Reading RTI Lesson Activities Guide: 2015-16
Focus Area / Tier I Activities/Resources / Tier II Activities/Resources / Tier III Activities/ResourcesPhonemic Awareness / (studies show that trying to address phonemic awareness at the base level with adolescents does not improve their reading) / Language! Live
Phonics, Decoding
Vocabulary/ Word Recognition /
- Teaching Vocabulary Through Differentiated Instruction with Leveled Graphic Organizers
- Sadlier Vocabulary for Success
- Words Their Way with Struggling Readers 4-12
- Language! Live
- Words Their Way with Struggling Readers 4-12
- Concept Map
- Flag Words
- Knowledge Rating
- Root Word Jeopardy
- Vocabulary Quilt
- Vocabulary Squares
- Word Bench
- Word Sorts
- Word Walls
- Brainburst
- Break it Down
- Get to the Point
- Picture This
- Root Word Card Games
- Vocabulary Password
- Word Chart
- Word Wizard
Fluency / Pace
- Speed Drills
- High Frequency Word Cards
- Give Me Five
- Word Dash
- Connect-a-Dot Sentences
- Sight Word Drills
- Phrase Drills
- Poetry Readings
- Book Room Resources
- SIM (sentence writing strategy for developing grammatically correct sentences ranging from simple to complex. It moves from sentence composition to paragraph and essay compilation)
- Read Aloud or Books on Tape
- Buddy or Peer/Pair Reading
- Choral or Echo Reading
- Reader’s Theatre
- Punctuation Cards
- Oral DOL practice
- No Red Ink Exercises
Comprehension /
- Anticipation Guide
- Chunking the Text
- Directed Reading and Thinking Activity (DRTA)
- Graphic Organizers
- Guided Reading
- Interactive Reading Guides
- Jigsaw
- K-W-L Plus
- Point of View Study Guides
- Previewing the Text
- QAR (Question/Answer Relationship)
- Read Aloud
- Reciprocal Teaching
- Retelling
- SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review)
- Think Aloud
- Venn Diagram
- Visual-to-Print
- Book Room Resources (select schools)
- Reading Express
- Scholastic Short Reads (for middle)
- Book Room Resources (select schools)
- Reading Express
- Scholastic Short Reads (for high)
- McGraw Hill Corrective Reading Comprehension
- Scholastic Scope (grades 6-8) for middle
- Scholastic Action (grades 6-12) for middle and high
- Scholastic Story Works (grades 3-6) for middle
- Scholastic Scope (grades 6-8) for high
- Scholastic Story Works (grades 3-6) for middle and high
(Comprehension practice readings with m.c.)
- practice readings with m.c. and short answer)
- practice readings and lesson resources)
- practice readings with m.c. and short answer)
- practice readings with m.c. items and read-aloud)
- (Comprehension practice readings with m.c. and short answer)
Writing /
- SAS Curriculum Pathways
- Step Up to Writing
- Empowering Writers