Supplemental Information, Sin Nombre Hantavirus Decreases Survival of Male Deer Mice. AD Luis, RJ Douglass, PJ Hudson, JN Mills, ON Bjørnstad.

Supplemental Table S1. Full set of mark-recapture multistrata models tested in first analysis for survival (S), probability of capture (p), and force of infection (Psi; probability of becoming infected given survival).

model npar AICc DeltaAICc weight Deviance

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 205 12437.04 0.0000000 1.939860e-01 5668.368

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + sex + Ilag1) 206 12437.26 0.2134044 1.743533e-01 5666.430

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1perNlag1) 205 12437.62 0.5800000 1.451526e-01 5668.948

S(~stratum + sex + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 206 12438.05 1.0104044 1.170480e-01 5667.227

S(~sex * stratum + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 207 12438.08 1.0325852 1.157570e-01 5665.097

S(~stratum + sex + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1perNlag1) 206 12438.34 1.2934044 1.016041e-01 5667.510

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + sex + Ilag1perNlag1) 206 12438.37 1.3304044 9.974169e-02 5667.546

S(~month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 204 12440.75 3.7123716 3.031371e-02 5674.230

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + year + Ilag1) 219 12443.35 6.3124671 8.261056e-03 5644.490

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + year + Ilag1perNlag1) 219 12444.23 7.1834671 5.344417e-03 5645.360

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + sex + year + Ilag1) 220 12444.85 7.8067794 3.913360e-03 5643.821

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + sex + year + Ilag1perNlag1) 220 12445.34 8.2937794 3.067602e-03 5644.309

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum) 204 12448.45 11.4083716 6.463592e-04 5681.926

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + month + year + Ilag1perN) 230 12449.04 11.9980002 4.813242e-04 5626.346

S(~dummy + month + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + month + year + Ilag1) 230 12449.80 12.7560002 3.294884e-04 5627.105

S(~sex * stratum + month)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 193 12481.88 44.8345540 3.565091e-11 5738.958

S(~stratum + month)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 191 12482.04 45.0016260 3.279378e-11 5743.408

S(~stratum * sex + month)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + sex + Ilag1) 194 12482.09 45.0496743 3.201532e-11 5737.032

S(~sex + month)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 191 12483.98 46.9386260 1.245023e-11 5745.345

S(~month)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 190 12485.01 47.9718174 7.427156e-12 5748.517

S(~sex * stratum + month)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + year + Ilag1) 207 12487.55 50.5105852 2.087066e-12 5714.574

S(~sex * stratum + month)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + month + Ilag1) 204 12503.03 65.9843716 0.000000e+00 5736.502

S(~stratum * sex + year)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 196 12526.51 89.4642294 0.000000e+00 5777.160

S(~stratum)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 180 12591.05 154.0039971 0.000000e+00 5875.905

S(~sex)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum + Ilag1) 180 12599.42 162.3809971 0.000000e+00 5884.282

S(~stratum)p(~stratum + time)Psi(~stratum) 179 12602.27 165.2226326 0.000000e+00 5889.255

S(~stratum)p(~sex + stratum + time)Psi(~stratum) 180 12604.09 167.0439971 0.000000e+00 5888.945

S(~stratum)p(~time)Psi(~stratum) 178 12608.44 171.3980332 0.000000e+00 5897.561

S(~stratum)p(~sex + time)Psi(~stratum) 179 12609.94 172.8976326 0.000000e+00 5896.931

S(~stratum)p(~stratum + year * month)Psi(~stratum) 184 12612.93 175.8871151 0.000000e+00 5889.255

S(~stratum)p(~stratum + year + month)Psi(~stratum) 31 13276.68 839.6364867 0.000000e+00 6870.891

S(~stratum)p(~month)Psi(~stratum) 16 13363.39 926.3514015 0.000000e+00 6987.858

S(~stratum)p(~stratum)Psi(~stratum) 6 13672.59 1235.5471388 0.000000e+00 7317.135

S(~stratum)p(~stratum + sex)Psi(~stratum) 7 13673.92 1236.8740177 0.000000e+00 7316.456

Where ‘stratum’ is serostatus, ‘dummy’ is a dummy variable with 2 levels: 1) infected males, 2) all others (uninfected males, and all females).

Supplemental Table S2. Full set of models for the secondary analysis on the reduced data for survival (S), probability of capture (p), and transitions between strata (breeding infected, breeding uninfected, non-breeding infected, non-breeding uninfected; Psi).

model npar AICc DeltaAICc weight Deviance

S(~month + breed + SNV)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 125 6718.490 0.000000 3.384380e-01 4314.460

S(~month + sex * breed + SNV)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 127 6719.516 1.025994 2.026224e-01 4311.010

S(~month + sex + breed + SNV)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 126 6720.053 1.563524 1.548689e-01 4313.787

S(~month + sex + breed)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 125 6721.338 2.848100 8.147457e-02 4317.308

S(~month + sex * stratum)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 130 6721.924 3.433906 6.078774e-02 4306.689

S(~month + breed)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 124 6722.046 3.555819 5.719301e-02 4320.251

S(~month + sex + stratum)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 127 6722.292 3.802494 5.055662e-02 4313.787

S(~month + sex * SNV)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 126 6723.986 5.495824 2.168084e-02 4317.719

S(~month)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 123 6724.195 5.705377 1.952415e-02 4324.633

S(~month + sex + SNV)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 125 6725.160 6.670300 1.205152e-02 4321.131

S(~breed + SNV + month + year)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 136 6730.579 12.089342 8.022540e-04 4301.830

S(~breed + SNV)p(~time + stratum)Psi(~stratum) 114 6755.909 37.419049 2.535338e-09 4376.351

S(~month + breed + SNV)p(~time + SNV)Psi(~stratum) 123 6798.009 79.518977 0.000000e+00 4398.447

S(~month + breed + SNV)p(~time + breed)Psi(~stratum) 123 7054.742 412.91485 0.000000000 4655.180

Supplemental Table S3. Mark-recapture models for Jolly-Seber estimates of the number of infected individuals (It) using POPAN models for survival (Phi), probability of recapture (p), probability of entrance (pent), and super-population size (N).

model npar AICc DeltaAICc weight Deviance

Phi(~month)p(~time)pent(~time)N(~1) 372 -995.6606 0.00000 1.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month)p(~month * year)pent(~time)N(~1) 377 -940.3391 55.32153 9.70696e-13 0

Phi(~month)p(~time)pent(~month * year)N(~1) 377 -938.9652 56.69541 4.88370e-13 0

Phi(~month + year)p(~time)pent(~time)N(~1) 387 -861.4862 134.17443 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month + year + sex)p(~time)pent(~time)N(~1) 388 -856.3999 139.26069 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month)p(~month)pent(~time)N(~1) 204 2743.2206 3738.88119 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month)p(~month)pent(~time)N(~site) 205 2777.26893772.92951 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month)p(~month)pent(~time + site)N(~1) 205 2782.73193778.39248 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month + sex)p(~month)pent(~time)N(~1) 205 2783.95943779.61997 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month + site)p(~month)pent(~time)N(~site) 206 2816.20643811.86702 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~time)p(~month)pent(~month)N(~1) 204 2858.88193854.54247 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month + site)p(~month + site)pent(~time)N(~site) 207 2860.64333856.30388 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month + site)p(~month + site)pent(~time + site)N(~site) 208 2905.08943900.75001 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month + site + sex)p(~month + site + sex)pent(~time + site) 210 2983.39163979.05217 0.00000e+00 0


Phi(~month)p(~month + year)pent(~time)N(~1) 219 3537.89484533.55542 0.00000e+00 0

Phi(~month + site + sex)p(~sex * month + site) 224 3939.99444935.65501 0.00000e+00 0

pent(~time + site + sex)N(~site * sex)

Figure S1.Captures of mice over the full study period by sex and antibody status.

Figure S2. Captures of mice for the reduced dataset for the second analysis by breeding and antibody status.

Figure S3. Captures of mice (full dataset) by age, following the definitions of Fairbairn (1997): juveniles < 14g, subadults >14 and <17g, and adults > 17g.