Pray This Week for . . .
* Reynold Entz as he is recovering from knee surgery last week.
* WDC members participating in a Hispanic women’s gathering in Dallas this weekend.
* the church around the world as members prepare their hearts for Lent beginning this week.
* those working in service through Mennonite Mission Network.
Give Thanks This Week for . . .
* the ways we experience the presence of God in unexpected situations.
* MCC and the opportunities to be a witness to the love of God around the globe.
Zion Notes:
* March 1 is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season. You are invited to prepare your hearts as we share in the journey to the cross. Beginning on Wednesday, there will be two “prayer centers” set up in the church building. One will be at the back of the sanctuary called “Stations of the Cross” for adults. The other will be in the basement (room north of kitchen) for children. A canvas labyrinth will be in that room for anyone to use. Each center will have handouts to assist you in your time of prayer.
Thank you: I want to thank you very much for many expressions of prayer. Your food is delicious, the flowers are beautiful, and your cards are encouraging. I also get a blessing out of the Sunday morning worship on CD which is delivered to my door. –Edna Stucky
Pastor Karen’s schedule: Office hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. – 9:00-12:00 at the church. Tues./Thurs. mornings will work from home. Tues./Thurs. afternoons at Prairie View. Home phone: (316)799-2857; Cell: (316) 212-1029;
Zion Mennonite Church
P.O. Box 68, Elbing, KS 67041 (316) 799-2071
Pastors: Ray Reimer/Rosie Epp
Interim Pastor: Karen Andres
Zion Mennonite Church
February 26, 2017
Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Worship at 10:45 a.m.
Love your neighbor as yourself. Matt. 22:39
Gathering and Praise
*Gathering Hymn For the fruit of all creation HWB #90
Welcome, Introductions, Announcements
*Call to Worship (read in unison) HWB #726
Hymn of Praise My life flows on Adult Choir
arranged by Craig Courtney
Sharing the Word
Children’s Time Karen Andres
Scripture reading Matthew 22:34-50
Message “The second is like it?” Ron Byler
Responding and Confessing
Response Hymn There’s a wideness in God’s mercy HWB #145
Offertory/Offering Mennonite Mission Network
Sharing Celebrations and Concerns
*Sending Hymn Come, come ye saints HWB #425
*Please stand if you are able
Greeters: Keith and Dianne Wiebe
Musicians: Carol Klingenberg, piano/organ
Nick Preheim, Adult choir director
Worship Leader: Stephanie Entz
Welcome to our worship service. Today we welcome Ron Byler, Executive Director of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). MCC offers us opportunities to serve people around the globe. Jesus said to “love your neighbor as yourself.” May we follow Jesus’ calling to love all people.
Last Week at Zion Mennonite Church
Worship attendance 76
Offering (Camp Mennoscah) $671
This Week at Zion Mennonite Church
Women in Mission 1-4 p.m. Feb. 27
Wednesday evening meal and activities 6 p.m. Mar. 1
6:00/supper; 6:30/choir; 7:15/Adult Bible Study
Ash Wednesday Mar. 1
Greeters: Ann Schowengerdt Next Sun.
Musicians: The Nine/The Nine/Edna Andres Next Sun.
Offering: Local Fund Next Sun.
Calendar of Upcoming Zion Events
Pastors Ray & Rosie on sabbatical leave Jan. 1, 2017-Mar.31
Spiritual Life Board @ Zion noon Mar. 5
Zion Deacons at Pastor Karen’s 7:00 p.m. Mar. 7
Arli Klassen (MWC) @ Zion (MCC lunch at noon) Mar. 12
Palm Sunday Service with Grace Hill @ Zion 7:00p April 9
Maundy Thurday Service with Grace Hill @ GH 7p April 13