Instructor:BergdoltCourse Title: career prep Date: Jan 16-20 career prep

Class(es): 1, 4, and 6th periods

Day 1 /


Academic Planning and Career Development
Learning Objectives:
Examine the employment process
Investigate the job search process
Complete a job application
Develop or update a resume
Identify Interview Skills / Procedures/Activities/Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Holiday / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Content Standard(s):
Examine the employment process, including searching for a job, filling out job application, writing a resume, developing and practicing interview skills
Utilize an online learning-management system to engage in collaborative learning projects, discussions, and assessments beyond the traditional classroom that are goal=oriented. / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO
FBLA meeting during activity period /


/ Remediation
Stay after school
Essential Questions:
What is the employment process
How is a job search conducted
How do you fill out a job application?
How do you write a resume?
What are interview skills? / CCRS:
Reading Standards for Literacy 12: 4, 5, 7;Writing Standards for Literacyin SocialStudies, Science, andTechnical Subjects 6-12: 1, 7
Day 2 /


Academic Planning and Career Development
Learning Objectives:
Examine the employment process
Investigate the job search process
Complete a job application
Develop or update a resume
Identify Interview Skills / Procedures/ Activities /Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Today’s lesson topic: How to search for a job opening (resources that can be used) (understanding related terminology)
Facilitated by Teacher Intern / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Job Listing Lecture Notes
Content Standard(s):
Examine the employment process, including searching for a job, filling out job application, writing a resume, developing and practicing interview skills
Utilize an online learning-management system to engage in / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO
Attend this week’s FBLA meeting /


/ Remediation
After school
Essential Questions:
What are specific job descriptions, requirements, salaries, and employment outlooks for individual career options? / CCRS:
Reading Standards for Literacy 12: 4, 5, 7;Writing Standards for Literacyin SocialStudies, Science, andTechnical Subjects 6-12: 1, 7

*Provisions for individual differences will be made based upon specifications in the student’s Career/Tech Implementation Plan.

Available Industry Credential:Course/Program Culminating Product:

Day 3 /


Academic Planning and Career Development
Learning Objectives:
Examine the employment process
Investigate the job search process
Complete a job application
Develop or update a resume
Identify Interview Skills / All freshman will take the Aspire Test for first 45 minutes of class.
Last 30 minutes of class –
5 Minutes – Upload Future Career Letter and Resume to Google Drive
40 Minutes - Complete the following activities to upload to Career Portfolio
1)Google Image Save
2)Movie Maker video activity
______/ Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Google Image Save
Content Standard(s):
Examine the employment process, including searching for a job, filling out job application, writing a resume, developing and practicing interview skills
Utilize an online learning-management system to engage in / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO
Attend this week’s FBLA meeting /


/ Remediation
Meet with students after school
Essential Questions:
What is the employment process
How is a job search conducted
How do you fill out a job application?
How do you write a resume?
What are interview skills? / CCRS:
Reading Standards for Literacy 12: 4, 5, 7;Writing Standards for Literacyin SocialStudies, Science, andTechnical Subjects 6-12: 1, 7
Day 4 /


Academic Planning and Career Development
Learning Objectives:
Examine the employment process
Investigate the job search process
Complete a job application
Develop or update a resume
Identify Interview Skills / Procedures/ Activities /Learning Experiences: (Students will)
All freshman will take the Aspire Test / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Content Standard(s):
Examine the employment process, including searching for a job, filling out job application, writing a resume, developing and practicing interview skills
Utilize an online learning-management system to engage in / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO
Attend this week’s FBLA meeting /


/ Remediation
Meet with students after school
Essential Questions:
What is the employment process
How is a job search conducted
How do you fill out a job application?
How do you write a resume?
What are interview skills? / CCRS:
Reading Standards for Literacy 12: 4, 5, 7;Writing Standards for Literacyin SocialStudies, Science, andTechnical Subjects 6-12: 1, 7 Reading Standards for Literacy 12: 4, 5, 7;Writing Standards for Literacyin SocialStudies, Science, andTechnical Subjects 6-12: 1, 7

*Provisions for individual differences will be made based upon specifications in the student’s Career/Tech Implementation Plan.

Available Industry Credential:Course/Program Culminating Product:
