GCW-CNT-5/Doc.2.1, p. 19

Steering Group
Forth Session
Cambridge, UK
16-19 January, 2017 / GCW-SG-4/Doc.2.1(1)
Date: 04.01.2017
Original: ENGLISH

Observations Working Group: CryoNet Team and Best Practices Team


(Submitted by the WG Chair)

The document provides a summary of the progress, challenges, gaps and plans regarding the development of the GCW Observing Network, including the core network, CryoNet, and covering the definition of criteria, selection of stations and sites, and the development of best practices.
The GCW-SG is invited to review the attached report and to provide guidance as requested, for the topics raised[1]

Summary of changes:

Author / Date / Comments
Rodica Nitu / Dec 30, 2016 / Document prepared based on previous meetings and results
Jeff Key / Jan 2, 2017 / edits
Wolfgang Schöner / Jan 8, 2017 / Edits
RN / Jan 09, 2017 / Incorporated comments on the documents sent via email by Barry, Wolfgang, and Charles. New Section, pages 23, 24.

GCW-CNT-5/Doc.2.1, p. 19


The 5th session of the CryoNet Team took place on Sept 20-22, 2016, in Graz, Austria. The meeting prepared a series of recommendations for approval by the GCW Steering Group (GSG) regarding the definition and assessment of stations for inclusion in the GCW Observing Network, and in particular its core network, CryoNet.

As decided at GSG-3,

·  The “GCW surface observing network” is comprised of CryoNet and contributing stations. This is a type of tiered network.

·  the “components of the cryosphere” and “component variables”, rather than elements and parameters, respectively would be used.

Based on the outcome of the discussions at the GSG, the Team will propose a draft WMO Executive Council Resolution on CryoNet, through which EC will further approve the GCW Observing Network.

1.  Amended process and criteria for selection of stations/sites for the GCW Observing Network and CryoNet.

The Team requests that GSG approves the revised process and criteria, including the minimum program (required/recommended/desired variables) for all types of stations/sites and cryospheric components.

1.1  Evaluation Process

Annex 1 of this document includes the proposed revised process for evaluating stations and sites for inclusion in the GCW Observing Network, including CryoNet, as defined during the 5th session of the CryoNet Team (Annex 7 of the GCW Report No. 14).

The process was approved by the GSG-3, http://globalcryospherewatch.org/cryonet/application_process.html. The revised text provides more details on the evaluation criteria, to clarify for applicants that meeting the minimum requirements is only one part of the evaluation process, with the new text included in the footnote.

1.2  CryoNet Required, Recommended and Desirable Variables

Annex 2 reproduces the CryoNet required, recommended and desirable variables for each cryosphere component, as defined during the 5th session of the CryoNet Team. At present, required variables applies to ancillary surface meteorological variables only.

The Team is seeking approval from the GSG of proposed categories of CryoNet measurements based on their importance to the GCW program:

·  Recommended variables: Those that are essential for CryoNet and for fulfilling the GCW objectives (the list of recommended variables is defined through expert assessment to be made by the CryoNet Team). The list of recommended variables (for each component) will be used in order to determine whether the candidate Site/Station should be accepted as CryoNet Site/Station on the basis of its measurement programme.

·  Desired variables: Optional but important measurements that support CryoNet and GCW objectives (i.e. variables that are not directly used for GCW products, but known as essential parameters of cryosphere change).

·  Required variables: At present, only a core set of meteorological observations are required. These include air temperature, air humidity, wind speed and wind direction.

The lists of required,recommended and desired measurements have been compiled for each component of the cryosphere and for surface meteorology. As GCW evolves, some or all ofthe variables that are currently listed as recommended may become required. The designation of each measurement as required, recommended, or optional will be specified in GCW Best Practices Manual and GCW Best Practices Guide,which are currently being developed.

Candidate Sites/Stations measuring recommended variables or/and desired variables of one cryosphere component, and meeting all other conditions for being CryoNet Site/Station (e.g. minimum requirements), are especially suited for CryoNet.

The Chair of the CryoNet Team is requesting the GSG to consider tasking the GCW Integrated Products Working Group to define the data requirements for the CryoNet stations, to support/amend the list of proposed variables.

1.3  Endorsement by PR

Every site/station included in the GCW Observing Network must be endorsed by the PR of the country where the site is operational. An original recommendation to have a formal agreement between the NMHS of a country and the organization operating a station or site part of the GCW Observing Network has been rescinded.

The Letter of Endorsement (template provided in Annex 1) will be requested only after the completion of the assessment of the submission relative to the CryoNet criteria, and after the proponent was informed of the results and the next steps, which could include feedback on additional information or actions required to meet the CryoNet criteria.

2.  Evaluation of station/site submissions for the GCW Observing Network received prior to the CryoNet Team 5th session.

The Team requests the GSG to examine its recommendations for updating the list of stations/sites to be included into CryoNet and the list of contributing stations, as resulting from the assessment conducted.

The results of the assessment are provided in Annex 3 of this document.

3.  GCW Data Policy (in conjunction with item 2.4 of the agenda)

Noting that the WMO data policies did not entirely cover the scope of GCW data exchange requirements, a specific GCW data policy for consideration by the GSG and WMO Executive Bodies was developed and is provided as a separate meeting document.

The Team requests that the GSG reviews and approves the proposed GCW Data Policy.

4. Recommendations regarding the interfacing of CryoNet stations/sites metadata/data with the GCW Data Portal: (4.1) guidance on the collection and distribution of data; (4.2) proposal for nominating OSCAR/surface focal points, at national level; (4.3) use of NetCDF format (in conjunction with items 2.2 and 2.4 of the meeting agenda)

NOTE: a number of topics relevant to data exchange were discussed during the 5th session of the CryoNet Team, which are to be addressed by the GCW Data Portal Team. These topics are provided below for reference. These topics will be discussed in more detail as part of Item 2.4.

4.1 Guidance needs to be developed on the collection, exchange and distribution of cryospheric and associated meteorological data from the CryoNet Stations and GCW contributing stations, including data formats and aneed to update BUFR, and to be shared with the station operators. This would be included in the GCW Best Practices Manual and Guide

The status of the GCW Portal interaction with the CryoNet stations for achieving metadata and data interoperability was discussed by examining the progress on building metadata interoperability with the Weissfluhjoch CryoNet site. Next, the same process will be applied for the Sodankylä and Sonnblick sites, towards achieving metadata and data interoperability. The lessons learned from these 3 sites will enable the development of the required guidelines.

It was noted that OPENDAP and Climate and Forecast (CF) convention could be used to ensure interoperability at the data level. The GCW Interoperability Guidelines, e.g. with list of available software and implementation solutions, will be further developed in dialogue with the 3 CryoNet stations. Dr Ø. Godøy was asked to lead this action and report back at the GSG meeting.

4.2 Interaction between the GCW Portal and OSCAR was planned for discussion between Øystein Godøy (GCW) and Jörg Klausen (OSCAR) (31 Dec. 2016). The timeline of this depends on the development of machine and human interfaces to OSCAR as well as OSCAR user approval procedures. Potential solutions to be presented by June 2017, and could include:

-  an interface for editing WIGOS metadata through the GCW Portal, using the same functionality directly through OSCAR (harvesting GCW relevant information from OSCAR).

-  Use the Questionnaire to convert the CryoNet Stations/Sites metadata in XML for automatically uploading them in OSCAR/Surface, though this will require further investigation.

-  Some institutes operating CryoNet Sites/Stations could also have the option of developing their own database of station metadata, and then have the metadata submitted to OSCAR/Surface via machine to machine interface with OSCAR/Surface.

If OSCAR is used for the collection of metadata from the CryoNet Stations and contributing stations. It is recommended to invite the WMO Members to nominate GCW OSCAR/Surface focal points at the national level. The focal points would be given privileges for directly entering and editing the metadata of national GCW CryoNet Stations and GCW contributing stations in OSCAR. This could be promoted through the development of Technical Regulations for inclusion in the WIGOS Manual.

The Team agreed that the meteorological data from the GCW Observing Network (CryoNet Stations and GCW contributing stations) should be distributed on GTS/WIS, and that their instrument/platform metadata should be submitted to OSCAR/Surface, either directly through a local NMHS or GCW Data Portal or through a bilateral arrangement with an identified organization that would collect and convert received data into the WMO BUFR format.

4.3 The NetCDF formatting of the data was recommended as an alternative to BUFR; this could be automatically converted into BUFR through the GCW Data Portal. It was noted that some standard names in the CF convention might be needed, and action taken to have them added.

The Team recommended that the NMHSs should be requested to assist the Site/Stations operators with regard to the formatting and distribution of their data in [near]real-time. It requested the Secretariat to draft an Executive Council Decision in this sense, as proposed below:

Proposed draft for an EC Decision:

(i)  EC urges the National Hydrometeorological Services to provide support to their national organizations in contributing to the GCW Observing Network, with the implementation of recommended formatting of data and metadata, and allow their distribution in [near] real time, though the GTS/WIS (for data), and to OSCAR/Surface (for instrument/platform metadata)

(ii)  EC recommends that GCW Observing Network data from contributing organizations could use NetCDF as an alternative formatting system, which could be automatically translated into BUFR through the GCW Data Portal.

5.  Best Practices Team

The Team recommends to the GSG the approval of the scope of the GCW Manual and Guide and the associated road map (Annex 4).

·  the GCW Manual and Best Practices Guide, must include sections on (i) Observations for all cryosphere components, (ii) Integrated Products and (iii) the Data Portal and invites the representatives of the other WGs to contribute to the development of the respective chapters.

·  The GCW Manual will be focused on identifying the variables and associated data requirements, by cryosphere component;

·  the Guide will reflect the procedures and standard practices that will enable the availability of defined data, and reference practices addressing all aspects of the measurement (parameters, resolution, accuracy, units, representativeness, coverage), while recognizing that different applications would require observations taken using different methodologies.

It is required to verify which proposed variables are not already in OSCAR and identify applications that require the new variables, to support proposals for inclusion. Lists of variables were developed through past work (e.g. IGOS report) and need to be recirculated.

Status of ENGAGEMENTS of experts for developing the GCW Guide:

Snow and Solid Precipitation:

-  Mr Craig Smith (ECCC)

-  Coordination with HarmoSnow

Glaciers: Dr M Citterio and Dr Þorsteinsson will seek to engage experts from the World Glacier Monitoring Service

Permafrost and seasonally frozen ground:

-  Dr Charles Fierz will contact Dr. Julia Boike for recommendations on appropriate experts that could contribute to the development of the best practices guide

-  For frozen ground, Dr Fierz will contact Dr Annett Barstch, Dr Kari Luojus, and Dr Jannette Nötzli for recommendations on appropriate experts that could contribute to the development of best practices, including addressing the similarities/differences between permafrost and frozen ground

Sea ice: floating ice (Sea Ice, Lake and River Ice, Icebergs, …)

Dr Heil will contact Dr Hajo Eicken (International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska-Fairbanks) and Dr Smolyanitsky will connect with the International Ice Charting Working group for recommendations on experts that could contribute to the development of the best practices. Dr Key, Dr Heil, and Dr Smolyanitsky will coordinate their respective contacts and content development.

A chapter on ice sheets will be addressed as a separate component. For the chapter on ice shelves the plan for the development of the best practices for measurement will be developed at a later date.

Annex 1

(copy of Annex 7 of report #14)

PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO THE APPLICATION PROCESS DESCRIPTION (text in red: further modifications based on subsequent discussions with GSG Chair and Co-Chair and the CryoNet team)

GCW is open to any station that makes measurements of the cryosphere, but seeks to design a network that advances WMO’s scientific and operational objectives. The process of evaluating a station or site for inclusion in the GCW surface network is described below. It is the same for stations and sites, core (CryoNet) and contributing, unless indicated otherwise.

1.  A representative of the station or site (hereafter, the “applicant” and the “station”) completes and submits the station questionnaire (the “application”) on the GCW website (globalcryospherewatch.org/cryonet/questionnaire).

o  It is recommended, though not required, that the applicant present the station at a GCW meeting before beginning the application process.

o  By submitting the application for a core station, the applicant is implicitly agreeing that the station meets the CryoNet Minimum Requirements. A commitment to longevity, data quality, and data distribution is particularly important.

2.  In addition to the online questionnaire, a letter of endorsement is required before the station/site receives final approval. It is recommended that it be provided earlier, rather than later, in the process. For all proposed stations, that are either operated by the WMO Member’s national meteorological or hydrological service (NMHS) or another national entity, the WMO Permanent Representative (PR) of the station’s operating country must provide a letter of endorsement to WMO. (Click here for an example.) For stations that are operated by other national entities, there must be a written agreement between that entity and the PR, and the PR must provide a letter of endorsement to WMO. (Click here for an example.) For stations that are located in a country other than that of the proponent, the agreement to operate in that country and to share data as per GCW requirements must be provided. The PR of the country in which the station is located must be informed that the station could become part of CryoNet. For the mobile platforms operating in international waters by an international consortium, endorsement is done by the designated PR of the concerned countries with concurrence by the chair of the relevant consortium.