PB–template for a personal Reading List
The Great Commission RL
Personal Reading List PB – sample based on a Logos Reading List – italics are usage notes. The RL format has been kept for convenience, but you may simply write in a book or article reference from your physical book shelf with no need for special formatting.The input boxes are added to keep track of reading progress and thoughts - they need to have unique IDs.
Compile as type lectionary to select different bible versions for dynamic text of key passages.
1. Key passages
„bread-and-butter version“
* Matthew 28:18-20
more elaborate: dynamic text
{{dtext ref=Mt 28:18-20}}
{{input id=QUESTION_11 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
2. Introduction
* [[Word and Phrase Study > libronixdls:jump|pos=LLS-AOL:0<THIRDSUBHEAD.38>.5133.0|res=LLS:53.10.68]] | The First Christian Primer: Matthew
{{input id=QUESTION_21 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
* [[Section Outline Twenty-seven (Matthew 28) > libronixdls:jump|pos=LLS-AOL:0<ID.501>.1337.0|res=LLS:34.0.123]] | The Outline Bible
{{input id=QUESTION_22 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
3. Commentary
RL-syntax will work – in the various forms that work to give a link
* [[Matthew 28:1–20 > libronixdls:jump|pos=LLS-AOL:0<MT.49>.0.0|res=LLS:COMNTUSEOT]] | Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
{{input id=QUESTION_31 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
* [[Matthew 28:16–20 > logosres:wbc33b;ref=Bible.Mt28.16-20]] | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 33b: Matthew 14-28
{{input id=QUESTION_32 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
* [[Matthew 28:16–20 > logosres:nigtcmt;ref=Bible.Mt28.16-20]] | The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Gospel of Matthew
{{input id=QUESTION_33 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
* [[Matthew 28:16–20 > logosres:pntcmatt;ref=Bible.Mt28.16-20]] | The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel according to Matthew
{{input id=QUESTION_34 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
* [[Matthew 28:19 > libronixdls:jump|pos=LLS-AOL:0<Matthew.28.19.COMM>.0.0|res=LLS:46.50.2]] | Word Pictures in the New Testament
{{input id=QUESTION_35 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
* [[Matthew 28:16–20 > logosres:aplgstdybbl;ref=Bible.Mt28.16-20]] | The Apologetics Study Bible: Real Questions, Straight Answers, Stronger Faith
{{input id=QUESTION_36 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
* [[Matthew 28:16–20 > https://ref.ly/logosres/wescom61mt;ref=Bible.Mt28.16-20]] | Matthew: A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition
{{input id=QUESTION_37 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
5. Web Links
* [[Wikipedia: The Great Commission > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Commission]]
(will open in Logos)
{{input id=QUESTION_51 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
Links in RL-syntax will work
* [[Catena Aurea > http://www.ccel.org/ccel/aquinas/catena1.ii.xxviii.html]]
{{input id=QUESTION_42 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
* [[Transformed on the Mountain:Ritual Analysis and the Gospel of Matthew by K. C. Hanson > http://www.kchanson.com/ARTICLES/mountain.html]]
{{input id=QUESTION_43 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}
* [[Cyber Hymnal: Scriptural index > http://www.hymntime.com/tch/sca/Matthew.htm]]
{{input id=QUESTION_44 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Found relevant hymns? Comments”}}
Plain link without RL syntax will work, too:
https://www.onfaith.co/discussion/10-things-i-wish-everyone-knew-about-the-great-commission (Jeffrey Kranz, 09/24/2016)
{{input id=QUESTION_45 | type=text | width=35 | prompt=“Have read it? Comments”}}