Cree Nation Youth Council
27thAnnual General Assembly
“Decide, Commit, Succeed”
Stajune Complex, Eastmain, Quebec
June 28, 29 & 30, 2016
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
8:30 amDelegation Registration
9:00 amOpening Prayer:AGA Elder Representative(s) Eastmain
Welcoming: Chief of Eastmain & Youth Chief Wendal Moar
9:30 amOpening Remarks:Interim Youth Grand Chief Alexander Moses
9:45 amAdoption of: Agenda, Resolutions Committee &
Minutes from CNYC AGA 2015
10:45 amBreak
11:00 amIntroduction of delegates: Ice Breaker
12:00 pmLunch at the restaurant for all delegates & guests
1:00 pmCree Nation Youth Council Annual Report 2015-2016
1:30 pmCNYC Projects & Events for 2016-17
2:00 pmLAUNCH: CNYC Micro-Grant Opportunities Fund
3:00 pmBreak
3:15 pmDiscussion Period: Groups
-Social Issues
5:00 pmAdjournment for the day
7:30 pm Evening Activity
Public Screening:
“Together We Stand Firm”
The Eeyouch of Eeyou Istchee
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
9:00 amOpening Remarks:
9:15 amAttawapiskat Youth: State of Emergency & recent developments
9:45 amCNYC Consultation Report; Presentation
10:45 amBreak
11:00 amCree Health Board Presentation: Chairperson Bella Petawabano
12:00 pmLunch at the restaurant for all delegates & guests
1:00 pmPresentation: Cree Outfitter’s & Tourism Association
Robin Mcginley, Executive Director
1:30 pm CNYC Cree Youth Strategic Action Plan 2016-2021
2:15 pm“Cree Housing Realities & Home Ownership”
Lawerence Katapatuk, CNG Regional Housing Planner
2:45 pmBreak
3:00 pmPresentation: Dr. Alex Thornton, Neuroscience
-Epigenetics on early childhood, Resiliency, sleep, brain & body
4:15 pmDiscussion Period: Group
-Cree Culture & Traditions
5:00 pmAdjournment for the day
Thursday, June 30, 2016
9:00 amOpening Remarks:
9:15 amAdoption of Cree Nation Youth Council By-Laws:
CNYC & John Paul Murdoch
10:30 amBreak
11:00 amPresentation CNG department of Commerce & Industry: Stephen Penner and Minnie Coonishish, Trade and Commerce Agreement & Eli Moore, CEAF program
12:00 pmLunch at the restaurant for all delegates & guests
1:00 pmDiscussion Period: Group
3:00 pmBreak
3:15 pm Resolutions for the AGA
5:00 pmClosing Remarks: Interim Youth Grand Chief Alexander Moses
Closing Prayer: Eastmain Elder