January, 2016

High Notes Festival at Dorney Park

As a member of the 7th & 8thGrade Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, Orchestra or Chamber Strings, you are invited to perform in the High Notes music festival on May 20, 2016. This trip is optional and is open to those individuals deemed ready to participate. This includes an average of at least 85 and exceptional class effort and attitude. Demonstration of a mastery of performance literature is also required.

Details of the trip are as follows:

  • Leave on coach buses around the start of the school day (8:00 a.m. approx.)
  • Travel to Kutztown University area
  • Perform for evaluation by a panel of judges
  • Travel by bus to Dorney Park for rides and awards ceremony
  • Return to Lower Moreland for parent pick up at 8:00 p.m. (approximate)
  • Cost to students - $90.

If you are planning to attend the festival, please return the attached permission papers and a check payable to MAS MUSIC by Friday, January29th.The $90 covers the costs for festival entry, entrance to the park, transportation and t-shirt. A more detailed itinerary will be provided as the date draws near. Approximately 24 teacher and parent chaperones are needed for the trip. Parents willing to chaperone the trip free of charge, should indicate on form below. Please note that all chaperones must have their clearances on record in the administration.

Thank you,

Mr. Champion, Ms. Dehner, Mrs. Handfinger Ms. Lillie

Return to Music Teacher by Friday, January29th

I give my permission for ______to attend the High Notes Music festival at Dorney Park, PA on Friday, May 20, 2016. Enclosed is $90 checks payable to MAS MUSIC. No refunds after April 30th, 2016

Parent/Guardian(Printed) ______

Signature ______Date ______

Student’s Name (Printed)______

I would be willing to chaperone if needed (Your Name) ______

Your T-shirt size: S – M – L – XL

Please check one below:

______My clearances are already on file in the administration office

______I will have my clearances on file in the administration office by April 1, 2016 if I am a chaperone

LowerMorelandTownshipSchool District

Field Trip Medical Information and Permission Form

Location of Field Trip: Dorney Park/Allentown Area

Date: May 20, 2016Hours: 8:00 AM – 8 PM (approximately)

Supervising Teacher: Champion, Dehner, Handfinger, Lillie Total cost:$90- checks made out to MAS Music

Completed Form Must be Returned By: January 29, 2016

Student Name: ______Grade: ______Date of Birth: ______

List any medications to be administered on the trip: ______

List any allergies (bee stings, medication, food, etc.): ______

List any serious medical conditions: ______

List any medications presently taken: ______

Father/Guardian Telephone Numbers:



Mother/Guardian Telephone Numbers:



In case of an emergency, if unable to reach parent, notify:

Name: ______Relationship: ______

Phone numbers: ______

Home WorkCell

Physician Name: ______Phone Number: ______

Dentist Name: ______Phone Number: ______

Health Insurance: ______Policy Number: ______

  1. In the event of an emergency, Lower Moreland Township School District personnel may authorize emergency medical treatment for my child as I give permission for my child to participate in the field trip described above.
  2. I agree to pay the expense of returning my child home before termination of the event if he or she does not adhere to established standards of conduct.
  3. I understand that the school is not responsible for damage or loss of property personally owned by my child.

Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______