HL7 Healthcare Standards Integration – HIS

Thursday, Q3 & Q4

January 22, 2015


Co-chair Note: Apologies that these minutes are not in the official HL7 template; this was the WG’s first “official” meeting having been approved by the TSC the previous day, so the group is in startup mode; thanks to Riki Merrick for the Q3 minutes and Laura Heermann-Langford for the Q4 minutes.


Q3 - Technical discussion of open FHIS Change Proposals

Q4 - Business meeting


Q3 Minutes


Formation of HSI WG was approved by both SD and TSC at this WGM, so we are now official

So we will get web presence now, so we should have room reservation capabilities next WGM after Paris – will meet again Thursday afternoon

Will do admin next quarter

OASIS standard to include as part of this WG


FHIR comments:

All Typos have been pre-approved by the core group

#5335: Add reason [0..*] toSecurityEvent.Event resource - defer to subcommittee that deals with DICOM data model – will invite folks – Rob Horne has been contacted to coordinate to plan the Tcon to discuss

#5336 – also securityEvent related – same approach as #5335

#5337 – also securityEvent related – same approach as #5335

#5338 - also securityEvent related – same approach as #5335

#5339 - also securityEvent related – same approach as #5335

#5341 - also securityEvent related – same approach as #5335

#5342 - also securityEvent related – same approach as #5335

#5343 - also securityEvent related – same approach as #5335

#5336: in Finical Management wanted submit a document that is similar to document manifest, but that may need a few changes:

Change subject from 0..* or change the reference

documentManifest.content – add attachment as allowable reference choice, since that allows the metadata about the embedded bits plus the bits themselves. – maybe we can update documentReference to allow attachment and move some attributes from documentReference to attachment? But for those that are not using attachment they would loose some attributes.

DocumentReference: Review

Add organization to list of allowed authors to be referenced – no need for author type – most responsible that would be

DocumentReference is searchable on Title, but can still

Motion to

Replace “location” in DocumentReference with “attachment” using datatype attachment and remive any duplicate attributes from documentReference

Add “organization” to list of “author” in both DocumentRefernce and DocumentManifest

Decrease cardinality of documentManifest.subject from 1..* to 0..*

Decrease cardinality of documentReference.subject from 1..1 to 0..1

Decrease cardinality of documentManifest.masterIdentifier and documentReference.masterIdentifier from 1..1 to 0..1

Add Attachment to choice allowed in documentManifest.content

Josh Mandel, Keith Boone, further discussion, against: 0, abstain: 7, in favor: 19

#3371: Composition resource:

Composition.class comes from XDS document work in IHE

Type and class have now better definitions in IHE ITI work – they should be updated – there is a comment for documentReference and also fix it here – see #3771

This comment is about the discrepancy between the name of the attribute class and the valueset name of typecode

Motion to change valueset name for the class attribute to classcode – Keith Boone, DP, no further discussion, against: 0, abstain: 6, in favor: 20

#3771: Find persuasive and also apply to composition resource John Moehrke, DP, no further discussion, against: 0, abstain: 9, in favor: 16

#3213: DocumentReference.author cardinality should be 0..* instead of 1..* - in XDS author is ONLY human or device, so it could be empty? Snce we added organization to author in #5336, we don’t need this anymore. Reject.

#3281: hashing details – update definition of hash to clarify what encoding to use. In XDS document just mentions SHA1 – we have disconnect between hash in documentReference and attachment – need to make the same in both resources – seems to be fixed in nightly build

What is the difference between the base64 and hex64 – one of these uses a more web-friendly mapping table (+/ or -_) dashes and underscores do not encode in URLs SHA1 dataype in XDS requires hex64. Base64 reduces the opportunities for misusing string to binary functions for developer benefit also no capitalization checks. Will need to update MSD to explain to servers to convert from hex64 to base64 when using MSD -> FHIR.

#2972: Resolved based on #5336

Tcon selection date/time

#3766: DoumentManifet needs query parameter for source – find persuasive Keith Boone, DP no further discussion, against: 0, abstain: 6, in favor: 18

Q4 Minutes

Goals for Today

-Determine the action plan, not to resolve all the issues

Quick update of Workgroup formation events -

  • Submitted the workgroup formation to the steering division - part of T3SD - approved.
  • TSC approved yesterday noon.
  • Now this is an official workgroup and meeting.

OASIS (AmitPropit)

  • PHER working item - working product = TEP. Project to use ADT V2 messages to exchange send data from EMS to hospitals. Working in progress in PHER on an implementation guide to map V2 to OASIS TEP. Not much of an issue with HL7 processes etc. Going through regular HL7 schedule etc.
  • 2nd Item = HAVE - Hospital availability. OASIS specification to submit daily reports to central location resource availability such as open beds (ICU, burn unit, etc). Helps direct ambulance to the correct spot without wasting minutes diverting. Unclear which working group will be sponsoring it. Patient Administration or PHER are candidates. OASIS wants to take the HAVE and run through the HL7 process to get HL7 endorsement. Is this something thisnew group should be aware of, guiding etc? Point made HL7 should be able to do this without difficulty. There is guidance in the GOM.

SDTC – Structured Document Extensions (Lisa Nelson)

  • A wiki page has been created to manage all the SDTC extensions. Allowing developer to see which extensions have been created and approved making them available for reuse.
  • Structured Docs wiki – link on lower right hand sideon their wiki
  • Also working on producing a schema in GForge to allow validate of CDA content using the SDTC extension.

Review of HSI Workgroup Proposal and Next Steps (Todd Cooper)

  • Review the workgroup proposal doc and the work items the staff are working on to formalize and launch the workgroup such as setting up the listserv, creating wiki presence, assigning a conference code number, etc.
  • Plan to all time for set up work to be done (perhaps a week or two?)before pursing additional meeting set up.
  • Plan for press release - Chris Carr has already written a draft for use with IHE. Recommended to jointly publish press release with IHE. Nominate Chris to work with H7 staff (Melanie) to get the press release out. Chris agreed to take on the responsibility.
  • Further review using example from PCD pages of what to expect for upcoming web/wiki pages and work that will be needed to get those off the ground.
  • Will wait for the HL7 staff to put the tools together, then when the mailing list is created will send out a doodle poll for meetingtimes and frequency. (Recommend at least every two weeks).

Review of List of Issues to date held by Chris Carr

  • Discussion of what datawill be helpful to know and manage the list of items (issue name, description, originating workgroup, IHE/Domain Committee, HL7 assigned workgroup, points of contact, status, comments, etc)
  • (may behelpful to have John Moherke share with us how the FHIR Management Group is managing their issues list - we may learn from them. )
  • Propose- one tab the holds the issues, and another that has a designatedliaisonto working group/domain committee.
  • Propose - add a champion column… the main responsible person for the line item (suggestion - try the RACEY model) - may choose to evolve to more structure later.
  • Status - perhapssomething like submitted, assigned, in progress etc (think CP tracking at IHE).
  • May need to consider keeping this list in GForge tracker and manage it there. It has the benefit ofhaving good search and filtering.
  • Keith Boone will get the GForge set up for this workgroup.
  • ThenChris Carr will work towards getting the list into GForge tracker.
  • Reviewed each line item and Identified HL7 workgroup. Chris Carr will carry forward into the GForge tracker data

Spriometry (Vince)

  • Request from a clinical group to develop a standard for recording patientspriometry information.
  • Spain has created an implementation guide in Spanish.
  • Vince translated the Spanish guide into English but there is work that remains tobe done such as OIDS (current are Spanish - not international) and globalizing the terminology for terms that are still in Spanish.
  • ISO TC215 - would like to see IHE or HL7 owning the standard and maintaining it.
  • Need to assign toPCD at IHE and Patient Care Devices at HL7. (primary = HL7). Todd Cooper will bring this one up with the HL7 Device team. Specifically John Rhodes.

Other business

Keith Boone = question re: ballotsor manageresources right now?

  • Answer - The intention is for this workgroup to effect true collaboration. One of our main functions is to look at the issues, determining who needs to be part ofdiscussion and facilitating that discussion. Ensuring the proper level of coordination is the main function of this working group.

Request from FHIR for control of -

Document Reference and Document manifest.

Security/Security Events

Will need TSC leadership engagement for the governance.

Working Group Meetings will be Thursday afternoons Q3 and Q4. (same time in Paris)

Attendance Sheet