Ref:HCR/HMA/London Trip/11/04/16

15 April 2016

Dear Parents/Carers

English London theatretrip 2016

As you are aware, we are offering students from years 9 and 10 the opportunity to visit The Globe theatre, London,to see ‘Macbeth’, which is the set Shakespeare text for GCSE English literature.

The trip will involve a guided tour of The Globe exhibition, a workshop led by actors from The Globe, specially arranged to look at the characters and plot of ‘Macbeth’, and will also take in a West End show.

The trip is open to all students in current years 9 and 10, however places are limited to 40 and attendance as well as behaviour within the academy will be taken into consideration when allocating places.

We must draw your attention to the following criteria. You will need to sign the reply slip to say that you acknowledgeandagree fully toeach.

  • Your child must not have any unauthorised absences or family holidays during term time from the beginning of the year up until the trip.
  • Your child’s attendance at school will remain above 95% during the year.
  • Your child must not display poor behaviour or receive any exclusions from the academy.

Failure to comply with any of the above criteria may, at any time, result in your child being removed from the trip. It may also not be possible to return any payments already made.

The students will be leaving at 8.30 am on Tuesday 12 July 2016 and returning at approximately 10.30pm on Wednesday 13 July. Students will need to be at school at least 15 minutes earlier. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the trip, if a student is late we will not be able to wait for them. It is essential that a parent or guardian be available to pick up your child upon return as they will not be allowed to walk home alone.

All students must return the consent form with a non-refundable deposit of £40.00, by Wednesday20 April 2016, to confirm a place.

Itinerary for the trip:

Day 1: Arrive in London

Check in at the hotel

Evening meal at Hard Rock Cafe

Theatre trip – The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Return to the hotel

Day 2: Continental breakfast at the hotel

Tour of The Globe exhibition

Tailor made ‘Macbeth’ workshop at The Globe theatre

Matinee performance of ‘Macbeth’

Return to school for approximately 10.30pm

The students will be accompanied by five members of staff; we will be travelling by executive coach and staying at a hotel in central London.

The total cost for the trip is £219.00 and I will inform you as soon as the final price has been confirmed by the company.

Payment schedule:

  • Initial Deposit of £40.00 to be paid by20 April 2016
  • Final payment £179.00to be paid by 29 April 2016

Please complete and return this slip, along with £40.00 deposit, by 20 April 2016,to the finance office. Cheques should be made payable to Kirk Balk Academy.

PLEASE NOTE: In the event of a student cancelling, it may not be possible to refund any monies paid.

If you have any other queries with regards to the trip please do not hesitate to contact the English department.

Yours faithfully

Mrs H Craddock Mr D Buckley

Director of English Vice Principal

Please complete and return this slipagreeing to the following criteria,along with the initial deposit, by Wednesday 20April 2016.

Student name:

  • My child will not have any unauthorised absences or family holidays during term time from now up until the trip.

Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………Date ……………………

  • My child’s attendance at school will remain above 95% for the year. (Genuine absences due to illness with medical evidence will be reviewed on individual merit.)

Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………Date ……………………

  • My child will continue to meet the expectations of the academy’s behaviour policy.

Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………Date ……………………

  • I also acknowledge and understand the payment schedule explained in the letter and agree to meet the required dates for payments.

Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………Date ……………………

  • I understand that any outstanding payments for music lessons and/or unreturned library books will be cleared prior to my child participating in the trip.

Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………Date ……………………

Principal:Ms J M Nolan

Vice Principals: Mr D Buckley, Mr M Davies

Telephone: 01226 742286

