work through challenges.
Our Board has maintained the same membership this year. They are all available to the center director as needed and provide a variety of support services to staff, volunteers and consumers. One of our Board members tutor’s students as needed and also is spearheading the brain drain support system for the youth. We will be utilizing our board members in the future to implement fundraising and promote the resource center more fully. We will also require more fiscal responsibility from the Board and look forward to a successful year.
Indicate how the Resource Center has used community volunteers. Include estimated number of volunteer hours contributed to the FRC
We have benefited from a variety of volunteer contributions. We have accrued 700 volunteer hours served. The value of this is $18,000. Our volunteers have been excited to be a part of the family resource center. Our AmeriCorps and VISTA volunteers have been a large part of the success due to their active recruiting. Also, through our work with the courts we utilized a large number of community service volunteers, students from local schools received credit for their volunteering and many of our local service club members joined in volunteer efforts at different time throughout the year. We have community members that help prepare food and work on set up and take down of special events. We have volunteers that are skilled and proficient in multiple arts and activities and volunteer their time to teach and aid others. One volunteer makes sure there is a fresh vase of flowers weekly. Two other volunteers teach the scrapbooking class and the knitting class, both classes have grown from @3 To 8 consumers.
Has the Resource Center had an increased number of volunteers during the 2010-2011fiscal year? Explain.
Because of our refined tracking and volunteer process we have been able to stay in touch with our many volunteers even when they have taken time away. This has given us an opportunity to call in volunteers as a needed basis. We are in the process of a program to recognize and reward our volunteers so that they will realize how important they are to our continued success. The agreement with the Jail system to utilize early release community members has been an extremely beneficial program for our facility. These workers are for the most part both motivated, reliable and a source of many volunteer hours.
Discuss your current partnerships with agencies, non-profits, community organizations and service clubs.
Dunsmuir Rotary- Continues to be a big supporter by promoting our activities and providing funds for special projects. They invite the ED to speak quarterly and want to maintain current program awareness. They also volunteer for special events.
Siskiyou Arts Council –Utilizes our space for a meeting once annually to keep members up to speed on current activities and programs.
Remi Vista – Although not a formal agreement, we provide space and activity opportunities for Behavior coaches and children that are served by Remi Vista. This allows children that are not in traditional school settings to conduct their school business at our center and we are able to provide many of the supplies needed through the vast array of donated materials on hand.
Workforce Connection – We provide space for local consumers to meet with job coaches and increase their employment possibilities.
Dunsmuir Chamber – We are now members of the Chamber and they promote our programs and invite us opportunities to participate in city wide events and programs.
Baptist Church – We worked with the new pastor to conduct a food drive and provide holiday food for low income individuals and families. They also provided food for all of the children and summer fun camp.
St. Vincent de Paul – We work with them to provide food bag referrals and when we have an unmet crisis need, we are able to work with them to create a solution.
Commodities – We refer eligible individuals to register for the free commodities distribution.
Salvation Army – We refer and are able to advocate on an individual basis for families in need to receive emergency assistance.
Dunsmuir Girl Scouts – We partner with them by paying the troop to provide childcare with an adult supervisor for our parenting classes and other events.
Siskiyou Domestic Violence and Crisis Center – We work with them to provide early childhood puppet shows and we promote the value of their programs through the schools.
Describe how you market your programs and services.
We provide a two page newsletter/flyer to 300 children enrolled in public schools. We also promote individual events in this way as well as post flyers throughout town and through local medical centers to promote relevant programs.
We distribute personalized invitations to preschool families enrolled in local preschools.
We provide 2 annual presentations to teaching staff at local schools.
We send personalized letters to school staff to encourage their “cheerleading” the value of our programs and services to children and families.
We provide presentations to local service clubs.
We are listed in the weekly calendar of the local paper, the monthly North State Parent magazine and the county-wide FRC events calendar.
We have a web site maintained by our board Chair. Every individual that utilizes our services is provided a current events flyer and engaged in a discussion about our many services. Word of mouth has been very successful in marketing our programs, by providing high quality programs consistently we have developed many strong local advocates of our programs.
Describe current coordination with other community, county and regional organizations
CFRA California Family Resource Assn. California Association for the Education of Young Children – We are members of CFRA
WIC– Annual rent of $600. Paid to rent our space and provide WIC services on site once monthly.
DES – CRS We work closely with teachers and administrative personnel to serve children and families well. We have been utilized to provide a comfortable, familiar environment to conduct IEPs.
DHS – The high school cooking class program cooks for our community soup luncheons once monthly.
Siskiyou Early Head Start – They set up a play area for their socializations and to engage new families to their services during our monthly WIC visits. This has been a great way to provide child development activities during WIC, support to parents and SHS benefits by recruiting families into the Early Head Start program.
Shasta Head Start, CR Preschool and DES preschool partner with us through field trips to our site for special events such as puppet shows and theater. We plan to restart a program that was done in the past but it is not currently being done. This program is where we visit the preschools twice monthly with our senior volunteer. She provides stories, books and a grandmother touch to children that may not have seniors or grandmothers active in their lives. Children and parents then follow up by stopping in for playgroup or other activities or to receive family based services from a familiar person.
Dunsmuir Library – We provide some story-times at the library and help to encourage families to access library services and obtain library cards.
Ford Family Foundation – Are actively involved in promoting leadership through the Ford Leadership Program.
CSC – We partner through grants and agreements in several programs: Child Abuse Prevention Council, IHSS, Parenting Classes and Relapse Prevention Classes
Drug Free Community- Are working to set up a Drug Free Coalition to participate in the new Drug Free Community grant.
Explain any barriers and steps taken to work towards solutions.
Economic issues caused us to continue to postpone our annual evening of Romance fundraiser. We have always held this during the Valentine Day weekend. We discussed this with local restaurants and were encouraged to postpone again this year so that they, our local business, could benefit from the special holiday weekend. These same restaurants chose to provide us with individual donations. We also had ED change when our current ED left the end of March. This created some stress in the workplace and yet as a team all of the staff worked hard to maintain all of the programs and services to our community until a new ED could be hired. We are in the process of moving to a new facility that will provide us with lower rent. The new facility is also a place that will provide us with more opportunities to further self-sustainability. It has a full commercial kitchen and a Creamery/Coffee shop. Our new location will also be more visible and have easier access for the public. It will give us a new fresh start with new enthusiasm, and some new innovative ideas to better serve our community.
Greatest accomplishment in 2010-11 as it relates to children birth to 5 and families
We were able to help several families in need of which two families in particular stand out. Both of these families came into the center with several small children from 6mths to 6 years old. They had no money, food, job or shelter. We were instrumental in helping the families to find a job, low income housing, put them in touch with a local church to provide food, and provided them with a safe place to play, read and interact with their children. In turn they have volunteered valuable time to the resource center and helped out with our summer program. They have already volunteered to help with the move to our new facility.
Greatest accomplishment for the site
We started a scrapbooking class and a knitting class. The ladies that are attending are extremely happy with the class. Both classes are being taught by a volunteer.
We started a yoga class that is well attended and will continue for another 8 weeks