Guide to eGrants/MyAmeriCorps

For PACC*VISTA Host Campuses

eGrants/My AmeriCorps is a central location for Host Campuses to recruit and select VISTAs. You can:

·  Create and edit service opportunity listings

·  Reach-out to potential applicants

·  Search for and review applications submitted to your project

·  Submit the sponsor recommendation

Host Campuses will access the online system through eGrants, while applicants and future PACC*VISTAs will access the online system via MyAmeriCorps.

Please note that all host campuses will share one common account hosted by Pennsylvania Campus Compact and linked to all the other host campuses for the PACC*VISTA program. This account is not related to any other eGrants you or your institution may have.

How to Log into eGrants

Log onto eGrants: Using your username and password below:


Create a Service Opportunity

1). From your home page, click on PORTAL HOME.

2). On the next screen, click on SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES.

3). If your campus has used eGrants with Pennsylvania Campus Compact, you should be able to modify your previous listing by clicking on EDIT next to your campus’ listing.

4). If your campus has NOT used eGrants with Pennsylvania Campus Compact, you can create a new listing by clicking on CREATE OPPORTUNITY LISTING.

5). To title your opportunity, use: “School Name—PACC”. The first screen looks like this:

6). The second screen looks like this:

7). Be sure to complete both screens fully, especially the dates that you will be receiving applications, and the “Make this listing available now” button. Once you submit your listing, it will be sent to the State VISTA Program for approval, and will be indicated as PENDING under STATUS in the eGrants system.

9). Once your listing is approved, it will be indicated as APPROVED under STATUS. At this point, your listing will be available for potential applicants to view on

10). To view your listing, click on VIEW:

Edit Service Opportunity (if necessary)

In this section, you can make changes to your service opportunities, including “turning it off” once you have recruited a member.

1). From your “Service Opportunities” summary list, click on EDIT next to the listing you wish to edit.

2). This will open up the opportunity in edit mode. By filling in the radial button at the top of the page, you can choose whether or not you want this listing to post.

Edit Screen 1:

The system will walk you through a series of screens so that you can edit a variety of fields. Make your changes to the listing and click on NEXT. Required fields are marked with a star. (NOTE: NEXT does not save changes)

Edit Screen 2:

Edit Screen 3: Make sure to complete and be specific in the field “Explain the purpose of modification." This will facilitate the quick approval of your modified listing by the VISTA Program. Also, don’t forget to click SAVE!

Search Potential Applicants

In this section, you can search (all AmeriCorps applicants) for people who may be interested in the type of program you are offering or have specific skills that you are looking for. For example, you can search for people fluent in Spanish, or with experience in college access programs.

Using this function, you can send people an email, informing them of your opportunity. This is GREAT FOR RECRUITMENT!

1). From your Recruitment Workbasket, click on SEARCH POTENTIAL APPLICANTS.

2). From this screen, you can do a search for a specific person, or click on CLICK HERE FOR ADVANCED APPLICANT SEARCH OPTIONS.

3). On this screen you can complete a variety of fields to help you find applicants that fit your project’s needs.

4). Once you click SEARCH, you will get a list of AmeriCorps applicants that fulfill your criteria. (For this example, I search for people named “Oakley”) You can view an applicant’s information by clicking on their name.

5). Once you have clicked on an applicant’s name, you can see more information about him/her.

6). If you are interested in letting this applicant know about your position opening, you can scroll to the bottom of the page, use the scroll bar to select your listing and click SEND EMAIL.

7). After you click SEND, a confirm page will pop-up that looks like this:

You can send emails to as many applicants as you would like.

Search Submitted Applications

In this section, you can search for applicants that have applied specifically to your program, and view their applications REMINDER: All applicants to the 15 PACC*VISTA host campuses will be available in one place, so this will be essential for you to sift-out applicants for your specific host campus. To get to this section, click on SEARCH SUBMITTED APPLICATIONS.

1). Using the scroll bar, highlight your listing and then click SEARCH.

2). A list of all the applicants who have submitted an application to your listing will appear.

3). Click on the name of an applicant to view their full application.

Once you have found and interviewed the candidate that you would like to extend an offer to, contact Meghan Oakley-Henning at with the applicant’s name, so that the PACC staff can review the applicant’s information in eGrants and give you the go-ahead to formally extend the offer. After receiving the go ahead from Meghan & Char, follow the steps below.

Select & Recommend Applicants

In this section, you will select your candidate and complete some of the necessary paperwork to enroll your member.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this process you will need your candidate’s identification and service eligibility information that would be usually recorded on an employee’s I-9. You should be prepared to answer questions regarding your assessment of your candidate. Any information you provide in this section will not be saved until you click "accept", so please refrain from completing this form until you are prepared with all the information that you need to accept the candidate.

1). Navigate to your candidate’s application.

2). Check to make sure that the candidate’s references are complete by clicking on the REFERENCES tab at the top of the screen. You cannot accept your candidate unless their references are complete.

3). If their references aren’t complete, you can click on SEND REMINDER EMAIL to remind the reference to complete the reference form.

4). If the reference is unavailable or unable to complete the reference form, you can override the reference by clicking on name of the reference and completing the override form. NOTE: When completing the override form, you MUST include information on how you communicated with the reference, and what the reference had to say about the candidate.

5). If both references are complete, you can begin the acceptance process by clicking on the SPONSOR RECOMMENDATION/REJECTION tab at the top of the candidate’s application.

6). Complete all of the required fields on this form, including the boxes, if you don’t complete all fields, the form will not be able to be submitted.

7) Once you have clicked ACCEPT at the end of the Sponsor Recommendation/Rejection section, your candidate will be emailed and informed that you have selected him/her in the eGrants/MyAmeriCorps system.

8). Your candidate’s application will not be sent to the VISTA headquarters, until he/she accepts your offer in the MyAmeriCorps system. Please follow-up with your candidate to ensure that he/she completes this final step in the process.

eGrants/MyAmeriCorps Guide for PACC*VISTA 1