(optional module ST5-7, 3 months)
This module is designed for senior StRs (5-7) in the West of Scotland who wish to
develop an interest in pain management. Following approval by the training committee, a start date for this module can be negotiated with the Regional Advisor in Pain Medicine and your College Tutor. Dr Margaret Owen supervises this module and can be contacted by email or via the pain clinic at the NewVictoriaHospital. Trainees should make contact with Dr Owen at least two weeks before the start of the module.
While the focus of this module is primarily chronic pain, candidates can negotiate greater exposure to acute pain and palliative pain. For acute pain blocks, Dr Judith Wilson at Falkirk will supervise. For palliative care exposure, Dr Helen Morrison, at the Beatson Oncology Centre, should be contacted in good time, to allow co-ordination of sessions.
The Advanced Pain Fellow, who compiles the rota will contact you prior to the module to confirm any oncall dates and agree any leave dates. They will also co-ordinate the monthly tutorials and other educational opportunities. A rota will be emailed to you prior to your first week.
Learning Agreement:
The aim of the block is to achieve the competencies set out in the RCOA document CCT in Anaesthetics, Higher Level Training. (see optional units, pain medicine). Trainees undertake to attend around 40 pain sessions during their three months to give a broad mix of chronic, acute and palliative pain exposure. As well as medical sessions, trainees should spend some time with other members of the pain team: nurses, physiotherapists and psychologists. There will be some theatre time and interested trainees will be able to perform some interventional procedures under supervision. It may be possible to attend some sessions at the Glasgow Pain Management Program by arrangement.
Trainees must attend the monthly pain tutorials, local MDT meetings and will be expected to participate as part of the multidisciplinary pain team, seeing patients under supervision, where appropriate.
For successful completion, the trainee must submit evidence of the required knowledge and skills.
Essential evidence:
- Completed Logbook(could this be linked?)
- Two case presentations. At least one of these must be at the monthly
tutorial morning and should be formally assessed. The other can be at one of the clinical MDT meetings.
- 2 DOPS
- 1 CbD
- 1 MiniCEX
- Multisource Feedback Exercise.
- Completed checklist with trainee feedback (this can be found on WOSSA website)
Optional evidence:
- Written case report (see guidance notes )
- Attendance at local pain meetings (such as the WOSPG, NBPA or other national meetings)
- Involvement with new or ongoing audit and research projects
The Faculty of Pain of the RoyalCollege of Anaesthetists
Trainees must register with the Faculty at the beginning of their module. They should contact Dr Lisa Manchanda, the Regional Adviser, who will organise this. At the end of the module, copies of the sign-off documents need to be submitted too. This is especially important if trainees are considering Advanced Training in Pain Management.
Clinical Portal and e-form access
As all pain clinics now use EPR, it is essential that trainees have not only access to theclinical portal, but arrange to have access to the chronic pain eforms, prior to the start oftheir block. Without this it will not be possible to see new patients independently in clinic.Trainees should contact the IT helpdesk at least two weeksbefore the start of the block and ask for chronic pain eform access.
Due to the distribution of pain clinics around Glasgow and the number of trainees
attending the clinics at any one time, there is some travelling involved in this rotation.
Also, clinics and theatre lists are subject to cancellation due to leave, so to avoid chaosand maximize opportunities for all trainees, timetables are coordinated by the advancedtrainee, and corrected for clinic cancellations/avoidance of overcrowding, etc. As a point of courtesy, it is important that you e-mail or phone in advance to confirm yourattendance at the out-of-Glasgow clinics. If you know in advance that you will be unableto attend a timetabled session for any reason (e.g. leave, post-on call), please let theadvanced trainee know at the start of your module. If you are unexpectedly unable toattend at short notice, please inform the relevant clinician/secretary. A link to the mastertimetable and contact details for all the relevant secretaries and clinicians can be foundon the WOSSA/pain homepage.
Educational Opportunities
Part of the educational component of this module includes a tutorial morning, usually ahalf day towards the end of the month. This session will be attended by all trainees. Oneor more of the pain consultants will facilitate the session. Please see the ‘tutorialinformation’ document on the website for further details or contact the advanced painfellow.
Psychology clinics present a unique problem, because of the sensitive nature ofconsultations. As a general rule, the psychologists are happy for one trainee to sit in on new patient consultations, but not return clinics. To arrange a session please speak tothe relevant psychologist directly. It is important you get some exposure to psychologyduring your module.
Palliative Care: To arrange a one week attachment please contact Dr Helen Morrison,BOC at least 1month before you wish to undertake the palliative care sessions. Theweek may be either at the BOC or at a local hospice.