Fall 2010
Biological Sciences 203-401
Anatomy and Physiology II
Texts:1.Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function,
Saladin 5thEdition, McGraw-Hill. Package includes Study Guide, Dynamic Human II, Essential Study Partner; and Laboratory Manual for Human Anatomy & Physiology (Fetal Pig Version), T.R. Martin, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
2.Case Histories in Human Physiology, D. Van Wynsberghe and G.M. Cooley, 3rd Ed.
3.Lab handouts packet (EKG, etc.)
4.Class notes are available on web (see below).
Instructor:Dr. R.J. Hutz, LAP 511/504, 229-5416
Office Hours:TR 9:30am-10:30am or by appointment
Lecture:TR 2:00pm-3:15pm, BOL 150
Date / Lecture / LabSeptember
7, 9
21, 23 / Introduction, Blood (chap. 18)
Blood (cont’d) (chap. 18); AIDS (chap. 21), Heart Anatomy, (chap. 19, 20)
Cardiac Cycle and Physiology, Hemodynamics,
Regulation of Blood Pressure (chap. 19, 20)
Cardiovascular Disease (chap. 20),
Blood vessel anatomy (chap 20) / No labs
No labs, again…
Hematology (labs41-43)
Heart Anatomy, Heart Sounds, Pulse Rate, Blood Pressure, EKG (44-46,48). 1st Quiz!
28,30 / Immunology (chap. 21), Autoimmunity, / Upper Arterial and Venous
Anatomy (47,62,63)
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BioSci 203 (cont’d)
Fall 2010
October 5,7 / Respiratory Anatomy (chap. 22), Mechanics of Breathing, Review / Dissection of lower Body arteries and veins(47-49, 63)
12 / Exam I / Spirometry (50-53)
Respiratory System (50-53,64)
14 / Gas Exchange, Neural Control of Respiration (chap. 22)
19, 21 / Kidney Anatomy (chap. 23),
Urine Formation, / PRACTICAL EXAM I
26, 28
23 / Water and Electrolyte Balance (chap. 24), Acid-Base Balance; GastrointestinalAnatomy and Physiology (chap. 25)
Absorption, GI (cont’d), Cholesterol, Metabolism (chap. 26),
Energy Utilization, Vitamins, Minerals (chap. 26, Review chap. 2-4), Review
Exam II
Energy Utilization (cont’d)
Nutrition, Diets (chap. 26)
THANKSGIVING: turkeys and nutrition! / Kidney Anatomy and Function
Digestive Anatomy (54,55,65,66), Fetal Pig,
Nutrition project assigned
Digestive experiments (55)
Endocrinology, “Virtual Rat” exercise (39,40)
No Labs
December 2
7, 9
14 / Hypothalamus, Pituitary
Hormones, Thyroid
Parathyroids, Adrenal (chap. 17)
Pancreas (chap. 17)
Male and Female Reproduction (chap. 27, 28),
Pregnancy, Development, Contraception (chap. 28, 29), Review / Videotape “The Perfect Baby”, Male Reproductive Anatomy, Female Reproductive Anatomy, Female Reproduction, Conception (58-60,67)
December 16 Thursday / FINAL EXAM---12:30-2:30 pm
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BioSci 203 (cont’d)
Fall 2010
Grading:Lecture 50%
Exam I
Exam II
Exam III
Laboratory 50%
Lab Practical I
Lab Practical II
Historically, 90% has been an “A”, 80% a “B”, 60% a “C”, but this has not always been the case.
There will be a 15-minute weekly quiz in laboratory covering lecture and laboratory material.
GER Credit: The general education requirement (GER) is met by providing 1) a basic knowledge of human physiology from which students can interpret the anatomy and functions of their bodily systems, such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine and reproductive systems; and learn of the latest advances in biomedicine. 2) Some specific goals which serve as a basis for classroom assessment are to increase the student’s comprehension of the interactions of bodily systems with the external environment; analyze and interpret their daily diets; be exposed to the latest developments in assisted reproduction, HIV/AIDS, etc.; to read critically and compare lay-oriented news coverage of biomedicine with actual peer-reviewed publications; and to satisfy their natural curiosity about their bodies and bodily functions. The laboratory portion of the course then allows the student to extrapolate practical application from the lecture material and learn how to perform and interpret EKGs, assess lung function, perform animal dissections, etc. These goals are evaluated in both lecture and laboratory throughout the semester via three examinations; weekly laboratory quizzes; 3) demonstration to the laboratory TA of student learning by mastery of the dissected material, for example; and laboratory homework assignments such as 4) creating a written, software-guided Nutrition Project to evaluate personal dietary intake and compare with an ”ideal” diet.
If anyone has need for note-taking or special test-taking accommodations, please feel free to come and discuss this with me early in the semester; and contact the StudentAccessibilityCenter. If you do not wish to have a unique student identifier (part of your I.D. or other number) and your grades on D2L/posted, please see me. You can also procure your final grade on PAWS.
SPECIAL NOTES: If you take this course upon consent ofinstructor, youcannotreceive credit for taking the prerequisites as a later date, or receive > 9 credits for 204-150, -202, and -203 combined.
Fetal pig dissections vent glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde fumes.
Last day to drop with instructor or department approval is October 1, 2010 (without a “W”), andOct. 29, 2010 with a “W”; after this, the course will appear on your transcripts.
Call 229-4444 to determine if classes or lab or exams are cancelled due to an emergency.
For the Bio Sci web site, access:
For announcements, class notes, some overheads, old exams, etc., access the following websites:D2L, Enter ePanther login and your password. Go to “Content”, under “Course Documents”. Class notes (usually, but not always up to date…) and old exams are also on 2-hr reserve at Library, Library e-reserve and/or For the latter, go to “classes and syllabi”, Anatomy and Physiology II notes.
The most recent exams are in the Library E-Reserves--login “eres”, password “fall”, if you need these to access from off-campus.
You can take your “fun” quizzes on D2L an unlimited number of times—they are ungraded and only there to help you in the course.
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BioSci 203 (cont’d)
Fall 2010
Tutoring services available at TutoringCenter.
RE:Nutrition project use, FoodWise CD-ROM; or search “diet”; or, zdnet.com, or any others you may find.
You MUST attend lectures regularly if you expect to do well in this course. The lecture outlines on the course website are designed to help you organize the notes you take during lectures. You will NOT be adequately prepared for lecture exams if you only use these outlines as a substitute for coming to class and taking your own notes.
In the event of disruption of normal classroom activities due to a disease outbreak, for example, (such as swine flu H1N1), the format for this course may be modified to enable completion of the course. You will then be provided an addendum to this syllabus that will supersede the original.
Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work and for refraining from giving or receiving unauthorized aid on quizzes, exams, or assignments. At the very least, cheating will result in a grade of zero on the exam, quiz, or assignment involved. In addition, any such instance of academic misconduct will be automatically reported to university authorities and could result in more serious consequences, including a grade of F for the course and/or academic suspension. This website provides further details regarding University policies and procedures on exams, incomplete grades, religious holidays, discriminatory conduct, student misconduct, grade appeals, and students with disabilities .
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