Academic Course Selection Guide


Grade 10

Please complete in Pencil

Name: ______

Course Subject / Course Name / Course # / Credit
Language Arts (Required) / 10th Grade English / 1
Math (Required) / 1
Science (Required) / Biology / 1
Social Studies (Required) / World History II / 1
Elective(World Language)**
PE / PE 10,11,12 / 830 / .5
Health / Health 10 / 820 / .5
Required Credits: / 8

*Elective Credits: Either two .5 Credit Course or 1 Credit Course

**2 credits of World Language are required before graduation

Alternate 1: ______Alternate 2: ______Alternate 3: ______

** Alternate courses will be selected in the order listed if your first choice of electives is not open. Please list courses that are of interest to you in the likelihood that these courses will potentially fill open spots in your schedule.


This packet is a valuable reference for students, parents, and school personnel actively involved in program planning at Upper Moreland High School. It is a guide to the course selection procedures at UMHS for the 2016-2017 school year and it should be utilized throughout the scheduling process. Selecting an appropriate and relevant school program demands thoughtful consideration knowing it must satisfy basic course requirements and include special interests and future career plans. To assist in the decision making process students and their parents are encouraged to carefully review this official Course Selection Guide which can be found on the Upper Moreland High School website.

UMHS Course Selection Instructions

Course selection process will be completed during extended homerooms at the Upper Moreland High School. During these extended homeroom sessions, students will select their elective courses through the Upper Moreland High School Home Access Center (HAC). Students will complete the course selection on the designated dates listed below.

  • Class of 2018: Monday, January 30th
  • Class of 2019: Thursday, February 9th
  • Class of 2020: Tuesday, February 14th
  • Class of 2021: Tuesday, February 21st

Follow the following steps:

  1. Course selection materials will be available to students and parents on January 23rd.
  1. Students will access teacher recommendations after January 27th.
  1. Students will select courses during designated extended homerooms.
  1. Log in to your Home Access Center account using your personal code listed above.(
  1. On the left side, click on the menu item ‘Course Requests’. You will see the core courses that your teachers have recommended for next year.
  1. Click on the icon that looks like a pencil and paper next to the desired subject area.
  1. The ‘Select a Course’ window opens. Select the box next to a course you would like to take and click ‘Save’. This course will now be one of your selected courses.
  1. There are many courses that are restricted by grade and will not appear as an option, if you are not in the appropriate grade.
  1. Some courses have pre-requisites that will block you from signing up for a course. If you see a symbol, you have not met the requirements to take the course.

●Any questions or concerns about elective courses should be addressed with your high school counselor. Please call 215-830-1500 to schedule an appointment. Students are assigned counselors according to the alphabet as follow:

●Mrs. N Baratta-Grades 11 & 12, A-K

●Mrs. J Haney -Grades 11 & 12, L-Z (College Counselor)

●Mr. C Brown- Grades 9 & 10, A-K

●Mrs. L Vesper- Grades 9 & 10, L-Z

Definition of Academic Levels

Upper Moreland High School offers classroom instruction on various levels to accommodate all students in Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science and World Language classes. Instructional levels are determined on the basis of teacher recommendation, academic profile and standardized test scores.

The academic level categories are as follows:

a)Advanced Placement (AP): The most academically demanding course level possible. Successful completion of the course may lead to college credit. Enrollment is highly selective. Students are expected to take the related AP examination in May if they are to receive AP weight for the course. If a student chooses not to participate in the AP Exam, they will receive honors weight for the course. Students who participate in the AP Exam are exempt from the final exam. The cost of this exam is approximately $93.00. Students scoring a 3 or better on an exam may receive college credit for the course and will receive reimbursement from the UM School district.

b)Honors (H): Honors courses require a high level of academic maturity, interest, ability, reading and study skills. The pace is rigorous, and enrollment is selective.

c)College Preparatory (CP): College preparatory courses are designed to provide the rigor and relevance to prepare students for college enrollment.

Grade Reporting Process

Report cards are issued on a quarterly basis and are based on class work, assignments, and examinations. Each quarter represents 20% of the final grade with the midterm exam and the final exam each representing 10%.

The grading scale is:























Requirements for Graduation

To earn a Pennsylvania endorsed high school diploma from Upper Moreland High School, a student must obtain the required credits as posted in the table below.

Beginning with the Class of 2019, students must also demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra I, Biology, and Literature Keystone Exams to meet Pennsylvania graduation requirements. If a student does not demonstrate proficiency on the Keystone Exams by the end of the eleventh grade, they will be required to successfully complete an independent project based assessment administered and developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) to meet the state graduation requirement.

Credit Requirement Class of 2018 and 2019

Subject / Credits / Subject / Credits
English/Language Arts / 4 / Health / 1
**Mathematics / 3 / Physical Education / 2
[1]** Science / 3 / *Electives / World Lang. / 8
**Social Studies / 3

*Includes World Languages courses (two or more years of the same language taken at the High School are strongly recommended for all college-bound students; three or more years are strongly recommended for students who are seeking matriculation at highly competitive colleges or universities.)

** College-bound students are encouraged to complete a fourth credit of Math, Science, and Social Studies

Credit Requirement Class of 2020 and 2021

Subject / Credits / Subject / Credits
English/Language Arts / 4 / Health / 1
**Mathematics / **Science / 7 / Physical Education / 2
World Language or Reading(IEP) / 2 / Personal Finance / .5
Social Studies / 4 / *Electives / 7.5

* Includes World Languages courses (two or more years of a language taken at the high school is required for all students; three or more years are strongly recommended for students who are seeking matriculation at highly competitive colleges or universities.)

**7 credits are required between Math and Science with at least 3 credits earned in each one.

An Example of Scheduling Requirements for 2017-2018

Credits / Course / Credits / Course
1.0 / 9th Grade English/Lang Arts / 1.0 / 10th Grade English/Lang Arts
1.0 / Algebra I / 1.0 / Geometry
1.0 / Environmental Science / 1.0 / Biology
1.0 / World History / 1.0 / World History & Geo. II
1.0 / Elective/World Language / 1.0 / World Language
0.5 / Physical Education 9 / 2.0 / Elective
0.5 / Health 9 / 0.5 / Physical Education 10
1.0 / Elective / 0.5 / Health 10
8.0 total / 8.0 total
Credits / Course / Credits / Course
1.0 / 11th Grade English/Lang Arts / 1.0 / 12th Grade English/Lang Arts
1.0 / Algebra II / 1.0 / Civic Responsibility & Citizenship
1.0 / Chemistry or Physics / 0.5 / Physical Education 12
1.0 / U.S. History & Gov. II / 1.0 / Math or Science
2.5 / Elective / 1.0 / World Language
1.0 / World Language / 3.5 / Electives
0.5 / Physical Education 11
8.0 total / 8.0 total

Standards for Promotion (Class of 2018 and 2019)

Grade placement is determined by accumulated earned credits as follows:

Junior (Grade 11) Status: Minimum 11.00 credits earned

Senior (Grade 12) Status: Minimum 17.00 credits earned

Standards for Promotion (Class of 2020 and 2021)

Grade placement is determined by accumulated earned credits as follows:

Sophomore (Grade 10) Status: Minimum 7.00 credits earned

Junior (Grade 11) Status: Minimum 14.00 credits earned

Senior (Grade 12) Status: Minimum 21.00 credits earned

[1]Need two charts - One for 24 credits the other for 28 credits.