Title: Evaluation of Shielding for PET/CT Category: Radiation Protection

Date Initiated: December 15, 2005

Date Completed: September 30, 2006

A) Significance:

We are installing a new PET/CT for which I did the shielding design. Prior to use, we need to evaluate the shielding so we can show that the annual exposure is less than 1 mGy per year in uncontrolled areas and less than 5 mGy per year in controlled areas. State regulations would allow up to 50 mGy per year in controlled areas, but for reasons of ALARA, we have decided to use 5 mGy.

This SDEP will involve:

• Determining the best instruments to use

• Developing efficient techniques for testing to save time and reduce radiation dose to the evaluators

• Developing a spreadsheet to collect and analyze the data

B) Approach/Resources Utilized:

• Complete a literature review using PubMed and Google.

References will include AAPM Task Group Report on PET shielding.

• Derive appropriate equations for evaluating the shielding.

• Determine the most appropriate test equipment.

• Determine best strategy to insure that radiation exposure to physicists conducting the test remains ALARA.

• Make appropriate measurements.

• Report results.

Key Literature

• Patient self-attenuation and technologist. Zeff Yester

MedPhys 32:861-865, 2005.

• AAPM Task Group Report 108: PET Shielding.Med Phys 33;4-

15, 2006.

• Photon Shielding for a PET Suite. Health Physics 81;S24-


We have three possible instruments for evaluating the shielding: an Inovision 451 P pressurized ionization chamber, a Radcal 1010 with a large volume ionization chamber, and an Exploranium. We will determine the best equipment for testing and develop a spreadsheet.

C) Evaluation/Documentation of Achievement:

a. Prospective Statement:

• Conduct measurements to determine the most appropriate equipment.

• Derive equations for efficient testing.

• Create a spreadsheet to implement the equations.

• Test the shielding at the PET facility under construction.

• Present the results at a meeting.

b. Final Statement:

• The instruments were tested. They were all acceptable, but the

Exploranium was the most convenient.

• Presented two talks on PET test: National AAPM 2006 and

World Congress of Medical Physics 2006.

• Derived the appropriate equations and spreadsheet.

• The shielding was tested on 1/11/2006.

D) Impact on Practice/Outcome Statement:

a. Prospective Statement:

It is expected that the testing will be efficient. The testing will be done appropriately and can serve as a resource for the community.

b. Final Statement:

Testing was done efficiently. The talk from AAPM 2006 is in the virtual library, so it is available for other physicists.