Grade: ______
Rubric: Business Letter Project
Frederick Douglass Business LetterExcellent-Good (4)
20 pts / Satisfactory
16 pts / Needs Improvement
15 pts / Unsatisfactory
12 pts / Did Not Do
0 pts
Format /
Format is correct, including your address, date, inside address, salutation, body, closing, and signature. /
One part of the format is incorrect-- including your address, date, inside address, salutation, body, closing, and signature. /
Two parts of the format are incorrect-- including your address, date, inside address, salutation, body, closing, and signature. /
Several parts of the format are incorrect-- including your address, date, inside address, salutation, body, closing, and signature. / Did Not Do
Salutation /
A proper salutation is used in the correct place. Proper use of title, proper capitalization of the name, and the proper use of the colon are all included. /
Missing one component from the following: Proper salutation, proper use of title, proper capitalization of the name, or the proper use of the colon. /
Missing two components from the following: Proper salutation, proper use of title, proper capitalization of the name, or the proper use of the colon. /
Missing three or more components from the following: Proper salutation, proper use of title, proper capitalization of the name, or the proper use of the colon. / Did Not Do
Body (Content) /
Body includes a short introduction, at least one main paragraph and a conclusion. A clear idea is stated in the main paragraph and conveyed to the reader. Incorporated
ideas, vocab, appropriate word choice, and very clear ideas /
Missing one component from the following: Body includes the introductory passage, one body paragraph, and a conclusion. Clear idea is stated.
Word choice, vocab, ideas clear. /
Missing two components from the following: Body includes at least one complete paragraph. An attempt at a clear idea. Errors in word choice, vocab, now ideas are conveyed. /
Missing three or more components from the following: Body does not include any paragraphs; unclear or incomplete thoughts in letter. / Did Not Do
Closing and Signature /
Proper closing and signature are included with proper punctuation. /
Proper closing and signature are included, but no punctuation is used. Missing some info. /
Either closing or signature is correct. /
An attempt was made, but neither the closing nor signature are correct. / Did Not Do
Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar /
Spelling, punctuation and grammar are mostly correct or does not affect the clear understanding of the letter. /
Spelling, punctuation and grammar are somewhat correct (3 major types of errors noted). /
Several errors with spelling, punctuation, and grammar (4-6 major types of errors). /
Many errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.(Errors >7). Affects clear understanding. / Did Not Do