PY2017 Program Overview
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title IB Programs
Grantor: United States Department of Labor
Adult Program
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:10.50%
Estimated Allocation: $383,789
Current Obligations:$62,571.94
Current Remaining for Customers: $144,595.54
Average Cost Per:$1,879.80
PY2017 Allowable Enrollments:77
General Eligibility(All Adult Enrollments MUST met before moving onto prioritization or co-enrollment):
- AllpotentialenrolleesmustdocumentSocialSecurity,CitizenshipIRighttoWork,
- SelectiveServiceRegistration
- 18yearsofageorolder
Program Priority of Service- Kansas WorkforceONE Policy:
Standalone adult enrollment (no co-enrollments)musthave more than one of the following prioritization categories fully documented:
- Low Income Individual;
- Individual whose family income does not meet the self-sufficiency guidelines. Local Area 1 defines “self-sufficiency” through the use of the 125% of poverty guidelines.
- Individual is receiving public assistance.
- Individual is determined as low income (six (6)) month family income does not exceed the higher of the poverty guidelines or 70% of the Lower Living Standard guidelines).
- Individual is receiving food assistance.
- Individual who is basic skills deficient.
- Receives or is eligible to receive a free or reduced priced lunch.
- Individuals with disabilities (low income – family of one).
- Individual whose family income is below 200% of poverty and experiences one or more of the following barriers to employment:
- Lacking High School Diploma or GED;
- Indians, Alaska natives, and native Hawaiians;
- Individuals with disabilities (family of One);
- Older individuals (ages 55 or older);
- Ex-offenders;
- Homeless individuals;
- Individual meets the definition of an “underemployed worker.” Underemployed means and individual who is working part time but desires full time employment, or who is working in employment not commensurate with the individual’s demonstrated level of educational and/or skill achievement.
- Youth who are in or have aged out of the foster care system;
- Individualswho are English language learners,individuals who have low levels ofliteracy,and individuals facingsubstantialculturalbarriers;
- Eligible migrantand seasonal farmworkers;
- Single parents(including single pregnantwomen);
- Long-termunemployed individuals – unemployed for27 weeks
Priority must be provided in the following order:
- Veterans and eligible spouses who are also included in the groups given statutory priority for WIOA Adult formula funding. This means that veterans and eligible spouses who are also recipients of public assistance, other low-income individuals, or individuals who are basic skills deficient would receive first priority for services with WIOA Adult formula funds for individualized career services and training services.
- Non-covered persons (that is, individuals who are not veterans or eligible spouses) who are included in the groups given priority for WIOA adult formula funds.
- Veterans and eligible spouses who are not included in WIOA's priority groups.
- Priority populations established by the Governor and/or Local WDB.
- To non-covered persons outside the groups given priority under WIOA
Adult Co-Enrollments (if applicable and documented):
- Disability Employment Initiative (DEI)
- Workforce Innovation Funds (WIF)
- Apprenticeship Expansion
- End-Dependence Kansas (EDK)
Allowable Adult Funded Activities (see training manual for applicable limits):
- All basic and individual career services (staff time only)
- Career Services Only Enrollments encouraged and allowable.
- Pre-vocational services
- Relocation Assistance
- Out-of-Area Job Search Assistance
- On-the-Job Training
- Work Experience
- Occupational Skills Training
- Customized Training
- Supportive Services
- Adult Education
- Registered Apprenticeship
Additional Applicable Policies:
- Demand Occupation List
- Eligible Training Provider List
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:10%
Estimated Allocation: $365,302
Current Obligations:$91,477.58
Current Remaining for Customers: $97,156.58
Average Cost Per:$1,322.49
PY2017 Allowable Enrollments:73
General Eligibility(All dislocated workers must meet general eligibility before applying program eligibility):
- AllpotentialenrolleesmustdocumentSocialSecurity,CitizenshipI RighttoWork,
- SelectiveServiceRegistration
- 18yearsofageorolder
ProgramEligibility Categories:
- Individual laid-off or position terminated
- Individual laid-off due plant closure or mass lay-off
- Self-Employed Individual/ Farmer closing business due to "general economic conditions" or natural disaster.
- Displaced Homemaker- individual who has been providing unpaid services to family members in the home and who has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; AND is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty obtaining or upgrading employment.
Dislocated Worker Co-Enrollments (if applicable and documented):
- Disability Employment Initiative (DEI)
- Workforce Innovation Funds (WIF)
- Apprenticeship Expansion
- End-Dependence Kansas (EDK)
Allowable Dislocated Worker Funded Activities (see training manual for applicable limits):
- All basic and individual career services (staff time only)
- Career Services Only Enrollments encouraged and allowable.
- Pre-vocational services
- Relocation Assistance
- Out-of-Area Job Search Assistance
- On-the-Job Training
- Work Experience
- Occupational Skills Training
- Customized Training
- Supportive Services
- Adult Education
- Registered Apprenticeship
Additional Applicable Policies:
- Demand Occupation List
- Eligible Training Provider List
In-School Youth Program
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:3%
Estimated Allocation: $115,872.25
Current Obligations:$74,608.29
Current Remaining for Customers: -$15.789.62
Average Cost Per:$1,605.49
PY2017 Allowable Enrollments:0
In-School Youth Definition:
An In-School Youth is defined as an eligible youth who is attending and/or enrolled in school, either secondary or post-secondary.
General Eligibility (All Youth Enrollments MUST met before moving onto program eligibility):
- AllpotentialenrolleesmustdocumentSocialSecurity,CitizenshipI RighttoWork,
- SelectiveServiceRegistration
- 18yearsofageorolder
In-School Youth Eligibility Requirements:
- In School Youth must meet all the below criteria:
- General Eligibility Established AND
- Between the ages of 14 and 21 (WF1 Priority17to 21) AND
- Attending school (Secondary or Post-Secondary) AND
- Family Low income (Free and Reduce Lunch) AND
- One of the following options
- Basic skills deficient
- An English language learner
- Offender
- A homeless individual, homeless child or youth
- A runaway
- In foster care or has aged out of the foster care system
- A child eligible for assistance under Section 477 of the Social Security Act (DCF - Foster Care Education Program)
- An out of home placement
- Pregnant or Parenting
- Individual with a disability
- Individual who requires additional assistance to complete an educational program or to secure and hold employment
In-School Youth Co-Enrollments (if applicable and documented):
- Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) if over 18.
- Pre-ETS
- Once over 18 any applicable additional enrollments
14 REQUIRED PROGRAMELEMENTS(see training manual for applicable limits):
- Tutoring, study skills training, and instruction leading to secondary school completion, including dropout prevention strategies
- Alternative secondary school offerings or dropout recovery services
- Paid and unpaid work experiences with an academic and occupational education component
- Occupational skill training, with a focus on recognized postsecondary credentials and in-demand occupations including apprenticeship
- Leadership development activities (e.g., community service, peer-centered activities)
- Supportive services
- Adult mentoring
- Follow-up services for at least 12 months after program completion
- Comprehensive guidance and counseling, including drug and alcohol abuse counseling
- Integrated education and training for a specific occupation or cluster
- Financial literacy education
- Entrepreneurial skills training
- Services that provide labor market information about in-demand industry sectors and occupations
- Postsecondary preparation and transition activities
Out-of-School Youth Program
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:12%
Estimated Allocation: $429,168.75
Current Obligations:$138,500.65
Current Remaining for Customers: $68,850.89
Average Cost Per:$1,605.49
PY2017 Allowable Enrollments:43
Out-of-School Youth Definition:
Anout-of-schoolyouthisdefinedasaneligibleyouth whoisaschooldropout(anddoesnotattendanalternativeschoolorhasnot receivedasecondaryschooldiplomaoritsrecognizedequivalent);orisan eligibleyouth whohaseithergraduatedfromhighschoolorholdsa GED,butis basicskillsdeficient,unemployed,orunderemployed.
Pleasenote:Ifayouthisattendinganalternativeschoolatthetimeof enrollment,theyouthdoesnotmeettherequirementfor"out-of-school"youth. However,onceayouthisdeterminedeligibleasan"out-of-school"youthand enrolledintheprogram,he/shecanthenattendanalternativeschoolorreceive alternativeschoolservicesanditwillnotdisqualifythemasan"out-of-school" youth.
Out-of-School Youth Eligibility Requirements:
- Out of School Youth must meet all the below criteria:
- General Eligibility Established AND
- Between the ages of 16 and 24 AND
- Not attending any school (does not consider Adult Education / Job Corps attendance as in-school) AND
- One of the following options:
- School dropout
- A youth who is within the age of compulsory school attendance, but has not attended school for at least the most recent complete school year calendar quarter
- An individual who is subject to the juvenile or adult justice system
- A homeless individual, homeless child, or youth
- A runaway
- In foster care or has aged out of the foster care system
- A child eligible for assistance under Section 477 of the Social Security Act
- An out of home placement
- Pregnant or Parenting
- Individual with a disability
- Recipient of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent and is low income and basic skills deficient or an English language learner
- Low income individual who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure and hold employment.
- For OSY, only those youth who are the recipient of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent and are either basic skills deficient or an English language learner and youth who require additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure or hold employment must be low-income. OSY Low Income – POVERTY LEVELS
- For OSY who are subject to the justice system, homeless, pregnant or parenting, or have a disability, income eligibility documentation is not required by statute.
Out-of-School Youth Co-Enrollments (if applicable and documented):
- Disability Employment Initiative (DEI)
- Workforce Innovation Funds (WIF)
- Apprenticeship Expansion
- KHPOP – once 18
- End-Dependence Kansas (EDK)
14 REQUIRED PROGRAMELEMENTS(see training manual for applicable limits):
- Tutoring, study skills training, and instruction leading to secondary school completion, including dropout prevention strategies
- Alternative secondary school offerings or dropout recovery services
- Paid and unpaid work experiences with an academic and occupational education component
- Occupational skill training, with a focus on recognized postsecondary credentials and in-demand occupations including apprenticeship
- Leadership development activities (e.g., community service, peer-centered activities)
- Supportive services
- Adult mentoring
- Follow-up services for at least 12 months after program completion
- Comprehensive guidance and counseling, including drug and alcohol abuse counseling
- Integrated education and training for a specific occupation or cluster
- Financial literacy education
- Entrepreneurial skills training
- Services that provide labor market information about in-demand industry sectors and occupations
- Postsecondary preparation and transition activities
Kansas Health Professions Opportunity Project (KHPOP)
Grantor: United States Department of Health and Human Services
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:19%
Estimated Allocation: $694,924.10
Current Obligations:$117,759.88
Current Remaining for Customers: $304,361.42
Average Cost Per:$2006.95
PY2017 Allowable Enrollments:151
General Eligibility(All KHPOP Enrollments MUST met before moving onto program eligibility):
- AllpotentialenrolleesmustdocumentSocialSecurity,CitizenshipI RighttoWork,
- SelectiveServiceRegistration
- 18yearsofageorolder
Program Eligibility:
- Age 18 or older
- Recipient of Cash Public Assistance or Food Stamps OR
- Family income below 200% of Federal Poverty Level AND
- Assessed interest in the Healthcare Industry
Allowable Occupations:
- Biological Technician
- Medical & Clinical Lab Technician
- Phlebotomist
- Certified Nurse Aide
- Medical Records & Health Information Technician
- Pharmacy Technician
- Dental Assistant
- Medical and Clinical Lab Technologist
- Licensed Practical Nurse
- Dental Hygienist
- Medical Transcriptionist
- Radiologic Technologist
- Home Health Aide
- Medical Assistant
- Nursing Assistant
- Occupational Therapy Assistant
- Registered Nurse
Allowable KHPOP Funded Activities (see training manual for applicable limits):
- All basic and individual career services (staff time only)
- Pre-vocational services
- Relocation Assistance
- Out-of-Area Job Search Assistance
- Occupational Skills Training
- Supportive Servicesexcept Basic Allowance
- Adult Education
- Career Coaches
- Financial Literacy Workshop - REQUIRED
- Career 101 - REQUIRED
KHPOP Co-Enrollments (if applicable and documented):
- Disability Employment Initiative (DEI)
- Adult
- Dislocated Worker
- Out-of-School Youth
- In-School Youth – once 18 and HS/GED Completion
Special Note: Impact Study being conducted with all KHPOP customers both treatment and control.
Disability Employment Initiative
Grantor: United States Department of Labor
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:5.5%
Estimated Allocation: $197,627.47
Current Obligations:$1,372.96
Current Remaining for Customers: $128,572.35
Average Cost Per:$760.50
PY2017 Allowable Enrollments:169
General Eligibility(All DEI Enrollments MUST met before moving onto program eligibility):
- AllpotentialenrolleesmustdocumentSocialSecurity,CitizenshipI RighttoWork,
- SelectiveServiceRegistration
- 18yearsofageorolder
Program Eligibility:
- Age 18 or older
- Documented Disability
DEI Co-Enrollments (if applicable and documented):
- Adult
- Dislocated Worker
- In-School Youth – once 18 and HS/GED Completion
- Out-of-School Youth
- Workforce Innovation Funds (WIF)
- Apprenticeship Expansion
- End-Dependence Kansas (EDK)
Allowable DEI Funded Activities (see training manual for applicable limits):
- All basic and individual career services (staff time only)
- On-the-Job Training
- Work Experience
- Occupational Skills Training
- Job Coaching
- Customized Employment
- Customized Training
- Supportive Services
- Adult Education
- Paid Internship
- Project SEARCH
- Assessment
Additional Applicable Policies:
- Demand Occupation List
- Eligible Training Provider List
Workforce Innovation FundProgram
Grantor: United States Department of Labor
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:5.5%
Estimated Allocation: $199,800
Current Obligations:$0
Current Remaining for Customers: $122,764.86
Average Cost Per:unknown
PY2017 Allowable Enrollments:41 – OJT Maximum of $3,000
General Eligibility(All WIF enrollments must meet general eligibility before applying program eligibility):
- AllpotentialenrolleesmustdocumentSocialSecurity,CitizenshipI RighttoWork,
- SelectiveServiceRegistration
- 18yearsofageorolder
ProgramEligibility Categories:
- Goal of Full-time or sustainable employment
- WIOA Title IB Eligible – Adult, Dislocated Worker, OSY or ISY
- Multiple Barriers including (Must have at least 2):
- Basic Skills Deficient
- Recipients of Public Assistance
- Ex-Offenders
- Individual with a disability
- Long-term unemployed
- Older individuals
- Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians
- Homeless individuals
- Those who have aged out of the foster care system
- Eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers
- Single parents (including single pregnant women) may also be considered.
WIF Co-Enrollments (if applicable and documented):
- Disability Employment Initiative (DEI)
- Adult
- Dislocated Worker
- In-School Youth - once 18 and HS/GED Completion
- Out-of-School Youth
- End-Dependence Kansas (EDK)
Allowable WIFFunded Activities:
- All basic and individual career services (staff time only)
- On-the-Job Training
- Registered Apprenticeship – OJT Funding Only
Individuals must consent to participate in the evaluation to receive WIF OJT funds. This will not preclude an individual from receiving services they are otherwise eligible.
Apprenticeship Accelerator
Grantor: United States Department of Labor
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:.25%
Contract Amount: $12,000
- Funding to facilitate Registered Apprenticeship meetings throughout LAI with employers and economic development entities.
- Staff – Tucky Allen and Deb Scheibler
Apprenticeship Expansion
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:5.5%
Contract Amount: $199,460
Current Obligations:$0
Current Remaining for Customers:$141,460
Allowable Cost per Customer:$3,325
PY2017 Allowable Enrollments:43
General Eligibility (All Enrollments MUST met before moving onto program eligibility):
- AllpotentialenrolleesmustdocumentSocialSecurity,CitizenshipI RighttoWork,
- SelectiveServiceRegistration
- 18yearsofageorolder
Apprenticeship Expansion Eligibility Requirements:
- Eligible Adult, Incumbent Workers, Dislocated Workers and OSY.
Apprenticeship Expansion Services:
- Related instruction through Customized Training
Apprenticeship Expansion Co-Enrollments (if applicable and documented):
- Adult
- Dislocated Worker
- In-School Youth – over 18 and HS/GED Completion
- Out-of-School Youth
- Workforce Innovation Funds (WIF)
- Disability Employment Initiative
- End-Dependence Kansas (EDK)
Rapid Response
Grantor: United States Department of Labor
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:1%
Contract Amount: $37,818.98
- Funding to facilitate Rapid Response and Lay-off Aversion services throughout LAI
- No funding for individualized customer services
- Staff – Tucky Allen
Administrative Funds
Grantor: United States Department of Labor
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:5%
Estimated Allocation: $175,113.20
10% of Adult, Dislocated Worker, ISY and OSY
- Funding specifically for the following expenses:
- Fiscal Agent / Paymaster
- Auditing
- Insurance including benefit fees, worker’s compensation, liability and directors’ and officers’
- Personnel Costs
- Fiscal Costs
- LWDB and CEOB Meeting and Travel Costs
- No funding for individualized customer services
Grantor: Kansas Department for Children and Families through contract with St. Francis
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:2%
Contract Amount: $73,580
- Funding to facilitate Career Coaching services to St. Francis Fatherhood customers throughout LAI and Riley County
- No funding for individualized customer services
- Staff – Matthew Crowe
End Dependence Kansas
Grantor: Federal and State Vocational Rehabilitation through contract with Kansas Department for Children and Families
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:15%
Contract Amount: $533,088.07
- Funding fully supports the EDK Staff who deliver EDK services.
- Offender Workforce Development Specialist
- Business Account Managers
- EDK Coordinator
- Target Population – Vocational Rehabilitation eligible customers who are currently incarcerated but releasing to LAI within the 4 months of enrollment.
- Individual customer services are fully funded by Vocational Rehabilitation
- Jobsville component of Team Co-Serving
- Service Model: Vermont Progressive Employment
- Services Include:
- Job Tour
- Job Shadow
- Informational Interview
- Mock Interview
- Short-term Work Experience
- On-the-Job Training
- Project evaluation includes a bi-annual fidelity reviews to ensure program fits the model.
- WIOA Title IB Adult, Out-of-School Youth and DEI Co-Enrollment
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) Program
Grantor: Grantor: Federal and State Vocational Rehabilitation through pay for performance contract with Kansas Department for Children and Families
PY2017 Budget Overview:
Percentage of WF1 Total Funding:2%
Allocation: $78,970
- Pay for Performance Contract providing funding for Employment Specialists.
- Component One – Job Preparation and Placement – $400 per customer
- Component Two – Monitoring and Support – $3.50 per hour worked by the customer
- Component Three – Successful Completion – $250 per customer
- Services Provided:
- Career Success Workshop
- Worksite Placement
- Worksite management and monitoring
- Target Population – Vocational Rehabilitation Referrals with one year remaining in High School
- Individual customer services are fully funded by Vocational Rehabilitation.
- Key Staffing Services is the Employer of Record
- WIOA Title IB ISY Co-Enrollment
- Pre-ETS Staff and Loading Schedule:
- Matt Crowe - 16- Hutchinson and Newton
- Shauna Santiago-13- Garden City/Liberal/Dodge City
- Kristin Doze-20- Great Bend/Hays/Salina
- Deb Page - 5 - Colby/Goodland
Kansas Advanced Manufacturing Project (KAMP)