
D. Brown

Prerequisites:Honors Physical Science

Teacher Recommendation

Rationale:The purpose for studying Biology, which is the study of the living systems, is to introduce students to the human body and the living systems that surround us. The material presented will relate to life in general. We will start with the basis for life, the cell, and continue our journey through such studies as bacteria, plants, and finally the human body. Medicine and research are key ideas in society. Material will be introduced that will help students to understand environmental effects on the living systems.

In May, a cumulative state given “End of Course” TEST will be given that counts 20 % of the student’s final grade in Biology I Honors. Please continue to encourage your child to keep up and stay focused as we move through the content this year! The state standards and indicators for Biology will be sent home in a separate document that covers the specific content for the year.



  1. Write in blue or black ink or use a #2 pencil.
  2. Homework will be assigned and is due in the appropriated basket at the beginning of the period.
  3. Homework will be graded according to a rubric located at the front of the classroom. (Due to the level of the course, NO work is accepted “unexcused” late)
  4. Make up work will follow school policy- 5 days for an unlawful absence and 3 days for a documented lawful absence.


Students must have at least 120 seat hours to obtain a unit of credit. This equates to no more than 10 absences during the term- lawful or unlawful.

Classroom Strategies:

  1. Limited lecture involving new material
  2. Hands-on laboratory activities
  3. Research projects on assigned topics
  4. Cooperative learning or team work
  5. Open class discussions
  6. Science computer lab experiences
  7. A field trip to a designated science location which will encompass a portfolio project and/or an on-sight laboratory experience with follow-up project- SC Aquarium in Charleston, SC (date to be determined) also a trip in May to Williamson Park in Darlington.
  8. Weekly journal entries or Internet assignments


  1. Basic cell chemistry
  2. Molecules and the cell
  3. The cells and organelles
  4. Energy for Systems
  5. Genetics
  6. Mitosis and Meiosis
  7. Genes and chromosomes
  8. DNA function and replication
  9. Change over time
  10. The food chain and web
  11. Ecology
  12. Classification
  13. The human systems
  14. Environmental effects and disease


Class Rules:1. You are in the room when the tardy bell-rings.

  1. You are always prepared with your pen or pencil, paper, and book.
  2. You remain in your seat unless otherwise instructed or you are given permission.
  3. You are always respectful and polite-

Raise hand

Speak softly

Do NOT cause class disruptions

  1. You abide by all DCSD rules, policies, and procedures.

Grading Procedures:

A point system will be used:

Points Earned/ Points possible x 100 = GRADE

Test =100 points

Quiz=50 points

Homework=5-20 points

Labs=75 points

Classwork=10-20 points

Projects=200 points(1 per nine weeks)

Journals=50 points

Novel=50 points for each assignment

Benchmark Testing will be used quarterly based on the content covered each nine weeks.

MATERIALS- See Science Supply List

Supplied by teacher:

Text- Holt- Biology (Cheetah Book), Interactive Reader and Study Guide

Adoption Journal folder

Bell-ringer Notebook

Novel- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks