Product Specification

Fidia and TestudoMembrane System

High performance, elastoplastomeric, two layer torch-on, reinforced with rot-proof non-woven polyester and stabilised with glass mat, polymer-bitumen waterproofing membrane system




Podium Decks and Balconies with ‘UV protected’ membranes


Where so designated on the drawings, surfaces shall be waterproofed with a high performance, elastoplastomeric, two-layer torch on, reinforced with rot-proof non-woven polyester and stabilised with glass mat, polymer-bitumen waterproofing membrane system.



All surfaces shall be prepared, primed and the membrane applied strictly in accordance with the current manufacturer technical data sheet.

All work shall be carried out by a pre-qualified contractor, who is well trained in the application of the specific, documented, membrane system.

All materials used in conjunction with the new membrane system, shall be approved by the membrane manufacturer.


Surface Preparation

All surfaces to which the new membrane is to be applied, shall be smooth, clean, dry, and free from irregularities.

Sand / cement fillets, polymer modified, shall be installed at all change in direction of substrate locations (e.g. from horizontal to vertical). With sheet membranes all internal and external corners shall be double detailed in accordance with the manufactures recommendations.

All substrate cracks and surface imperfections are to be filled, sealed and dry prior to membrane application.


The base layer is to be 3 mm minimum thickness, elasto-plastomeric, polymer bitumen membrane based on distilled bitumen blended with both plastomers and elastomers polymers, reinforced with non-woven polyester fabric and stabilised longitudinally with glass fibres.

When tested in accordance with UEAtc directive Jan 1984, it shall exhibit the following properties:

Tensile strength / longitudinal: / 450 N/5 cm / (ENI2311-1)
transverse: / 400 N/5 cm
Ultimate elongation / longitudinal: / 40% / (EN12311-1)
transverse: / 40%
Service temperature: / -100C to 1000C / (continuous ambient)
Application temperature: / 50C to 450C / (ambient)


The top layer is to be 4 mm minimum thickness, elasto-plastomeric, based on distilled bitumen, plastomers and elastomers, reinforced with non-woven spunbonded polyester fabric. When tested in accordance with UEAtc directive Jan 1984 shall exhibit the following properties:

Impermeability to water / >= 60 kPa / (EN1928)
Tensile strength / longitudinal: / 750 N/5 cm / (UNI8202)
transverse: / 650 N/5 cm
Ultimate elongation / longitudinal: / 50%
transverse: / 50%
Service temperature: / -100C to 1000C / (continuous ambient)
Application temperature: / 50C to 450C / (ambient)


Index Fidia and Index Testudo from Parchem Construction Supplies meet the performance criteria and are approved products for this application.

Parchem Construction SuppliesDocument Date: 09/2009Page 1 of 2

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